"We're not the containment boa--"

>"We're not the containment boa--"

anyone who isn't underage knows Sup Forums is a containment board

ok.. but can /vr/ steal dank memes like we can? I think not.

>Sup Forums reposts Sup Forums-related images
>/ck/ reposts /ck/-related images
>/tg/ reposts /tg/-related images
>/o/ reposts /o/-related images
>/lit/ reposts /lit/-related images
>/vr/ reposts /vr/-related images
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /biz/, Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums repost pepe and wojak

pinkjak is 100% /biz/-related

>the worst boards are the ones who repost wojack and pepe costanly
totally checks out *goes back to /ck/*

>tfw barneyfag: 7314 reposts

>Sup Forums is 5/6 Pepe and 1/6 Wojak
What a surprise.

>barneyfag is one of the top posters
What went wrong?

I'm going to /ck/ to find out the deal with that sandwich.