Monster Hunter Thread

Watchu huntan?

Which mons do you want as future content for World?

>Watchu huntan?
Who makes a good pierce gun?
>Which mons do you want as future content for World?

Daora, need to get 2 gems for Chest and Handicraft Charm

Steve and Pooh would be cool.
Lagiacrus would be cool if this game had underwater combat but it doesn't and I don't want my boy to be anything other than perfect.

I'm dicking around in LR before I finally tackle HR.

going to be buying it this weekend, so i'll tell you next week

is multiplayer not working for anyone else?

I think steve and beetlejuice are too similar

>Watchu huntan?
Odogaron. I want his set but I don't want to waste any more time grinding LR sets
>Which mons do you want as future content for World?
Pic related

Do you guys think a future update that includes a map that enables swimming is possible?
I feel like swimming would be a lot better with the new controls.

Just in general yes, the lobby system is shit.

I want the armor set to just be the sneaking suit.

I want more actually new monsters since it's the "New World" and all.

>He didnt dupe all the gem before the bug got hot fixed
Enjoy farming 100 more tempered elder for some shitty gem while I have my perfect +7 attack set

the lobby system sucks yeah but tonight I keep getting connection errors.

New Patch?

There was server maintenance earlier today, but it was only supposed to last a few hours.

>unironically giving a shit about autism gems that barely even make a difference
i downloaded the patch

What set?

>hunting dozens of lumu for specific weapon
>realize it's the wrong lumu rank for weapon ingredient
who here /big dumbo hunter/?

I just killed Niggergigante on story mode after a grueling fight which made me use up almost all of my consumables, which of the following three elder dragons should I tackle first?

What did they do in the 1.05 patch besides shitting on Slicing S?

Just killed Nergigante. Been taking it slow due to work and school shit. I solo'd him so now I'll probably group up to get his armor. I hate the design since it looks like something out of WoW, but the abilities tied to the pieces are really fucking solid. Right now though I've got full Azure Rathalos armor and an Uragaan Swaxe, which is serving me pretty well. Nice to finally get to blue sharpness.

In the future I really would like to see Zinogre. Maybe he doesn't match the atmosphere the game has established this time around, but Zinogre is just such a fun fight in my opinion. I will always want Quropeco as well, especially with Jho coming back. I fucking love that tooting son of a bitch, and would love to see my friends who are new to the series get body slammed by a summon angry pickle.

Outside of monster stuff, I really, really want them to allow players who haven't seen cut scenes to have other hunters with them. It's fucking infuriating trying to get my friends into this game where at least one or two of us have to just awkwardly wait around the hub until the other one gets through the 15 second monster reveal. I get that the monster intro is cool and they want it to be more cinematic, but then just make it an option or something. It's obnoxious.

From easiest to most annoying
Vaal hazak -> teostra -> daora

Rotten Vale fucker was my least favorite. Kushala was the least bullshit but I did craft a poison specially for him. Teostra coughed up a gem for me on the first shot though

Go get better armor or upgrade your current armor

Pump up Normal and Piercing Ammo apparently.

right here
>rush through to HR wearing chainmail/alloy armor
>find out i need LR parts to make armors/weapons
>have to go back down to LR with completely OP gear and look like an asshole

Lunastra isn't in this what the hell

The fuxk not even close.

No thanks, I don't feel like grinding Bettlejuice another 14 times.

Still trying to break Furious Rajang's horns in 4U. All hope is dead.

>slicing gets shit on
>h-hey guys don't worry we buffed some other ammos to an almost negligible degree
wow so HBG still has stuff to fall back on but LBG is gutted beyond repair now

In design I mean, the color, the body shape, the way they both have body parts that stick to the ground and explode.

Like khezu and giginox


>Watchu huntan?
Nothing. I beat Xeno the other day and....that's it. There's nothing else to keep me going. I've been mindlessly killing some monsters, but I don't care about grinding armor/weapons I'll never use

>Which mons do you want as future content for World?
Literally anything


Good, those slicing shots were fucking everyone else up. Glad they're balancing the game.

Anyone have stories?

>Grinding Azure Rathalos set
>Look for SOS
>Investigation with Gold and Silver shit
>Join up
>15 minute long hunt condition
>Start fighting with other people
>Everyone fucking blitzing the monster like crazy, getting insane combos and keeping him constantly staggered
>Everyone using flash bombs and keeping him down the entire time
>Done in 7 minutes, no carts
>Got a gem

It's nice to find a hunt where it genuinely feels like everyone is doing their best. I've never seen Rathalos locked down so hard before.

barroth and radobaan are similar but that didn't stop them
>attack with head
>roll around to gain armor
plus steve and b52 fight completely differently

>when HH and the now defunct LBG exist

Vaal is the easiest and a bit shit
Kushala Is pretty easy and really fucking shit
Teostra is somewhat challenging and pretty fun

honestly, doing all the low rank optional quests whenever possible seems way better. doing them as high rank just feels like more of a chore.

So Rotten Vale then Ancient Forest then Wildspire? Gotcha famalam, thanks.

>Hunting with friend
>Fighting Tobi
>Wanders underneath giant boulder in forest area
>Fuck it, shoot it
>Slams into him, kills him

As gimmicky as that shit looked in the trailer, goddamn is it satisfying when you actually remember to use the environment. Do areas other than the forest and desert have significant environmental shit? I haven't noticed much in either the coral area or the dead monster area. I know in the volcanic area, some of the ground can be shifted to cause bursts of lava. But that's all I've come across so far.

