Japanese game gets a western sequel

>Japanese game gets a western sequel
>It's an abortion

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Evil Within 2

Devil may cry devil may cry

That's fucking western? What the hell. No wonder it lost what little charm it had


I thought it was DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition

Blaster Master


>japanese game
>it's an abortion

>No wonder it lost what little charm it had
EW1 had charm?

Dead Rising

Final Fight Streetwise was pretty garbo

What the fuck is that thing

Came here to post this.


The early chapters had something IMO. It went into the trash at chapter 6 or so

Dead rising was always the Montreal division. Learn your games nerds. I love that fucking game

>tfw downloaded the official digital releases of Battle Angel Alita
>haven't read them yet
still surprised that it's getting a western movie adaptation. the director must of really liked the manga

a western movie adaption of a japanese manga by James Cameron

Sonic the hedgehog 2

Except Monster Hunter World is fucking fantastic, impressing fans and newcomers, all while lining Capcom's pockets



DR1 was all japs.

Dead Rising 2 except instead of abortion its just as good if not better than the first game.

i also really liked DR2, even more than 1, but for some reason people hate it and i dont know why

leeeet's fighting looooooooove

Honestly why?

Yokai watch 3 did it right

Someone really needs to punch James Cameron in the balls.

Too bad those digital editions are kinda fucked and have odd corruption lines on most of the pages...also they're fucking huge on filesize for no goddamn reason and I have to optimize that shit myself and it cuts the size by half but takes forever...it'd probably be quicker to just read it and delete, but I want to use the art assets for things.


Westerner brain caused it

But I'm a westerner and I don't like it

It's actually being directed by Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, From Dusk till Dawn, Machete) and with a 200mill budget (Twice the budget of Ghost in the Shell 2017. And the highest budget for a live action anime movie). All on top of being produced by 20th century fox. And this is for a manga that isn't that well known to the casual audience.

I haven't noticed any of problems yet. I just skimmed through the first volume aww'ing at the quality. The guy that rips official digital versions, "Danke", all of his releases are huge in filesize. Still, I also have downloaded a scanlated version of the manga, and the quality doesn't compare to the sharpness of the official release. I wonder if the filesize is more compressed if you download/purchase it legally?

>Japanese sequel
>Final boss is an abortion

Definitely agree. Autists are just mad their secret club is being invaded by normies.

EDF Insect Armageddon

>japanese anything gets a dub
>its infanticide.

>western game
>gets a japanese made sequel

Has this ever happened?

I got my copies from Ripper's Anime, so I'm not sure if they're the same rips or not, but they have errors and I wonder if those are in the physical books, too...I would hope not, but at least I still have all the Viz volumes, at least.

Tons of Wizardry games.

monster hunter world

some versions of tetris

Just checked, the dl's on ripper's anime (rippersanime.info/index.php?page=Gunnm) and comparing the filesize, it's not the same rip as Danke's. And the filesize aren't nearly as large (60-80mb per volume).

Here's the one I was mentioning, which was officially released digitally not so long ago (2017):
The filesize is insane, like 300mb+ per volume. But that's a problem with all his rips of official releases.


all the time and they're often shovelware or shit

I didn't mean those, those are old as hell...I'm talking about the new digital editions from 2017, those are posted in the forums.


And those rips are rar'd...when you unpack them they're over 800mb...the Gunnm Last Order ones are more ridiculous at like 2 gigs each.

How the fuck they messed up such a simple concept is beyond me.

probably gay VN shit

There is nothing wrong with this.

It's not a bad game but it was the start of the downfall.

shame south park went to shit

Also on the table: Front Mission Evolved

oh then yeah, we have the same rips...

I blame western influence for street fighter being shit. also death stranding is going to blow because Hideo is compromised by tinseltown madness. these games soul's have been destroyed by us and them. A great technical example for the OP's premise is the PC version of Super Mario Bros.

To remind the audience that the character is a cyborg. The pure humans looks normal.