Posing the sexy fighter.
Angel Fun Thread
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I liked her better when she was voiced by that chick from FLCL
I just want my Mexican girl to be confirmed for SNK Heroines
You me both
Isn't she?
She had 3 different VAs, the FLCL chick was only for 2002
Wow, dropped then.
What is this?
It might be in the fucking thread title.
Of course I tried searching that on google before asking, and got a bunch of bullshit and a terrible flash game.
King of Fighters, user.
Honey Select?
Not KoF, obviously, and the Agnel Fun thing doesnt bring up anything unless theres some japanese title or something
It is the xnalara posing program.
wtf I love mexico now
this is just the model from KOFXIV touched up and imported to blender or something, right?
>you'll never shove your dick between her tits
Just end me
>rendering computer shit itself
>can't render on this old computer
>computer parts are retardedly expensive right now because of crypto mining
It's driving me up the wall.
You taking requests on how to pose the slut? How about pushing her boobs up with a pouty face?
la pesadilla...
Looks like another one altogether since Angel's Costume was never ported into HS.
I think it's XNA Lara.
I wanna fuck that puta
Watch your fucking mouth pendejo
it's not angel, but let's vote for Mai so the capcomcucks don't win this shit
Mexican girls look like THAT?
Sorry, I already voted for Asuka.
If you want my verga up your ass all you have to do is ask.
I like her devil costume in 14
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, pequeña perra? I'll have you know i graduated top of mi clase in the Infantería de Marin, and i've been involved in numerous incursiones secretas on Al-Quaeda, and i have over 300 confirmed muertes. I am trained in la guerra de los gorilas and i'm el mejor francotirador in the entire Fuerzas Armadas de México. You are nothing to me but just another objetivo. I will wipe you the fuck out with precisión the likes of which has never been seen before on this Tierra, mark my malditas words. You think you can get away with saying that mierda to me over the internet? Think again, hijo de puta. As we speak i am contacting my secret network of espiás across México and your IP is being rastreado right now so you better prepare para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call tu vida. You're fucking dead, chico. I can be in cualquier lugar, in qualquier momento, and i can matarte in over setecientas maneras, and that's just with my propias manos. Not only am i extensively entrenado in combate si armas, but i have access to the entire arsenal of the Infantería de Marina Mexicana and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trasero off the face of the continente, pendejo de mierda. If only you could have known what castigo profano your little "inteligente" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have helf your maldita lengua. But no pudiste, no lo hicieste, and now you're paying el precio, maldito idiota. I will cagar furia all over you and you will ahogarás in it. You're fucking muerto, pendejo.
Fucking roy12, what's the point of importing Angel's face and hair but not the outfit?