Anyone wanna play?

anyone wanna play?

sent ;)

Sure OP, what's your discord?

Give some contact information and we can boogie woogie OP.

>OP is dead


I left a permanent mark on my screen from hitting this too much, but by god I 100%ed it in co-op.

I prefer being positive and telling people not to worry about it when they fail.

>OP still hasn't posted

Maybe 5% are regular people playing for fun and giving an honest effort. The rest are smack dab retarded or small children who don't know what the fuck is going on or just trolls.
You'll know once you try to complete the challenges and your teammates ragequit after you helped them complete theirs and you start proposing your own.

At one point I had to clear my blacklist because I couldn't find anymore people to play with at all.That was like 6 months after launch.

I've 100%d the game as well. It was frustrating as hell but I just don't like insulting people if I see them giving their best. If I see people trolling I just quit afterwards.

they'll just perceive your thumbs up as sarcastic anyway

I usually go with the cheer.

I would totally be down to play this with random guys from Sup Forums in a discord, I never got past the second world because my friends all stopped playing it.

Dude make a discord and I'm on it. I love playing with guys through the game. It's fun as fuck and I haven't played in a year so it'll all be fresh.

This is why I wish you could code custom messages so that I could say "it's okay" or something when someone fails.

who wanna play some federation force?

I would if I had the game to be honest.

I probably won't, most likely Im just gonna play FF12 today and get wrapped up in that.

This game was really fun with friends

What region are you guys? I’ll play

oh ok well have fun
U.S. but isn't there cross region play for it?

multiplayer is region locked

Nintendo is really the king of cuckold holy shit. What region are you in?

>create a multiplayer system with no words in order to make communication universal
>prevent half the world from playing with the other
For what purpose?

I'll probably enjoy it, I hope you get a group together.
If you guys have a hacked 3DS you could all download the US/EU one from freeshop to play.

If I make a Discord will people join then?

Oh shit does that work?

It only detects the multiplayer of the region of the game played in this case, so yes it would.

Well can SOMEONE do it?

I bought this to play with my friends, then found out the console was region locked. FeelsEUMan

Hack it and download the US one from the freeshop.

