What games have some pretty good looking cutscenes?

What games have some pretty good looking cutscenes?

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The MCC cutscenes and KI's OST are probably the only reasons to buy a Xbone. And both of which are on YouTube.

Blur Studios should be in charge of making a halo movie tbqhwufamily.

>Pre-rendered cutscenes

>expecting these cutscenes to be real time in-game
Stop being an autistic retard nigger.

They should've been real time. They were in the original version.

We wouldn't have never got these beautiful remastered cutscenes if they were like CE faggot. It was an upgrade.


The whole point of Halo's real time cutscenes was to be fairly seamless into gameplay. Having drastically different models, textures and lighting in Blur's cutscenes looks terrible.

>not appreciating all the new aesthetics and details Blur added to give more life
Stop posting nigger

That's horrible CGI, you blind bonehead.

t. Retard

Cutscene aesthetics and details should be equal to what gameplay offers.

t. blind

Looks like dog shit.

I still wonder how much that shit costed them. Wish they could do it for Halo 3.

Is Project Cartographer still alive?

I don't know how the fuck they didn't release a remaster for halo 3 in 20-fucking-17 of all years. Sure it still looks good but it's incredibly dated, those graphics are from 2007. Lots of low textures and animations.

I figured they weren't doing a Halo 3 remastered since they just added it to the MC collection.


Halo 3 doesn't need a remaster 4K is all it needed and it got it and about to get it again, with 60 FPS, call me when Halo 3 isn't the game that every game after built off of, Halo 3 is the Super Metroid of Halo and thus never will get remade so suck a dick and stop asking since the game unlike Halo CE and 2 isn't missing features and is already HD.

Who cares?

Halo 3 still looks good, it doesn't need a remaster.

>Halo 3 still looks good

Human's looked incredibly worse. Especially Johnson who looked like a low textured spic. So Halo 3 needs a remaster and anyone who says otherwise is a fat, autistic manchild with nostalgia goggles permenantely attached to their fat forehead.

Who cares?

Halo 3
>will be 4K 60 FPS
>has armor customization
>has skulls
>has skull menu
>has campaign scoring
>has online co-op
>has achievements
>has Forge
>has Theater
>has File Share
>has Terminals
>has a working online multiplayer
>is HD
>looks better than both Halo CE and 2 along with looking better than every Halo game that came after it
>has the right model Cortana
>has the best water, sand, snow, and explosion effects in the series
Why do these remaster faggots keep asking for a remaster of Halo 3 when the game already has everything?

>So Halo 3 doesn't need a remaster and anyone who says otherwise is a fat, autistic manchild with nostalgia goggles permanently attached to their fat forehead

>So Halo 3 needs a remaster and anyone who says otherwise is a fat, autistic manchild with nostalgia goggles permenantely attached to their fat forehead.
Halo doesn't need a remaster and your stupid asshole should kill itself. You need to hop off the remaster drug craze, becaus eit's fucking annoying and isn't needed unless the game is actually horrible on its original platform, like Shadow of the colossus getting a PS3 remaster. Halo 3 does not need a fucking remaster. It's fine and playable as is and still looks good. If you want a new shiny Halo with 'muh pre-rendered cutscenes' to gawk at just play Halo 5. Faggot.


Bu-but my cutscenes...

t. spirits within fanboy

Nigga what the fuck even is a spirits within?