Am I a faggot for enjoying COD:BO1 hard-core?

Am I a faggot for enjoying COD:BO1 hard-core?

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>Am I a faggot for enjoying COD


maybe if it wasnt full of gayboi hackers. mw3 is horrible now. aimbots everywhere

>Black Ops 1

Nah, it's one of the better CODs.

MW3 was always horrible

I hate the servers on BO1 pc because the only servers that run populated DLC maps/separate game types are stupid fucking Hardcore Crouch mode servers. I want to run around and shoot people like I did in search and destroy back in 2011. Not crouch walk everywhere.

BlOps is when COD became kosher on Sup Forums

Yes. Despite the name, "Hardcore" is baby mode.

>enjoying video games
Get the fuck off Sup Forums faggot

hardcore/low time to kill gets rid of skill and weapon balance and just comes down to map knowledge and who sees who first, especially with snap aim with controllers.

>hardcore mode
>use the G11

>t. le reddit patrician

Are there any consistently populated servers in PC BO1 that are non-hardcore, DLC map rotating, Search and Destroy servers?

It's all tdm/domination

>Am I a faggot

>Multiplayer Map
>Gun (and attachment)
>Game Type
>Zombies Map

For me it's
>AK-47 with Suppressor
>Search and Destroy

How do we fix CoD, bros?

What’s the key to bringing back the magic of classic IW?

only uav, airstrike, and a chopper that u can take down easily

>commando with suppressor and/or m16 with acog
>never liked zombies

Fix the movement speed and map design, take out all of the retarded killstreaks. CoD's gameplay isn't that hard to fix.

>that time you skipped summer school to the easter egg and had to repeat 11th grade

Haven’t played since like 2012
>Rocket map
>Always go woodland, think I liked Tiger as well
>Search and destroy is the only thing I can continuously play and not get bored of

>never liked zombies
If you weren't playing Zombies then why were you playing CoD? The MP degraded into shit of the highest caliber.

*knifes you*
*T-bags your body*
Shut up.

Change the chopper with either predator missile or harrier strike

It was the last "good" cod, so no

No, you're a faggot for posting here.

Zombies was always boring to me. Sorry I don't have shit taste.


You can't say that while simultaneously admitting to playing CoD MP after MW2. It has been agreed for nearly a decade Zombies is only the acceptable reason to still play CoD and even then only the Treyarch ones are good.

>Playing cod strictly for MP/campaign
>not shit taste

This underageness is exactly why CoD has only gotten worse.

I think the best part about black ops 1 that constantly kept my attention was the fact it came with both MP and Zombies. Whenever you get bored of MP, 30 seconds later you're in a zombies match with like 4 other dudes. Whenever you get tired of shitters in zombies, 30 seconds later you're queuing up for Nuketown 24/7 or DLC Map fever with all your bros.

It was perfect.

It's also the only one that came two free zombie maps. Tranzit didn't really count as two.

>It's a Crouch-only no shotguns episode
Faggots can fuck right off with this shit

At the time of BO1, it got more and more complex with the zombie map releases but not stupidly complex. Now there's gobblegums and all these different events so it just seems needlessly complex, especially after going from Moon to Transhit

I never said that I played campaign. Campaign is a think that you only play once and then you never play again.


>Someone tea bags me
>Proceed to kill them, and only them, for the rest of the game
>They always, without fail, message me some butthurt shit
Talk shit get hit

Hey man people have different taste. I also only play mw2, blops, and mw3.

Thanks for catching that

Yea that's true for sure. But give BO3 classic maps a try with the Gobblegums and you can have a lot fun. I saw a dude get to round 150 on Nacht Der Untoten with no cheats because of Gobblegums.

People talk so much shit about mw3 but with the way they set up some of the classes, killstreaks, and perks wasn't all that bad. Also it was cool as shit how they released 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 maps all for free. Those were pretty fun.

COD started that shitty mlg phase of the fucking internet that was so unbearable man.

While that is true and some gobblegums seem cool, at the same time I feel like it defeats the purpose of some of those old maps, especially nacht where it's supposed to provide a kind of barebones feel. Not saying it isn't fun because it probably is, and even though I know you could just totally ignore gobblegums, it kind of saddens me that people that are new to the franchise have that level of hand holding and they can't help using it.

