Radiant Historia

Why aren't you playing the last good game to be released on the 3DS?

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Because I'm waiting for the damn undub.

Quit being a fag, the dub is great

is this a turn based rpg?

Because it's not the 13th and I don't steal games via piracy like all the thieves here do.

>piracy is stealing
good goy

Strange Journey isn't out yet.

Does it really not have Japanese voices?

So what's the difference between this and the DS version besides the character portraits?

Sushi Striker Way of Sushido and Strange Journey Redux are still coming as well.

I’m getting this on Tuesday.

fpbp. Also it's just not as good as I remember it being. For a remake this game is just so barebones.

its a port though

It doesn't seem like a remake to me, is the same as FF games ports for the gba. They added a couple of extra dungeons and maybe tweak some things, but nothing more than that.

Isn't there supposed to be a new extra timeline?

what an extremely important and interesting conversation

Yes, a very good one with an interesting battle system

Voice acting, and a new scenario

Also, slight adjustments to mechanics (like EXP gain and non-active members doing shit during combat)

It's out?

I'm the guy who undubbed the 3DS SMT games, let me get right on it if the CIA is already out.

Because I already played it on DS

cia subforrum on 3diso.

I played it on the DS and it was shit.

Already found it but thanks. Expect undub in few hours.

How significant is the new third timeline?

Thanks, based user

Well, guess no point in you trying it again. I hope you like Alliance Alive or Strange Journey redux

That would be amazing

Oh canzah, godspeed dude! Yeah it's out on 3dsiso. Let me ask, this time is it possible to unlock all the dlc at once too?

Time it will take will basically depend on whether or not I'll have to re-encode the videos for cutscenes like I had to with SMT4 and SMT4A.
Still waiting for Alliance Alive and SJ Redux to come out as well.

>people keep crying its a good game
>sells like shit
>cry when no success
Lets be honest, how many of us will actually buy this?

>Let me ask, this time is it possible to unlock all the dlc at once too?
Nah, you'll need a CIA for that, just wait for release date, once it's out you can grab ALL DLC instantly, even the DLC that will come out later, because Nintendo's policy is to have all DLC files uploaded to server at once, so when you have a key for one of them, you can get all of them directly from the server.

Why did you post a picture of Radiant Historia?

Strange Journey Redux is coming out later this year.

Radiant Historia sold beyond expectations and they had to reissue copies, I am pretty sure.
Hence why they put out the game again.

So, as long as we have freeshop, we get them.
But if the dlc has new content, it will need to go through the undub process too, I guess?

No one fucking asked for a re-release.
Should've been a sequel.

I already bought it last year. Bought the original DS game forever ago over black and white in English. No regrets. Only complaint I have with 3ds release is the bad new art.

A new character and a new scenario but apparently her stuff is pretty optional and doesn't intrude on the main story a whole lot.
Two new modes. One lets you access the new scenario while you're playing through the game like normal, and the other saves it for endgame/NG+ and you just play through the original story uninterrupted.
Two new difficulties, easy and hard. Easy seems like Persona's Safety difficulty since you can't bump it up once you select it. You can swap between normal and hard mode though.
Characters are balanced properly now. Aht doesn't break the game against anyone who isn't immune to traps anymore.
Reserve members can activate support skills during battle to help you out.
A new challenge dungeon.

Probably some other stuff I missed but that's off the top of my head.

Nobody asked for a sequel.
It's a nice, complete story

The reissue was years long after the game came out though

>But if the dlc has new content, it will need to go through the undub process too, I guess?
All Atlus DLC is ALWAYS disc-locked with exception of Persona Q.
I already checked JPN version of Radiant (has been sitting on my HDD since September or so waiting for the US version) and all the DLC was locked on the cartridge for JPN so I'm sure it's the same for US.
Currently about to start decrypting the US CIA before I can unpack it.

How long is the new scenario? 1-2 hours?

Of course, why would I assume that DLC close to launch is not already on disc?
It's a sad state of affairs, but I get the games for free anyway.

Looking forward to it

Yay, thanks dude, you are great.

It's set aside from the main story and you can access it whenever you want depending on which mode you pick. It's pretty much Stocke jumping into "what-if" scenarios/timelines apart from the main story and finding shit for the new qt character.

i like to play those 2 but im waiting for DQ11 3ds
as for RH i already play it on android(DS emulator) i actually like the story but i got bored midway of the story and cheat my way through the end

i really like the twist at the end though

>Alliance Alive
Wasn't that from the devs of that shit Legend of Legacy? Unless I'm mistaken, I'm not touching garbages from those shit developers again.

Alliance Alive fixed everything wrong with LL, Japan gave it 4.5/5 rating on Amazon which is extremely high because Japs love review bombing.
Overall Japs sang praises about Alliance Alive and said it's a day/night difference from LL.

pic related

This is one of those cases where they fixed everything that was wrong with the first game and it ends up being a genuinely good game.

Impressions from the japanese release indicate they fixed a ton of shit (bigger party, better defined classes and abilities, actual story mode)

You know what's sad? There is a DLC for original portraits, but it doesn't change the princess' sprite to the original. Meaning the sprite will still have long hair of the new version and you can't do shit about it.
I may look into modding the sprites after I undub it though.

Piracy = theft
Deal with it cancer.

Alright, decrypted, time to undub.

