I'm having a existential crisis and I want to play a game that's uplifting...

I'm having a existential crisis and I want to play a game that's uplifting. Nier and Nier: Automata gave me the kind of feels I wanted, so something like that.

Have you tried killing yourself?

I tried but pussied out.

Drakengard 1 and 3 is the logical progression, if you enjoyed nier it shouldn't be a problem

Ni no Kuni or Okami, it's cute and poetic

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Crash and the Boys Street Challenge

Monkey Island 1 and 2.

The Cat lady
Downfall 2016 remake

same case, playing monhun world non stop

witcher 3

very good game and comfy story/world, dont skip dialogue, it's good.

Devil May Cry 1, gotta actually beat it though for maximum feel goodies

Persona 3 and 4

most of us would but were huge pussies. state assisted suicide or psychological euthanazia is nothing wrong

if youd like play Lifeless Planet

i really enjoyed it when going through some depression even though it has basically no gameplay elements and its sort of a walking simulator

>Existencial Crisis
Dude, just..... fukken PSX Lain.

Play Tumblrtale if you haven’t already

Persona 5 or Yakuza 0.


>Yakuza 0
As long as you don't focus on the main story too much, otherwise it's kind of depressing.

You can't get a more uplifting ending, please don't spoil it to yourself

In what way is Nier Automata uplifting you nimrod?

>Nier and Nier: Automata gave me the kind of feels I wanted

Huh? Wouldn't those give you the opposite? Especially the whole "this cannot continue" section.

>The Walking Dead
>Dark Souls

Finish the actual game first, retard.

Honestly the final battle and ending were so amazingly well-done they compensate for all Okami flaws singlehandedly.
>Sun Rises starts playing

Trails in the Sky FC/SC are very uplifting and one of the major storylines is easygoing girl dragging a guy from his lifelong depression.

call me a brainlet but I can't understand how you would interpret that ending as anything beside depressing

Toobs, 9s, and a2 all live along with the pods. there's still some androids on the ground and the sephiroth machines are dead. it's as much of a good ending as was possible.


>all main characters survived and two of them are finally together which is the only thing both of them really wanted
>there's a peace treaty between machines and androids with no major conflicts in next 500 years
>both groups are finally forced to live for themselves instead of humans, with collective consciousness based on Shadowlord departing into space and project yorha being revealed as a fraud by Jackass
>even Pods got their own self-consciousness and now can decide their own future
>the message of the final ending is to never give up and accept that while the universe itself is irrelevant, you can always find your own meaning of life at least by clinging to other people and living for them
What is so fucking hard to understand?

That ending is rather happy for a game like taro, where the happiest ending he previously wrote was drakengard 3 branch d, and that was simply a painless death

It's positive nihilism to the core, it's only depressive if you can't find your own reasons for living