Why do people like Dark Souls when it is just a Monster Hunter copy?

Monster Hunter invented the wheel and again they did it, MSW sold more than DS ever.

MH is retarded hit and roll for 20min until enemies due.
MH has sub kindergarten story.
Dark souls on other hand has good game design, good pretend story and enemies actually require skill.

ds is better, easily :)

This. Don't care which one came first. DS is just superior in every sense

>MH is retarded hit and roll for 20min until enemies due.
Same shit in Souls.

No boss lasts more than 5min. Movements are not clunky, you can have a good build, bosses are unique and creative.

>roll around and backstab

Great thread man i sure there will be lots of high quality posts and discussion haha

Nobody wants to play disgusting weeaboo games with mmo tier world of warcraft full retard art designs.
>Japanese games
>have shit like 20 meter long gunlances for weapons

Nice bait, retard. Dark Souls only vaguely draws from MH's combat design and is otherwise entirely different. Besides the fact that its combat is centered around very different enemy types (more small and humanoid), it also has a much larger focus on navigation through complex multi-layered levels and a totally different sort of RPG progression. Not very comparable at all.

Because monster hunter was boring


But Dark Souls came out before Monster Hunter World??

Why do people like the Van Gogh? Cavemen did it first.

DS is japanese too...

hey retard, guess where FromSoftware is located?

What part of it is japanese.

Westaboo btfo

aint no iframes to abuse in monster hunter faggo, dark souls was stale shit when it first came out and offers nothing but slightly expanded zelda oot combat

>i hate fun! i want all my videogames to be drab and realistic!

Why do people like Monster Hunter?

Why do people like The Chainsmokers?

because the monsters are fun to fight and the combat has good animations and sense of weight

How do I kill the first boss in DS3? I'm pretty bad at console action games.