>CoD is ebil!!

>Gohan poster is a raging retard

The thing about COD and it's impression that it left because of its community is one thing I don't understand why people hate. It's literally just a fucking game where you go around shooting at people. It's fast, satisfying, and instantly gratifying, and I feel like there are some people missing out on a game that they may actually like just because people parrot the COD is evil meme. Take a look at it compared to now, where you have to level up in games to have a chance to get neat looking stuff that may not even impact the game. Look at COD, and every time you level up you get new weapons, new attachments, and new killstreaks that only are rewarded to you by the time you put into it. IW and Treyarch, while they still wanted to make loads of money, still knew that they should at least make their games long lasting and fun to the player.

user CoD wasn't always the center of everything wrong with vidya.

It does makes them play differently and I was skeptical at first, they're very handy for letting you get further than usual. In old Nacht Der Untoten getting to just round 20 was extremely difficult whereas now you can get to 40 easily if you max ammo keeps coming. It's not really handholding so much as making the game fair. In W@W and even Black Ops it was almost impossible to hit round 50 without glitching.

Is BO1 still populated on PC and is it filled with hackers? It's the only CoD multiplayer I truly enjoyed

He killed millions.....

>It's fast, satisfying, and instantly gratifying, and I feel like there are some people missing out on a game that they may actually like just because people parrot the COD is evil meme

It's overdone. CoD MP peaked with MW2 and has only been steadily then rapdily declining since. People should have graduated to better and more complex MP games. If a fast paced shoot em is all you want in MP then have at it, but people dislike CoD because it lacks depth and the community is genuinely terrible.

True, and I understand that kind of mentality. I also think it would have been amazing, with all of the new stuff that they have added into Zombies now, to make custom games where certain machines, weapons, perks, etc can be disabled in a settings menu.

It started with the servers being utterly infested with kids, after that it went like this:
>obnoxious killstreak abilities (lol nuke gg)
>DLC 1up-ing TES/Fallout's bullshit by being very deliberately planned
>every western dev ever copying their formula more than ever
>slowly shifting into a specialized-class sci-fi shooter
>tacky Overwatch-tier lootbox cosmetics, including some virtue-signalling cancer

That said, yes there's a lot of effort put into each game and they still contain some fun to be had, assuming you know what you're getting yourself into.

i never said that its just a shitty game series and always will be, sorry

>the screaming xbox live 13 year olds are finally old enough to post on Sup Forums
time is just slipping away isn't it

Search and Destroy with the Supressed SPAS-12

so much ragemail

>COD was pretty good up untill blops2
>every redditor and their neo-gaf wifes son hates cod now
>even some chads hate on COD
what went wrong? i remember cod used to be good and atleast improved and added features into every game and used cool settings like vietnam, alt history WW3 and the iraqistani war

>it lacks depth
With the huge influx of people that are starting to play games now, I don't really see that as a bad thing. You could get an objective based shooter like OW, PUBG, or some other games like that nowadays where a lot of it is focused on you or your team playing at peak levels. With COD, it's a good game to play if you want instantly gratifying kills where most of the skill is derived from you only. You won't get mad at your teammates because you lose (sometimes) and getting kills, while easy and simple to do, is fun in and of itself because you don't really have to worry about anything else other than "kill the bad guy". It's a fun game if you just don't want to think but you want to have fun and progress, and that's why I don't really see it as a bad thing.

>playing cod for bad mp
>doesn't play the greatest gamemode in cod franchise
Yeah, you do have shit taste.

I understand your gripe with the killstreaks and dlc, but I specifically mean the older CODs. I do think it got worse over time, it made me even lose interest but the CODs, in my opinion up to BO2, weren't that bad. I don't know anything about the cosmetics or loot boxes but the older ones where it was largely focused on see guy, shoot guy, make different classes and progress to get crazier shit, wasn't that bad.
>I spend my youth playing Soldier of Fortune's multiplayer
>basically all hardcore 30ths beating our young asses and having pure fun
>some old dudes came closer and we became friends
>even create a fun clan to jerk around
>one rich user bought a server so we could have our special place to play with each others and have geniune great memories
>one of our clan's member dies in an accident and we start growing out of SoF
It was a fun ride, friend will never be forgotten.
For me, this is the essence of a multiplayer game. All the competitive scene is just for posers and real professionals.

