just finished my first run of this. what a game. it took me a long time to get into it, get used to its obsolete controls etc. but the payoff is great. also once you get hardened power armor and turbo plasma rifle the game becomes easier than solitaire.
also, the game seemed to have got really dark by the end, didn't it?
is fallout 2 nearly half as good as this shit?
Just finished my first run of this. what a game. it took me a long time to get into it...
>is fallout 2 nearly half as good as this shit?
Fallout 2 is twice as good, don't listen to nostalgiafags saying it's shit because "le pop culture references"
I don't mind popculture references, my only gripe with fallout is that it could use a little bit of humor
Then you should definitely play Fallout 2
I've tried playing it on and off for 2 hours total now, I'm really struggling to enjoy it and dropped it not long ago
I turned attack speed up, toggled on always run, even made a character with Gifted and all the easy mode stats etc
went East, got to a village and spoke to everybody, some guy wanted 100 caps which I didn't have and I supposedly had to find a rope (something I heard outside the game), nobody seemed to have a rope or a quest for me there, eventually got bored and stopped playing
especially can't stand the inventory screen or UI, combat took me a while to understand but I still don't enjoy it
do I need to give it more time than that, or will I never have fun? I don't see the fuss
I know Fallout 4 gets a lot of shit. But years after release is it worth the 14.99?
i hope you enjoy literally every sidequest in the game being a quirky meme.
no, dont go anywhere near that garbage
>is fo2 half as good
definitely. i liked 1 more, but 2 is worthy sequel. go and play it, and then replay 1, and then replay 2, those games have so much to offer on next playthroughs
This. Next playthrough, go low INT, trust me.