You have 10 seconds to name a vidya franchise where the 4th one is best

You have 10 seconds to name a vidya franchise where the 4th one is best.

Other urls found in this thread:

Devil May Cry
Eat it, nostalgiafags

Metal Gear Solid

Donkey Kong Country. 3D dong > 2D dong

But is returns better than TF?

Fallout: New Vegas if we're allowed to count it as the 4th entry

Resident Evil




Why is Sup Forums yellow right now?

Which would either be GTA IV (titular) or Vice City (chronologically) which is true in either case


because AOTY dropped

Super Mario


A band that Sup Forums has been memeing for 5 years dropped an album a few hours ago.

sen no kiseki 4

Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

super street fighter 4 arcade edition

Space Quest IV

>album is a 6/10 at best
>but the opener song is a fucking masterpiece

I'm satisfied

Wario Land.

Pokemon generation 4 if that counts

I thought MGMT broke up a while ago, no?

Need for Speed.

did ITAOTS finally get dethroned in \mu\?

does anyone have a link to the album or is the entire thing on youtube / spotify already?

I bet the album will get pretty popular pretty quick (Time to Pretend was in Spider-Man's trailer, after all) and they will start hating it

3 is better


Elder scrolls

They'll never top Congratulations.

Call of Duty, depending if you mean the 4th game or the game with a 4 on.


They already did

Not even close.

Mystery Disease is probably my favorite tune from them next to indie rokkers

Civilization IV

>no Call Of Juarez
Gunslinger was short but every second of it was fucking incredible

Mass Effect.

No but really Europa Universalis for sure. Final Fantasy is arguable. Persona is arguable but I'd say 5 is better.

Self titled is significantly better, yes

No, not really.

Oh. It's a Sup Forums invasion. That explains why Sup Forums turned into fucking facebook yesterday



One of my least favourites on the album desu. But that;s only because it's up against songs like Alien Days, A Good Sadness, I Love You Too Death, and An Orphan of Fortune

Holy shit Sup Forums


Album of some mid 2000's band dropped

I'm listening to this album right now and it's just ok. What am I missing? What's the big deal? It's not nearly as good as oracular spectacular.

Never listen to Sup Forumstards

>a few hours ago.
wtf I downloaded it earlier in the week.

Mario rpg if you count the first one on snes.

Best album so far in the year and will certainly be a strong contender near the end of 2018 for AOTY.

Animal Crossing New Leaf
What do I win?

It was leaked last week some time, but only officially released in NA today.


What do you mean

It's pretty self explanatory.

Civilization 4
Anno 1404

Metal Gear Solid
Soul Calibur
Devil May Cry

Why does Sup Forums have such shit taste?

Except it isn’t even the 4th. BoS is.


Sup Forums's top 100 is seamless.

OS is without a doubt MGMT's worst album

BoS Isn't canon and Fallout: Tactics is only semi-canon. So Fallout: New Vegas could be considered the 4th game.

Let's not be turning Sup Forums yellow too!