>tfw you will never marry the handler, grab her by her plump child bearing hips and fuck her every night, get her pregnant and raise a happy family of little hunter kids

Kus and Teo make my hands sweat so fucking much that i was having a hard time playing.
Goddamn it was fun as hell.
Kus scare me shitless because i can't block his Wind 1HKO.

Why is he so perfect?

Is HH worth using at all solo?

Nothing, waiting for PC
Tigrex, Nargacuga, Lunastra, Khezu, Nerscylla, Zinogre, Gravios, Hermitaur/Ceantaur

Is the weakest and slowest weapon


teostra is the only one that's fun, he's also the hardest one. Kushy and Vaal are braindead easy but tedious and annoying as fuck.

Post weaponfus


Is that a DB?

I did this exact thing to a stupid azure rathalos that I had to chase around the map. Felt good.


>He was in MHW this entire time.




Yea last weapon on nergigante tree

Changed from hammer to lance. Farmed an elemental lance of each element and uragaan armor before going back to nergigante.
Been maining a different weapon in every game. Did hammer in 4u and had lance in mind

The fuck is slicing ammo?

Bring Nulberries for Vaal. His blight is one of the worst in the series.

ammo that slices.

>he updated his game
Watchu huntan?
>Tempered Kirin in sub 3min with my superior slicing LBG, also continue to dupe more gem just in case.

Elder's Recess has crystals in the ceiling you can drop on them, and the Vale has stalactites in the blue areas.
I don't think Coral has much environmental stuff besides the updraft, which is for transport and not fighting.

Ammo that japs were using to beat nergigante in like 30 seconds by perma-stun locking him

coral has a bunch of those giant blue jelly things on the floor which traps monsters like a pitfall trap when you stagger then on top of them

>get 6 plates
>no fangs
this game fucking sucks

I want mostly new monsters to keep it interesting with a few oldies. However we’ll probably just get monsters I;ve hunted thousands of at this point.


RATHBUSTER II Slicing: 12 (15) | Edit: Slicing did 7 slashes with each shot.
Normal 3: 33 (41)
Pierce 3: 15 (19)
Flaming [Rapid]: 22 (24) | 11 (12)


RATHBUSTER II Slicing: 10 (13) | Edit: Slicing now does 6 slashes with each shot.
Normal 3: 52 (66)
Pierce 3: 18 (22)
Flaming [Rapid]: 25 (27) | 12 (13)

I want to hunt the most dangerous game

Going to make a hammer to beat the living shit out of Nergi.

Congalala, Tigrex, Rajang and Glavenus
I want some fast paced monsters that will keep me pumped up. Closest thing in World is Odogaron.

I never have glider mantle when in that area no matter how many times I tell myself to remember it the next hunt there.
At least spider-maning to top with grapple beetles is fun too.


This guy is kicking my ass! I'm doing OK but he insta-kills me with his supernova shit and i cant seem to stop it. Supernova is pretty well telegraphed, but i cant put my weapon away and get far enough in time and it one shots me. I have 27 fire resistance why the fuck does it do so much damage?!

Sick patch Capcom, never had any problems before but now multiplayer is laggy as shit, full of disconnects, and my game just completely crashed.

because he is the end boss i guess. havent made it up to him yet. just got all my nerg parts.



I had the same problem and everyone repleid to me like you're retarded if you get caught in the supernova but if you are directly underneath him and he decides to do it, by the time you realize what's happening it's impossible to escape.

A gf

Laughing hard as fuck at all bowgun users getting their shit kicked in. Now they're gonna get booted from hunts for shit dps.

Just run and you start putting your weapon away, you have more than enough time. Or as always use flashpods

>trying to Grind Niggergonte to get tails for my Alt weapon
>See a HBG by himself on a SOS and decide to join him
>get in the game and head to nigger
>see HBG just chillen in the corner waiting for me to catch up
>decide fuck it and throw on my anti damage cloak to do a long charge in to him.
>managed to get a mount right at the beginning
>as i ride him like the donkey he is 2 more players joined up
>LS and CB come running in
>everyone staying in their sections CB on the tail LS on the head and me underneath poking at him
>HBG giving us insane amount of buffs with demon and defense up
>never uses slice ammo once
>kill niggergante with no carts and got a tail in the end
It was nice to experience that considering i had to watch so many fail.
Mind you i shouldn't be talking to much shit as i have never ventured as far from my lance as the gunlance.

Best weapon for soloing?


>fucking Gunlance gets all the knight shit while regular lance gets all the anime shit.
Somethings not right here.

Any of them as long as you have fun, solo is way easier then mp


This nigga gets it

Capcom knows which lance is best


"aiming for 2018 autumn release" :-(

>cant decide between SA ands DB
>try hammer for a new perspective
>literally annihilate nerg
>now trying to choose between 3 weapons to main

When I play LS how the fuck do I get combos in to buff damage without fucking over everyone standing within 20 feet of me?

>solo is way easier than mp
are you planning to post this meme in every MH thread?

SA and DB are for faggots and hammer is for chads, easy choice.

How to get into IG? I just wanna look cool so my friend buys this game

Whats the best monster to farm inferno sacs? I've been going after Anjanath but I haven't gotten any yet.


whoever says this knows they are shit. I couldnt imagine playing without others...i mean whats the point unless you are a shitter.