This is the lineup for 3DS on 2018

Nintendo expects to sell around +3/+4M Nintendo 3DS/2DS next fiscal year that starts on April 2018.

Lots of Nintendo Selects (New wave on Summer and Fall) and new colors/version for New 2DS planned this year to increment the sales.

Few new games to keep the momentum

> Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Spring)
> BOXBOY! Collection (April)
> Dillon's Rolling Western: The Dead Heat Breakers ( Spring)
> Wario Land (Summer)
> New Zelda game (Fall)
> Wario Ware Collection (Spring)
> Advance Wars (Fall)
> Smash Bros (Q4)

Nintendo Localizations

> Yokai Watch 3 (April) + Third version on Q4
> Yokai Watch Busters ( Summer)
> Monster Hunter XX ( Summer)
> DQ XI (Q3)


> Zelda and Wario Land are remakes
> Smash is an enhanced version with last update + DLC + few new things
> Advance Wars is a new entry with Awakening/Fates art style
> Persona Q2 coming to the west, Summer in Japan, late 2018 in America.
> General Nintendo Direct is happening in a few weeks
> 3DS/2DS successor planned in 2019.

Needs more motion blur and lens glare

>even in these shitty fake leaks there's no mention of a new Golden Sun
No more reasons to live, my friends.

>3DS/2DS successor planned in 2019.

Camelot is very busy making Mario Tennis and Mario Golf for the rest of the eternity.

>Advance Wars
Fuck off liar.

>wario land
Yeah, I wish

That's another nail in the coffin, sadly.

Everybody knows Switch IS the fucking successor

I bet the 3ds successor is a Smaller switch.
That doesn't have detachable controllers and no motion sensors.
But can still dock to play on tv if you do buy a dock but you must have a Pro controller for it.

I can give you a few more details.

> ISIS wanted to make a new Advance Wars since 2013, but never have the chance until late 2015-Early 2016 when they have green light to start the project.

> Since FE IF (Fates) was finished on late Spring 2015, Codename STEAM was finished Early Spring. First ones starts making FE Echoes (and now making FE Switch) and the second team start making a new Advance Wars.

> Take a lots of time to ISIS to think about the new itineration of the franchise and how to make it success until they officially start the project early 2016.

> To make the development more smooth is sharing the same engine of previous Fire Emblem on 3DS, this is not new since every FE-AW make this since GBA era.

> Expect the reveal at E3.

>advance wars
I want to believe

>taking the console with you, now nobody can play the home console
>it's not even a good portable system since it's big and can break easily, doesn't have a clam shell for protection
>paid online

Switch was a goddamn misstake, at least i got some few years of handheld Nintendo gaming, going to "switch" to dragonbox Pyra and try that for a few years instead


You shit


>>taking the console with you, now nobody can play the home console
well fucking duh, what kind of a complaint is that

>First ones starts making FE Echoes (and now making FE Switch)
We know that Echoes was made by a secondary team. The main team has gone right from Fates to FE Switch.

>Wario Land (Summer)

Dont play with my feelings like that OP

I wanna believe AW is true too but is anybody gonna play XX when everyone moved on to MHW and that game did everything to remove most of the clunkiness from old MH titles? It's hard playing MHW then going back to old MH.

>Wario Land
I really miss this series, including Shake It!.

Can you give us some info on Smash please?

That team join to the primary one after Echoes to accelerate the development.

Still hoping nintendo will force Capcom into bringing monster hunter xx to the west. Played the shit out of world and im dying for more

>forgetting games that are already confirmed
Nice leak bro

>new Smash Bros
>Advance Wars
>successor in 2019

That's a whole lot of bs

> In Spring you will have the reveal for Switch alongside the 3DS enhanced version of the original. E3 to reveal more characters.
Planned for September-October.

I would yeah, but only on 3ds. If they just do the switch I wouldn't bother.


Can you give us some character hints?

they should maybe have eshop discounts on more than shovelware
And fuck you nintendo, I'm not buying a game to get a -30% discount on some NES kusoge

I'm a little mad a lot of this is bullshit and that localizations for XX and DQXI aren't actually confirmed.

you blew it OP

Spring reveal
> Inkling Boy/Girl

> Ice Climbers
> Bomberman
> New Character based on a new Nintendo IP for this year.

>New Character based on a new Nintendo IP for this year.
>cardboard robot

That's valid, I'd probably just pirate it if it had a 3DS release.

>not Labo-Man

>Advance Wars is a new entry with Awakening/Fates art style
Fuck you
I'd rather nothing over another turd from IS

My sources say that it's more like a clam shell model 3DS without 3D, and it runs Switch games as well. No docking capability.

just wait and see. Reveal at E3.