How do we get PC players to stop pirating games?

How do we get PC players to stop pirating games?

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According to that graph, just wait for them to grow up.

A quarter at middle ages it still pretty steep!

Pirating games doesn't hurt the industry anyway as EU study found.

I don't think it's contradictory. I think the poll is shit. This was through PC gamers reader base (americans) and was probably voluntary.

Make shit easily available at a reasonable price through convenient channels like Steam and GOG. That's really all it takes. There will always be people who pirate games for various reasons, but convenience wins out for the vast majority.

stop giving them games

Demos would help, but nobody wants to do that anymore because people won't buy a game if they know it's shit.

Based EU btfoing 'murimutts each time

if every game is like 30 or 40 in my country's money, i would buy it, otherwise i will never buy anything in my life.

I remember seeing posts on le reddit on some piracy board talking about how they were seriously considering buying the new assassins creed because the crack had not come out yet.
That would imply there are at least some number of people that would buy a game if they can't pirate it.
Pic is country graphs

>waah my shit indie game that is a carbon copy of a shit mobile game got pirated

You fucking don't, if they have the option 99% of them would rather torrent a game then buy it

stop being fucking kikes and release betas/demos on PC to let us try the game first before buying it. I'm waiting for a fighterz crack instead of buying the game because I never got to try it first unlike console players.

Stop charging so much for games that can easily be acquired for free. Look at the demographics, a lot of the people pirating are young people with probably little disposable income. You can either spend 60 dollars on the new Assassin's Creed or just pirate it. Bam, you now have 60 dollars to spend on other shit.

Also this
>buy Far Cry 3 on steam
>requires both uPlay and steam to launch
>have to have 2 fucking accounts and programs just to play a single player game

>pirate far cry 3
>get all the dlc for free and youre never asked to login to dick

>pay money for a game
>turns out it was just a download file replicated over and over again by the publisher and sold to other plebians
>turns out I can get the same download file from google after a .5 second search for free
>realize games on PC have no value
>see some retard on Sup Forums trying to shame me for letting the industry go to shit for not buying something that has zero inherent value to me as a consumer
>doesn't realize console gamers are the pillar of video games and are the ones who actually buy games and steer the industry anyway

wooooooowww. just pirate games you dumb nigger it makes no difference. thats how its meant to be on PC, let idiots buy games

>reasonable price
Problem is big ass publishers go full retard and spending lots of money for their AAA games

No wonder devs don't like porting games to PC, kind of feels good that we are seeing a resurgence of the ps3/360 era where PC is losing out on ports or the ports are butchered beyond belief.
t. not an idort, own every console since ps2 :^)

>AAA games
It isn't only AAA games. There are games that feel like they should only be $30 or $40 but they're $60 instead.

Make fun games.

So they pirate just to play unfun games?

>third worlder level english spelling
>defending pirates

No better feeling than an amazing game not getting a PC release, and PC fags crying all over, before claiming the game is shit anyway.

Make good games

I spelt everything right though?
And I’m not defendinrg pirates, I’m saying why would they pirate until fun games were made? Wouldn’t that imply current games aren’t?

>Almost 50% earn less than 10,000 dollars
Literal poorfags.

>we can tell the age of the person who pirated our game

This is all bullshit and you know it, looking at the countries that pirate would make a lot more sense.

This is a 50000 person survey, didn’t you see the note next to the graph?They don’t, they gave up on physical releases too, no one would buy them because pirating/drm filled steam

If you look at the achievement most games on steam are barely played yo why people who didnt even buy the game would play it more. Aside gaming enthusiast most people will barely even touch the games they pirate.

This. I wanted to play that damn happy wheels 3D game made on unity and I pirated it. Then I added it to my steam wishlist and I'm going to buy it next time it's on sale, I deleted the pirated copy after playing it for half hour.

ironically enough, pc gaming is getting more ports than ever, every xbox one "exclusive" comes to pc, nioh is an example, final fantasy 15 too is getting a pc version,. what makes people thinking pc don't get love?

