This is the most autistic and cancerous multiplayer I've ever played...

This is the most autistic and cancerous multiplayer I've ever played. I'm not surprised at all this game was on dead on arrival.

I think the game is good, OP.

Unironically agree

what do these words even mean in this context for once stop spewing buzzwords you fucking troglodyte

Give us a list of all the other things you suck at that you think are dumb and gay because of which.

git gud fagget

>This is the most autistic and cancerous multiplayer I've ever played. I'm not surprised at all this game was on dead on arrival.
Too high of a skill ceiling for you? Don't worry, there are normie/easy games like PUBG & CS:GO.

I may suck at this game but when there are less than ~1000 people online as we speak it's hard to feel bad about it because I know I'm not the only one in the world.

Go ahead and try to tell me how using giant robots to one hit kill other players and flying around with rocket launchers that have infinite ammo is skillful though.

The first one was a ton better. 2 really dropped the ball and went in a completely wrong direction.

I haven't been killed as a pilot by a mech since 12 minutes after the game came out. The mechs aren't that powerful but it is an interesting change of pace from going fast.

It died because EA gave it zero marketing budget and put it up against their own Battlefield 1.

>respawn refuse to nerf R97 cause they try to make the skill gap closer so noob and still get some kill in
>bunch of autists condemned it as the shitter weapon
>shittalked everyone who use it along with all other shitscan weapons
>but then some use it themselves because they are that try hard
>one fucking /tfg/ fag even use aimbot in the competitive scene and got everyone banned for it
Im not even sad it die

the shilling for this game absolutely convinced me that EA spent its entire marketing budget on online shills.
It's terrible.

>admittedly suck at the game
>still thinks his opinion matters enough to pass judgment on the metagame

You mean just run the ball to the end of a field? How is that skillful?

If everyone can fly then a projectile rocket weapon shouldn't be an issue dumbass

Its pretty fun. Not as fast as tribes, but the speed and parkour are really enjoyable. That and its A E S T H E T I C are the main reason I play it every now and then.

Also Scorch is great

Just play the single player

I prefer ion. One shotting pilots when they move from one platform to another. Exquisite.

But on the ground I'm all accelerator and stim. Gotta go fast.

>unlimited ammo rocket launcher

I haven't played the game in months but there's only one rocket launcher and it's an anti-titan weapon. How are you getting killed by a weapon that can only fire after it's locked onto a titan?

>getting one-shot by titans

Don't get hit by titans then?

>Stim fag
I'm a warp/cloak fag myself

Being locked down by origin really killed any potential for a thriving community for this game

grapple bros ww@

I actually wreck pretty hard with grapple, desu. But the speed is insane.

Way to confirm you know nothing about TF2
EA didn't buy Respawn until very recently, the majority of the games lifespan had zero EA involvement.

Why would EA market a game they didn't develop?

>Way to confirm you know nothing about TF2
>EA didn't buy Respawn until very recently, the majority of the games lifespan had zero EA involvement.
You're a jackass. EA was the PUBLISHER regardless. The publisher of a game decides when a title releases. They loan money to finance the development of a game and in exchange for that loan they get profit sharing when the title releases and a marketing budget (if they are good). And if the game fails to be an ROI (Return on Investment) then the IP is forfeit as collateral for the loan (or in some cases the entire studio).

So yes, EA the publishing house sent a game (that they published from day zero, for 1 & 2) developed by a third party studio sent said game out to die against Battlefield One.


To gain ownership over the IP due to undisclosed contracts with Respawn. It actually spawned a lawsuit! But way to know show how much you know about TF2

Publishing, and exclusivity deals

Thanks, I was looking for an explanation

t. slow

What good is anything other than stim and grapple

>rddt rope

Is multiplayer still dead?
Being $20 didn't help it at all did it. Shit ain't fair man.

It gets around to 3000 players @ peak hours on PS4 on weekdays. 4k-5k on the weekends. Those numbers aren't that great but I can still get into a match in less than a minute.


>saying TITAN instead of mech
>saying MECHA instead of mech

they should have just made a good mech game

>titans are mechs
>mecha and mech aren't interchangeable

no dude its totally the next coming of arena shooters and definately not call of duty with a grapple mod and EA totally wanted their own property to not sell and not earn money so that they could be mean and it was all eas fault this game was a failure

What point are you trying to make? Just off-topic nonsense?

titans are not mechs.

of course

Translation: OP got shit on by people way better than him at the game because 90% of the players still active are dedicated fans with 200+ hours in the multiplayer who know every corner and every shortcut of every map like the back of their own hand

Thanks for playing OP

He did say autistic.

