Forest Temple

Is it just me or is the Forest Temple pretty creepy?

It's almost like it's a ghost temple rather than a forest temple.

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It's the music, it's pretty damn atmospheric and gets right under your skin

It's a little unsettling. With the twisted corridors and flaming floating skulls.

Also that image is the worst screenshot I've ever seen.


It kinda is,it has got an atmosphere going

Probably because it's an abandoned mansion just sitting in the deepest part of the forest.

Was this taken with a Polaroid from the 80's?

But it is a ghost temple

You literally chase 4 ghosts through the entire dungeon to kill them

>tfw Zelda will never have dungeons like this again

It really captured how fucking spooky and out there abandoned structures deep in the woods can be. Its also the first time you come across Wall Masters iirc.