Which title is the David Bowie of videogames?

Which title is the David Bowie of videogames?

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Omikron The Nomad Soul

Flashy, loud yet ultimately devoid of substance and overly reliant on its rabid, indoctrinated fanbase?

Probably Battleborn

no one mourned when battleborn died


What's the "Heroes" of video games?

Final Fantasy, because each entry is a complete reinvention of itself.

Also because Amano made an artbook of erotic David Bowie fanart

>Flashy, loud yet ultimately devoid of substance and overly reliant on its rabid, indoctrinated fanbase?

Battleborn also never had a fanbase.



Also since Kojima seems like the kind of guy to listen to Bowie growing up

Mass effect, cause it is dead.

man .... bowie was such a fucking faggot no wonderr he had aids

>not posting one with metal gears
s m h


In the original plan, MGS3 was more about the militarization of the space race and Kojima wanted to open it with Space Oddity and end it with Ashes to Ashes.
We got Snake Eater + Starsailor because licensing Bowie was too expensive.

he look like he suck dick alot

You mean overwatch I think

Okay the space suit one is just ridiculous now. David Bowie didn't invent space travel.

What a fucking hack

Only when he gets tired of boning supermodels.

i didn't know wifi got to all the way to your cuck shed

What are you talking about? David Bowie was the first man on the moon.


>tfw it could be so much better with someone other than David Cage at the helm
>literally ANYONE ELSE
What a waste.

Bowie could've been in one of those classic 5th/6th gen rhythm games, man.

>T-this is my chance to be a trickster! I'm gonna start shitting on bowie so that people get mad! I'm the joker!

>c-can i fit in guys?!
Fuck off leddit

I'm not saying it's a bad thing. The original plan sounds simplistic compared to MGS3's examination of what it means to be loyal, and there's a progression from the goofy, Bond-esque Snake Eater to the melancholy Way to Fall.

that character, the fury, quotes space oddity

How was he so gorgeous?

Post best Bowie songs

what's Bowie up to these days? haha


Low Bowie is best Bowie.

>Look up here
>I'm in heaven

t. brainlet

I bet you think kpop is the shit

what's your favorite bowie album guys

mine is heroes

Battleborn didn't have fans lmao

Damn I really miss him