Childhood is idolizing Tifa. Adulthood is realizing Yuffie makes more sense.
Childhood is idolizing Tifa. Adulthood is realizing Yuffie makes more sense
>Not Elena
Adulthood is realizing that FF7 just wasn't a very good game and none of its characters are really worthy of developing attachments to.
if we're being 100% honest and not homophobic, sephiroth is hotter than all 3
Yeah cause you're probably gay or trap lover and Yuffie is closest girl to looking like a man.
>he doesn’t like tomboys
Just how gay are you?
I don’t think I can quite fathom how much of a faggot you are.
Barret is best date
Faris is best girl
I respect your opinion
Freya Crescent is my favorite
>Childhood is masturbating to boobs, adulthood is masturbating to belly
LOL. Delusional Yuffiefags will never cease to amaze me with their folly.
Tifa has a better face, better body and better personality.
Yuffie is just dumb all around. Look at her stupid face.
Yuffie is the endgame but Aeris was legit
Tifa is straight up mommyfag tier
Actually, adulthood is realizing every female in that game is just a slum slut. It's funny to see waifufags fight over the waifus in ffvii because they're literally all whores. You know Tifa fucked basically every dude in their slum including Barret. You know Aeris is a flower prostitute who fucked every soldier. You know Yuffie fucked everyone in her village. This shit is hinted at in the game yet people refuse to believe they're sluts.
I don't like any of them but I'll say Tifa is the worst. She's a slum slut.
You are still just a child.
One day you will see the light.
tomboys are best girls
t. bitter virgin
I never could figure out how to take Yuffie on the date. Always ended up with Tifa.
Take Yuffie everywhere.
Never pick Tifa for anything.
Steal the material from the nest
Hang out with Yuffie every time you get the option.
I like how you don't even deny what I just said.
Only a bitter virgin would day dream about all women covertly being whores. There isn't a shred of evidence in favor of what you said, it's all just your bigotry speaking through
>all the guides said you got Yuffie from the forest outside the Temple of the Ancients
>you could actually get her before going to Junon
Datamining is a small price to pay for not dealing with bullshit like this
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
>tfw always liked both Tifa and Yuffie
I can't tell you how much Tifa/Yuffie yuri I've jerked it to. Also threesome with those two in it, but mostly lesbian porn.
The only Aries porn I've masturbated too is Aries/Red XIII
the guide I got from a magazine in the 90s said you can get her at junon.
the only thing I didn't know that I know now is you can stunlock ruby weapon with paralasis
how else can you even beat him without paralysis?
He will just keep knocking out party members from the field.
go into battle with 2 people dead, omnislash + mime / KotR + mime / final attack + pheonix / lucky 7777 / a literal miracle
I never managed it myself, and refuse to use cheese now that I know it.
I refuse to cheese omega in 8 with hero potions aswell, invincible status is OTT
Daily reminder.
Maturity is understanding Yuffie isn't worth the jailtime.
What I meant to say is I think cheese is really the only option. Otherwise your just forcing yourself to play by strict standards like 8's omega weapon fight
>Divine pillar
>Better use a PD and mega elixer
>Spam Limit breaks until he's dead
>Oh no he hit my party for 9998
>Mega elixer
I don't even feel mildly bad for cheesing that faggot with potions even Ultima weapon was fair (since he scaled with your level and didn't need to have a battle plan for every attack he did)
I like all of this image short of Cloud's hair. There has to have been another way.
Marry, kill, fuck
I don't get it.
Bitch can't even put her clothes on properly. Also, thievery
Is there a mod to make Tifa wear the cowgirl for the whole game?
she ain't wearin no pantsu