>Price games appropriately
Games like A Hat in Time are what, 30 bucks? A rerelease of FF12 is what, 40? I'm going to pass on both. Take FF12 for instance. I bought that on release. If I want to get the PC version, I am probably just going to wait and pirate it because fuck paying 40 more dollars for a port of a version of a game I never had access to from the start.
>Incentivize content by convenience with things like free content updates
Great examples are Subnautica, Don't Starve, Tales of Maj'Eyal where you could easily pirate or play them for free but it's worth your time to get it and use steam for what it is actually good for-- keeping your shit patched.
>Have good community rapport
Devs who seem to care get a lot more support from people around here. The idea of voting with your wallet is still alive.
>Put your shit on sale a year after release during holidays
Keep that cash flow going. I think Game Dev Tycoon is also a poor example since it's a fucking mobile game ported to a PC. People don't value that shit the same.

ps: when i said "nioh is an example" i meant to say as an example of a console "exclusive" that got a pc port

>what makes people thinking pc don't get love?
Console shitters need a justification to drag PC to their retarded "console wars".

By making good games that aren't $80 early access indie survival crafting MMO pvp dlc season pass Kickstarter games.
Until then we'll just keep pirating everything.

This. What happened to good playable demos? I miss when a demo was the first 1/3rd of the full game instead of being half of the tutorial.

>Wanting to play ports
Kys senpai

To be fair, Hat in Time isn't worth 30 bucks anywhere.

This so much. You want people to buy your product, convince them it's good by giving them a trial test.

Stuff like this is why I'm pro-DRM, the less Slavs and Spics in our games the better.

You are implying demos still exist in the first place.

what's the difference scrub, sooner or later the game got cracked and the drm will still fuck your cpu, and you fucking paid for it.

stop making games/software/music/videos/books that are available in digital format

Make the games free.

Drop them from helicopters.

that's exactly why these game companies pay fags like Denuvo so the payfags and impulse buyers don't get it on release. I really don't think that is most people though, as I have only paid for maybe 10 games that I play all the time, and pirate everything else.

if it's not available, i just don't care. and when i buy games i wait until they're under $10, preferably under $5.

The longer the non-white hordes have to wait while we enjoy our games the better, even if it's just a little while
>the drm will still fuck your cpu
still no proof

Good luck, no one will make shit if they can't make money.
Or maybe you want every game to be a f2p microtransaction riddled mess?
I agree but you know that won't happen for games and software, outside of consoles.
And what DRM system does that?

> Want to play Fallout 4
> It's on sale for 50% off
> It's actually 38% more expensive than the US because regional pricing
> I'm not even euro/UK/australia
I don't even fucking know what Bethesda is expecting but I sure as shit ain't paying 38% extra for that game



>The longer the non-white hordes have to wait while we enjoy our games the better, even if it's just a little while

they play it anyways, they don't spend a penny and get the game even repacked with all dlcs and lootboxes for free, what's the point? i'm not saying paying for it is wrong, bragging about "playing it earlier than the others that don't even will pay for it" it's stupid, it's the same experience after all

>still no proff the drm fucks your cpu

oh so you think the atrocious asscreed origins bad perfomance was just bad optimization and not because there's layers above layers of drm on the fucking game? ok, i just realized i'm talking with a total retard.

I was just posting the obvious joke/bait.

You seriously think Ubi games run well?

>they play it anyways, they don't spend a penny and get the game even repacked with all dlcs and lootboxes for free, what's the point?
Then at the very least they can wait, filthy niggers

>oh so you think the atrocious asscreed origins bad perfomance was just bad optimization and not because there's layers above layers of drm on the fucking game?
Yeah, we're talking about Ubisoft here. Bad performance is they're thing.

>pirates games
>pirates games
>pirates games
>"there is nothing wrong with this, not stealing, not a lost sale :))))"
>pirates games
>pirates games
>"what the FUCK why are my games filled with loot boxes and dlc i can only get if I submit to their drm systems, wtf happened to pc gaming its dead"

doesn't really count as piracy if it's ubisoft/EA
nobody wants to use their shitty bloatware when they're already using the established shitty bloatware platform

quit having a reputation for hit or miss games. nobody wants to pay $60-80 for a video game they don't know if they're going to enjoy or not. Demos are a good idea seeing as we can't trust the media that covers video games after the whole gamergate debacle

that's pointless, everybody could wait, not to mention the amount of denuvo games that got cracked within a week or less before v4.8

i obviously know they're horrible at optimization, but i don't think the amount of layers of drm on the fucking game don't make it runs even worse

You know you can just buy the game and refund it within a few hours on steam if you don't like it?
inb4 n-no I cant afford the upfront cost!

