Morrowind reccomendation

Hi all
poor-fag here
Where can I get Morrowind for free?
all my money goes to pay for rent/ food/ and college, I'm planning on buying it once I'm no longer a POS living paycheck to paycheck.
failing that, what are the absolute must have mods?
or are there any remake versions that are done and worth checking out?

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you can download it from the internet

This. Heard you can find a lot of things on the internet.

Even naked ladies

I have honestly been trying for the last month
Nothing found except a broken versiion

Jeremy this is your father. Your mother and I worked very hard to be able to send you to college. I realize you're young and don't yet understand the value of a dollar, but it would disappoint your mother greatly if we discovered you were staying up late playing computer games while you should have been studying

>naked ladies on the internet
nah, just pictures of them

Try Olaf. Parents didn't send me to anything, too busy being poor and hating school. Did you miss the part where I'm paying for all my shit out of pocket and am living paycheck to paycheck.

You need to be 18 to browse this site user.

You are either underage or have the mental capacity of an 8 year old.

bump. cmon guys.
Y'all always tallk about how amazing it was, help a guy out.

Go to pirate bay and literally just type in Morrowind and download the most seeded one.
Jesus Christ my man.