So Sup Forums are you male brain gamer or female brain gamer?

So Sup Forums are you male brain gamer or female brain gamer?

every single one of those games are shit

3rd option.

Don't give a shit about any games on the pic, does that make me a nonbinary tranny?

Holy shit the male brain is one of the least imaginative things I've ever seen.

why is she dressed?
>no alpha centauri
shit pic


No I'm the gamer that doesn't post reddit memes in 2018.

Muh 'gination
Yep that's a female brain

Makes you this

both are male brain stupid fucking tranny

Ask me how I know you've never interacted with a woman outside of your single parent mother

I jack off in the shower. Who thinks about games in there

Oh shit! You put the games that every one on this board hates under "female game" brain! GOTTEM. Sup Forums is so savage dog. aww man.

Both of them seem quite casual

>Wearing clothes in the shower

Played 3 out of 5 of the female ones
Guess i'm a woman

all the male games are boring as shit though

Oh female all the fucking way.

I put my switch in a transparent plastic bag and plays on it in the shower

>cataclysm dda
>vanilla wow
>dark souls
>monster hunter

where do I fit in

Nothing I play is on either list

I don’t know user he also put the “boring autistic menu shit” under the male brain

>women play real games and men play autism sims

Females know that videogames are meant to be for fun and don't base their worth and intelligence on putting time into being better than the average player but not good enough to make any money or gain any status playing a game based on everything except how fun it is.
TL;DR Female gamers aren't autistic.

At least that's what I got from OP's pic

Gyeehhhhh boring autism gyehhh i like zeldurr and undurrtale gyehhhh rhhhhh oooooooooook

>not DCS
You fucking simcade playing pleb I bet you use a Logitech 3D Pro

I think about CK2 in the shower sometimes


>barneyfag outposted all of those by far

loney asian neet brain, i only play phone games collecting waifus

kb+m. The way it's meant to be played you elitist shit.


What's on the sixth screen?

Everybody in this thread getting irrationally angry?
Yep that's the female brains acting up.

You can't collect "waifus". There are very few cases where you should pluralize that word, and this is not one of them.

Guys get angrier at games more often though.

t. female

>tfw you've played every game on both lists

based barneyfag

Sup Forums is a female board, get out

Because that's what you want to believe and you're an idiot who actually believes women have any deep thinking capabilities.

Male Wojak doesn't even play video games, I guess? The only actual video game there is Civ3.

>clinging to old WoW
A shittier me.

Females don't play videogames


twitter screencap that barneybro posts


But Universe Sandbox and Space Engine aren't games you simp

What are some good games then?

They play them poorly and only if they think it will garner them more attention, but they do play them.

>all these triggered female brains

Huh, well OP, if what you say is right then I guess I have a femal-
>Girls generally play/like Nier automata
Wait a minute... is this some kind of ruse OP?

Apparently men are autistic then. Truly a sign that Sup Forums has never left the basement.

Hey Civ 3 was ok, but yeah

Post more good boyes


Wish she'd finger my prostate


stop doing this to wojak, he doesn't deserve it


LUL females xD

>Barneyfag outshitposted every meme image
Bless his soul. Wish I could have this amount of determination and dedication toward any of my life goals.

Vojak was made by germans, it deserves worse

>Automata in female and not male when the main talking point for it is the ass
I see, so the options are male and female (male).

t. soyboy white knight


>finger my prostate

There are none.
I'm still hopeful that one day there will be at least one made.

Why is fem-wojak wearing clothes in the shower?


>not bada bing bada bone

Interesting. Sony marketing is pushing a new angle after their failed soy boy meme proved to be too irritating.

>why is she dressed?
>not liking cfnm

Female brain for sure. Listed games are load of fun.

correct. Only manly conservative white men play vidya

>Sup Forums actually thinks people shower dressed
Holy hell.

I like both kind of games

>you should pluralize that word
If you're going to be a faggot, at least be a proper one.

Why is she dressed?



fun is for trannies?
wtf i identify as female now

Literally all of the above.

>haven't even played any on the male side
>like 3 of the games on the female side

A-am I kawaii, onii-san?

The only acceptable use for the word would be "All of the waifus of the Anons on Sup Forums", for example.

of course you do

Add Life is Strange in the female one. That is the worst game ever to exist.


much better. she still has clothes, tho

Nah that games pretty good



So shitty boring games or shitty girlie games?
I am of the golden brain.

Take On Helicopters hit a pretty nice middle ground between "sim" and "just being able to fly the damn thing without having to read a 100 page manual" shame about the shit engine, though, is the HIND addon similar?

i wan mummum milk

>shitty memes

I guess women are superior to men after all.

>Male is sad
>Girl is smiling
What did he mean by this?

it really is