thanks doc
These doses lately haven't been up to par, doc.
thanks doc
Look, Doc, I know it says it's the same prescription even if it looks different, but it's not working as well as it used to.
Can you switch me out for the OG stuff, my man?
thanks doc
The fuck is this watered down trash? Give me the real dosage.
thanks doc
What is this, homeopathy?
This is not working for me doc. Give the me proper dosage.
This is Vegeta! He was a prison............ bitch.
thanks doc
What the fuck
No worries boys ive got you.
This isn't the real thing doc, it's another knockoff.
Who here excited for the bt3 dose, tonight?
That ancient Chinese shit just wasn't strong enough.
god APB was such an awful game. but it had nice customization.