Defend this

>zero changes whatsoever besides attempts at more stable framerates which still has drops
>$60 please

How is this allowed? Even shit like GOW3, SOTC and Crash all had significant changes or overhauls and weren't full priced. Even Mario Kart 8 atleast had a proper bump to 1080p but bayo barely has anything significant.

>inb4 it comes with bayo 1 too that's why
That game on its own is worth like $10.

Other urls found in this thread:

Most people haven't played it. I didn't pay for it so I'm not bothered by the price tag

It’s ok when Nintendo does it, because Nintendo does it best.

Because it's Nintendo.

It's pretty ridiculous that they couldn't get consistent 60 fps considering this is a last gen game

What changes did you expect OP?
It's a straight port, as it was announced that it will be.

One of the first if not the first cuhrayzee games you can take with you on the go.

Also, it does offer new multiplayer support in the form of local play if you and a friend both have the game so you're not forced to connect online for the mode.

Because no one bought it on Wii U.
It's basically a new game.

>What changes did you expect
not OP but I expect consistent 60 fps with no drops. It is a last gen game after all.

1080p 60FPS like Mario Kart did, it's ridiculous it's still 720p for some reason and they still have trouble keeping consistent 60fps like isn't the switch much stronger than the wii u?