Now I know why moral fags were chased away years ago. This place sucks.

this desu, Sup Forums was the last place i thought i would find so many moralfags, even reddit is better than this.

This depends entirely on the game. Some games take time to play and test out. Having a 2 hour "trial test" isn't the same as being able to play the game for a whole week for free on consoles.

And a very carefully selected demo that would often only show the best parts is better?
That just paints a misleading image of the game, trying the first two hours shows if a game is shit or not guaranteed.

> Implying greedy kikes wouldn't have done the same with or without lootboxes

>pirate fags are poor underage third worlders

Videogame piracy was proven to boost sales by over 30%. Get with the times, grandpa.

[Citation needed]

> Buy Dragons Dogma on release day for 360
> But it again with the Dark Arisen re-release for PS3
> Finally get a PC built in this millennium
> sorry goy you must pay again that will be 30 USD plus tip
Fuck off

yeah that's why we don't have to pay for vidya

>20k person survey and asking 12 economists
hrm seems very reliable for a 1.2 billion person market

>That would imply there are at least some number of people that would buy a game if they can't pirate it.
Of course there is. There's always a few.
That doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of pirates wouldn't have bought it otherwise.
There's also the fact that it doesn't hurt the economy as a whole because that money still goes somewhere - it could even go to other games.

How do we solve the piracy thread problem?

I pirated DD on PC because it was out before the game released.
And I had already pre-ordered it on steam

>And a very carefully selected demo that would often only show the best parts is better?
It depends on the game, like I said. Something like FighterZ gives a general idea on how the game will play out. Something like Dragon's Dogma is a little different since it's not a short fighting game but a larger sized action RPG that takes hours to even start getting into.

We don't? People who pirate games just simply wouldn't buy them if they couldn't pirate it.

"A few" usually means "practically none" from a statistical perspective, just as you pointed out, it's not a gamechanger.

Do you think 35% of pc gamers being pirates is acceptable?

Are you butthurt that there's no study that shows piracy displaces sales?

That statistic shows that 35% of pc players pirate games at least once, not that 35% of all games are pirated on PC..


>That piracy bump for 6 figure incomes
Trickle down was a mistake.

Read it properly. The survey was done to cross-reference the actual corporate statistics they had gotten. You obviously don't have a college degree, or else you would know about scientific methodology. Using the statistics and the survey, they were able to determine that the surveyed control was actually answering truthfully ±4%.

But hey, I guess there are people below a 90 IQ who don't make it into college, so they don't know about how to properly scientifically prove a thesis.

yes, and keep feeding them so they can make more games for me to pirate.

No, 90% pirate once, 35% pirate often.

That's clearly where all the fake answers went
To the extremes of the poll
That's also why 60+ spikes in the age graph
You can't take online surveys seriously at all
If you like communism so much move to venezuela so you can starve with your comrades

The only question that actually matters regarding piracy is:

>How often do you pirate a game INSTEAD of buying it?

The answer is almost always "never". People pirate games they either have no intention of buying, or to decide whether they want to buy it.

Not an argument.
There's no difference to the publisher whether 1m people buy and 0 pirate versus 1m buy and 5m pirate.

Your completely wrong. Young people eat avocado toast and actually buy videogames while the greatest generation pirates. This is why you millienals will never afford homes.

PC games only make money off of GAAS shit.

>Cut 30% of your revenue to stop piracy

Now wheres the studies for that?

make a single game worth buying

Well piracy wouldn't cut any of this.
They make this money from f2p models etc.

>implying "affording" is taking out a 30 year loan and paying nearly double in interest

Just wait for them to grow up and get the kind of income that can support gaming.

You can try to squeeze more pocket money out of highschoolers all you want, it ain't working.

maybe stop charging $60 for things when you shoulda invested in pipeline improvements
I'm not going to give my shekels to someone who can't even jew properly, fuck, AAA make me sick.
>hurr durr instead of money laundering we'll ACTUALLY spend all that money on marketing and spend nothing on becoming an industry kingpin

Does it really matter considering that the PC is still the most profitable platform.

This is clearly why we need tax breaks for the wealthy. The extra money can be spent on videogames which will improve the housing market. Trickle down just works.