And he's not wrong, still doesn't excuse being a raging faggot about it.

is /tfg/ discord still active?
would anyone give me an invite?

what are you expecting from call of duty

Let me guesss, you stayed on the ground, atacked the titans face to face instead of embushing them and use ADS

>I may suck at this game
there, you said it yourself, if you don't bother to git gud your opinion on the balance means jack shit because the game is balanced around players who know what theya re doing.

I fucking love the game but hitscan RUINS it
the hitscan weapons need halo killtimes to make it enjoyable

This, CAR shitters need to fuck off

Is it active on PC still?

they can be annoying but if you start going fast they lose the ability to hit you
i also dont understand why anyone would use boring-ass hitscan when mastiff & all the grenadier weapons are the definition of fun
be glad they nerfed the FUCK out of the devotion cause at launch that thing cleared servers, although it still can be annoying

Of ALL the retarded shit out there, THIS is somehow the worst? What?


Queue times can be a little long in the late nights, but it's very active during prime time.

Titaniall 1 was better

anyone else gonna post webms?



Might post a few later when I convert them to webm


I miss titanfall lads...

desu most of my webms are from the first few months of release cause after that i started playing dead by daylight
maybe i'll update and start tf2 up again later today, blow the dust off scorch and remember what fast was like

sequel coming

Fucking hated aim assist in the game

Someone said my network's partying up was the reason that the game is dead in AU. It might have been a factor


i didn't know we won a tournament

that'd explain why everyone hates us and calls us out as cheaters whenever i play on a server

Any consolefags here

is that a gamesasger!?

everyone hates us because we go fast and topscore every game

I wish I could win with 200 points

It's a fun game. The servers weren't filled with top tier players when I played a month ago, at least on PC. I could get on the top 3 leaderboard occasionally and was the MVP a few times.

i usually average around 150
that round was just me going godlike with scorch because its my favorite titan and the enemy was basically bots
i think i was g11-g12 with scorch boy last i checked

and then i looked at your pic
i think i would've killed myself if i was in your spot there

He must be talking about the EPG, which can only one shot kill you with a direct hit, its splash damage is tiny.
He's probably so damn linear and predictable in his movement that fuckers are leading him with EPG shots from a mile away.

Low quality shitposting

unless they nerfed it i remember the splash being alright
only slows would ever get killed by splash hits though

I love the game, but I haven't played in ages. Catch 22 scenario where I don't wanna play 'cause the queue times are too slow, thus making the queue longer.
Also, I can play like 2/3 matches in a row max before I'm like 'Ok, I've had my fix.' Maybe I'm not ADHD enough, but it's too overwhelming for longer play sessions.

I have over 150 hours in the game and still play it and I almost never play it for more than 3 games in one session. It's just not one of those games you can sink an entire night into for some reason.

i play until i angry over one too many bullshit lag kills
then i launch the game again a few days later thinking "it'll be better this time, i promise"

>na east
>all modes selected
>estimated wait time: 12 minutes

Its dead because it came out the month between Overwatch and Battlefield 1 you retard

>Selecting anything other than Attrition
Why even bother?

cause i just wanted to play
also gg flem
i feel bad for that one guy on the other team tho

This game looks fucking awesome but I'm too poor to invest in a game that might be dead in a couple of months

I'm pretty sure the game is on the EA gamepass thing and you can get a free trial for it.

reminder this game has paid shills here in tis board

>tfw can't discuss a game you like without being called a shill

just ignore them and talk about it anyways
like me

Have they removed phase shift yet?

>have they removed the babby crutches yet

>flying around with rocket launchers that have infinite ammo is skillful though.
kys r97 phaseshitter

t.see pic

Git gud, faggot

Ah well I got to gen8 before ragequitting because of the r97+phaseshift spam so I guess I'll just have to wait til tf3.

but if someone uses phase shift they're a pretty easy kill anyways
just like dead ringer spies but a bit more annoying

>EA wont demand babby crutches to be put in
Keep dreaming. Just EPG them before they can phase


Why didn't they let us kill this guy at the end of the campaign? Morons.

>lose the ability to hit you
lolno not with the amount of aimbotters running around


Never see devotions anymore, at least for me on ps4 people are actually pretty varied in everything they use. Monarch still is the most popular titan IMO but not like he's hard to fight or anything