You’re set to take on the protagonist of the last game you played in a boxing match. They can only punch you...

You’re set to take on the protagonist of the last game you played in a boxing match. They can only punch you. Doc Louis is your coach. How long do you last?

>Bruce Wayne
Anxiety induced heart attack in my corner pre fight


Link can’t punch.
I’m good.

Even if he could I probably got 15-30lbs of muscle on him

Cadence from Crypt of the Necrodancer seems completely defenseless without a weapon, so if we're going off of their game capabilities, I'm fine. Manifested as an actual person, probably pretty evenly matched? I'm not sure how strong any of her actions make her, how powerful undead forced to dance really are.

>My Hunter from MH
Well boys it was shitty knowing you, I hate all of you too.


>f zero
>Captain Falcon

I fucking forfeit

>Tsubasa Ozara

well considering he plays actual football i should be fine, maybe.

Isn't boxing more than just muscles?
Plus Link is pretty agile, even if you were stronger he might be able to dodge.

If he's Bruce Wayne he'll probably let you win. Have to keep us appearances.