Most graphically intensive, GOOD LOOKING PC games out right now? I have two 1080 ti's and a i7-6700k, but nothing actually fucking LOOKS good. Pic related.
Most graphically intensive, GOOD LOOKING PC games out right now? I have two 1080 ti's and a i7-6700k...
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post your monitor retard, nothing looks good below 59hz
Assassins Creed Origins looks bretty darn gud
FFXV will look stunning I'm sure
>nvidia reference design
ROG Swift, 144hz/1440p/GSYNC. Yeah I know it says SLI disabled, it's cuz I'm mining (crashes when enabled while mining).
Watch Dogs 2
Quantum Break
because i got them both used on ebay for $650 before the mining craze hit, and reference design is superior for SLI.
good call and i heard it was just cracked. will start the download now :)
>complains about games looking shit
>play on a tn monitor
>82° C
You plan on dropping them on ebay?