So like I said it's a game for casuals like everybody already knows.

Black Ops 1 MP was ruined by horrendous hit detection

And like I said I don't really see it as a bad thing. Not sure if you think of it as a bad thing or not, but casual doesn't always mean it's bad.


Yes it absolutely fucking was. Completely killed first person shooters single handedly in 2007. It's game design is far worse than the yearly release formula, which spawned series like Assassin's Creed that went on to engulf even more of what's wrong with video games.

Not him but
>Some people just enjoy shit
And they should be berated for it. Your opinion is worse than other people's. It's not equal.

Is there a Sup Forums discord for people that like to play BO1 zombies or multiplayer? Because I like to do both of those things.

If you honestly believe this then you know dick about video games. COD4 was revolutionary for making a fast paced FPS that you could sit down and play for ten minutes if you wanted to. It was fast and easy fun, just like your mom.

I hope you fucking die

In all fairness the WWII games and CoD4 were relatively fine, most people agree somewhere around MW2 is where it became cancer.

>wishing death upon someone for liking fun vidya
A bit much mate don't you think?

No, it was cod 4. It began the small map, low ttk, no recoil MP and the single player was
>Move forward
>Press x to win
With literally no level design whatsoever and it's most memorable level being an on rails interactive movie

For CoD it does. There has been a noticeable drop in the quality of CoD games and I don't know how anyone could turn a blind eye to it.

>hating bad FPS franchises is reddit
go back gafugee

>enjoying "hard-core" any cod game
not just a faggot but a normie faggot.


Well before the progression into the rabbit hole, the casualness wasn't bad imo. I only played WaW up until BO2, and while I think it started going downhill in there, it wasn't bad by any means. Games past that? I wouldn't know, but probably.

>getting this mad

Anyone? There isn't a general for it so I'm honestly really not sure.

No, even during the short lived CoD generals that pop up around the releases of the games on /vg/ no one links any discords.

Sup Forums thinks it's cool to hate Discord so no

Why would you even want that? It would be full of a bunch of bumbling retards and edgelords

I just want to play zombies with people. I feel like itd be a bit of fun.

Cash money

>Games past that? I wouldn't know, but probably.

Well that's like an entire 5 CoDs you glossed over and undeservingly gave the benefit of the doubt. CoD has become trash and the casualization as lootboxes and microtransactions only got worse. Battlefield suffered the same fate starting with 4.

Maybe they did start a trend of people that made games for profit. It doesn't change my opinion that I think the games themselves are fun.

Sup Forums doesn't like fun so you're out of luck pally

which of the "old" CoDs has the most active playerbase and is overall the best to pick up ?

>Siberia (i think its called that, the one thats blue and green)

Old old or around 2010 old? Probably MW2, if you only want to play TDM

they all range from like 500 - 2000 players

This and MW3 were my childhood

Steaksauce anyone? All the shotguns in blops were fun as shit to use.

>AK with extended mag, or M16A4 with holographic
>fall of course
>Demolition was great in it's heyday
>Ice boat one

I genuinely enjoyed Black Ops 3. It had that old arena shooter feeling where you rush the map non-stop, fly around and rail people (with a bolt sniper), and I played it pretty much like that.
Skipping any other non-treyarch CoD after BO1. Treyarch is the only hope Activision left.
I expect something good and new this year, might even buy it if its not some WW2 garbage.

No I still load that shit up from time to time homie. Uzi and lightweight chucking that tomahawk at niggas mmm

Every MW2 map was amazing. Easily the most balanced and interesting maps in any game.

>any winter one (especially dlc) or kowloon
>dual makarovs
>camo is always gay (ice and red are the only acceptable)
>hardcore domination
>all of them are great but probably kino I've dumped the most hours into and gotten the most rounds on plus it has that sexy mp40

Well if anyone wants to play BO1 zombies or muiltiplayer, add me. I have all the DLC as well.

Also, mw2 was the last CoD with sniper rifles being relevant on most maps. All other CoDs are just smg hipfire simulator with 1 square meter maps. That's sad.