i miss him so much, bros. like, i'm glad he's getting a dancing game, but.. p5a when
I miss him so much, bros. like, i'm glad he's getting a dancing game, but.. p5a when
Probably after PQ2
how can doors dance?
>p5a when
That's all I care about.
Fuck DAN and Q2.
>i'm glad he's getting a dancing game
I'm not. Way to shit on the game for a quick buck.
>wanting another arena game after the shit show that P4 Arena/Ultimax
For what purpose?
People are only excited about this game for the SFM porn, right?
>in P3 he's mostly an awkward guy with back problems
>now he's a fuckboy that has no problem dancing like he's having a seizure
P4 was a mistake.
People can rip models from PS4?
After Tag Battle and the next iteration of Xrd probably. Door shouldn't come back though, it would ruin the ending of P3, which was one of the only good things about the game so they may as well keep it intact.
They're fun to play and we got to see what P3 characters were up to.
The story is shit, but that's not really the point of a fighting games, is it?
No, but everything that came after was.
Wasn't just him, all of SEES were depressed sacks of shit.
Why did you post a picture of a door OP?
It wasn't "Old memories go by"?
t. non-fighting game player
I specifically looked it up because you can't trust their Engrish.
Thats cause they all had tragic backstories.
>fighting game player giving a fuck about anime fighters
All these years...
He looks really depressed when he’s dancing though, almost like he’s being forced to do it
And that's what made them stand out. It was their thing while P4 had the happy go-lucky atmosphere.
The spin-offs just make everyone retards addicted to friendship.
I thought it was Time, time always goes by.
Didn't he do karaoke to increase his Courage
He’s probably going to be the only one against dancing. I mean look at his face, he’s miserable
No wonder. He got brought back only to be humiliated and turned into a parody of himself.
In P3 they would be all against dancing, even Junpei. But since this is a spin-off Mitsuru will be completely oblivious to anything as long as it favors them, Akihiko will be like "just like le training XDD", Aigis will be somehow programmed to do the robot, etc. A fucking clown parade.
the new DAN games will be on Vita too though
>Yukari will never look at your dick like that
I didn’t want to feel this feeling ever again
There's no story mode like P4D.
i hope this shit actually works bros
sucks selectable inheritence will probably never happen because it doesnt have existing ui elements
Dancing is great aerobic training, however. Akihiko could use it and stop getting tired all the time.
There is. It's just a limited scenario instead of a full blown one like P4D, though.
It has a story though
i cant wait for this new blazblue tag game to bomb so we can get p5a
It probably won’t solely because of RWBY
I only play anime
Just wait for the remake :^)
I hope it comes out before 2020