Good news is there are no prerendered cutscenes to re-encode in this one like SMT4 and SMT4A, meaning the undub will be done very quickly.
1-2 hours tops.

Is the game even good? I have literally never even seen a gameplay screenshot of it despite always hearing it's a top ds game.

Second coming of Chrono Trigger (but with different combat system) in terms of storyline and music.

>dyke vs MOMMY

>pirated this on DS
>was going to buy the 3ds version but I want Japanese dub
>Lmao 2pirate

It's a good rpg. The characters are good, Stock is a great protagonist, the time travel/timeline hopping shit is interesting and the grid combat is pretty fun once you get things going or aren't using Aht to blow through everything that isn't a giant spider.

Do I need to play the other Radiant Historia games first?

Kind of lazy. They could've made a full remake, fixing the flaws of the original, but decided instead to devote the time to adding this obnoxious extra character.

No, there is only one Radiant Historia game, and this is an improved port of it.

Anyone play the 3ds verison to know if you can swap out stocke of the main party or is he still forced?

Forgot to attach my pic

>playing an undub of a game with great English voices and where the characters would realistically be speaking English anyway

For what purpose?

> I have literally never even seen a gameplay screenshot of it despite always hearing it's a top ds game.
Does google not work for you or something? Are you retarded? Do your handlers know you're on a computer right now?

This is you

Just leave this issue alone unless you wanna trigger the weeaboos. Noone wins this kinda argument

Rabid weebfraggotry

>Just leave this issue alone unless you wanna trigger the weeaboos
>autistic all caps ragespasm ahead of schedule

here they come

>Great English voices
I'll believe it when I hear it, post the cast list

Yeah i shouldve expected that

What are your favorite RPGs on the system? I've got quite a few but am looking for suggestions before they become impossible to find. Give me any and all recommendations.

Literally too many to list, 3DS is a RPG Machine.

What changes are there in this "perfect" edition and undub when

On the 3DS:

SMT IV- IV Apocalypse
Bravely Default - Second
Dragon Quest VIII
And Stella glow (this one is a SRPG tho)

Who cares about the names of the people. Listen to the actual voices.


SMT IV and SMT IV apocalypse. My first experience with SMT and it was awesome. The only fault is the first person turn based battle system.

Perfect mode integrates the new character/scenario into the main story. The other mode has the new character/scenario be a separate thing you can check out later

Where do i get the CIA?

this desu, going blindly into SMT IV was one of the best experiences regarding RPGs that I had

>Who cares about the name of the people
The absolute state of western voice acting.
That said the voices are decent, Heiss sounds really good, I don't know what I expected with Marco, but it was good considering.

>SMTIV/apocalypse. Its demon collecting boss slaying fun.
>Bravely default - addicting turn based and class system. The sequel's story is super bland in comparison though so play the first one.
>Dqviii is just as great as it was on ps2, also new dungeons/sidequests/bosses/party members so it's a treat.

That DLC made it so easy to just get to lvl 99 and fuckin rekt everything for the entirety of the game.

Undub done and currently uploading, in the meantime I'll install it on my 3DS and see if everything is fine before I post the link.

which dlc? I didn't get any, except the free ones

I'm gonna say rune factory 4, smt: devil survivor overclocked or xenoblade chronicles.

I'm also gonna recommend the bravely default games, 7th Dragon 3 code VFD, Crimson Shroud and Persona Q. Also be on the lookout for the SMT: Strange Journey remake whenever it comes out.
Also If you have a hacked 3ds, radiant historia got leaked

>Crimson Shroud
It's an interactive book. And I don't mean visual novel, I mean actual book.

>Check out later
Like after you beat the game? I don't understand the integration aspect since the two timelines are built that you jump between them constantly. Does perfect mode force you into that timeline to progress the story (assuming it's a 3rd timeline)? Does the other mode have it unlocked at some point in the story but you can chose to ignore it if you want too?

>The absolute state of western voice acting.
Yeah, how about caring about HOW GOOD THE VOICE SOUNDS IN GAME instead of hero-worshipping the voice actors. Fuck this weeb celebrity bullshit.

It's called "Experience of the Afterlife", and it costs $1.99. It allows you to travel to an alternate realm and defeat enemies for XP. Went from lvl 36 to 99 in about 30mins. It's good if you just want an easy ride through the game.

It's not about celebrity worship, a good VA ends up being known for their good performances, which is how you can immediately tell if voice acting will be good or bad based on the actors involved. There's bad Jap VAs as well.

I don't usually use dice rolls or respec equipment to read books, but okay user.

It does have actual battles, position, equipment etc.

No, the regular, original game in the DS had the two timelines thing, it's the main mechanic. In the 3DS they apparently added this one new character. In perfect mode, she pops up in certain points of the story. in the other mode, you do the "untainted" story of the original DS game, and then check out the new character's story later.

Upload 45%, installation on 3DS less than 10% done, so do you want me to post the link once the upload is done and before I'm finished testing or wait until I test to make sure everything's alright?

Can you transfer all your stuff to from the demo if it's the EUR version, to the full game (USA Ver.)?

I didn't know it was out.

As a newfag, should I go with the orginal mode or the perfect mode? As in, the untouched mode where new content is locked to postgame or the one where new content is integrated into main story?

There's a mode to just skip to the new content instead of replaying the entire game.

You could probably use JKSM to manually inject the save.