Tfw accidentally click /hm/

>tfw accidentally click /hm/

As opposed to what faggot /cm/ or /lgbt/?

We know it wasn't an accident.

This. How do you accidentally click on a gay board?

>clicking anything
>not just typing the board url into the address bar

Fucking newfags, I swear.


>looks at penises all day watching porn
>as soon as it’s on a gay board it’s suddenly gross

Breeders are fucking trash

>accidentally clicking /u/

never say /cm/(cute boys) and that tranny infested cesspit in the same sentence again

Did they reject your child sex sla- I mean your adoption application?

>not moving your mouse at maximum speed at all times and trying to time it so it hits the board you want

>Intentionally clicking /hm/

>/u/ accidentally clicks Sup Forums

>didn't know what /hm/ was
>click on it
>every thread is just pictures of me

>hate straight people
>watch porn all day
Yes im sure you've got the moral highground on that bigot.


>tfw accidentally NOT VIDYA

But /cm/ and /lgbt/ are literally grouped together...

I laughed a lot just now, and my laughs sounded really weird.

>click on /hm/
>click on /y/
>keep going down the rabbit hole

>Sup Forums accidentally clicks /u/

like that time you accidentally sucked that guys cock at the rest area, right OP?

>tfw so insecure about your homosexuality that you have to make off-topic threads about it so that people who didn't ask will know how not-gay you are

>accidentally click on /soc/

>Sup Forums accidentally clicks /u/

>switches to shot of her finger in the other girls mouth
>moved off immediately
image hover saves the day again

imagine if they were to lose their board
i fear them even more than mlp

Did you stumble into and end up feeling real small? Don't worry, most of those are shopped in some way.

>/k/ accidentally clicks on /jp/

> when you click /hm/ and their is a twink Webm thread

aight where's that image from

jesse starr?

Needs more dicks.



Sure thing, faggot.

Medieval Ireland obviously

Do you have the image of misclick-kun?

Porn is literally for cucks.