I've not played either Nier game, and the new one has piqued my interest what with white bodysuited sexbot ass. That said I'm the kind of person who has to start from the beginning with any game, movie, or TV series.
I've downloaded the PAL version for my PS3, but what am I in for? Is the first Nier worth playing? Any DLC that people consider mandatory? Any mistakes first time players make I should avoid like key missables or unwise stat allocation?
No spoilers please.
Adam Davis
Excellent game, worth playing and I think it is better than Automata. DLC is not necessary. Enjoy
Nathaniel Turner
Glad to here DLC isn't needed since getting DLC on a jailbroken PS3 is always 4x the hassle of just getting the base game.
Any tips for a first timer? Things you wish you knew going into it fresh? What weapons are worth upgrading what characters are shit? I literally have no idea what the gameplay is even like so the questions might not even be applicable.
Mason Gray
Go in blind and enjoy the ride That being said, definitely do as many side quests as you want. Some of them come off as pointless fetch quests but they all have enough characterization and mini plot lines that make them worth it. Don't worry about upgrading all the weapons but definitely collect all of them
Brody Jackson
The gameplay is standard hack and slash with some cool powers, it doesn't really matter what you upgrade because the game isn't difficult. Try to knock out as many side quests as you can and definitely play Route B it adds a lot of context
Lucas Turner
Lucas Scott
>I'm here for sex Enjoy depression.
>What do Don't give up on the game before Facade. If you still hate it by that point then feel free, but the game gets weirder and more interesting as you progress. Pick up every sidequest, but don't do any unless you want to do them. After the "Mansion" dungeon there's a point of no return. Do everything you want to before entering the manor. Don't stop playing when the credits roll, get the real ending faggot. You'll know when it happens.
Angel Cooper
The game is pretty simple but if you think something hits too hard then just block. Block is busted
Christopher Perez
The second half has shitty trap sidequests, though. They aren't worth the effort at all.
Parker Cook
The side quests aren't worth the effort since they are grindy and offer little story to them. Once you play automata the sidequests in that game are more fun so you should do them. I haven't played the DLC but the DLCs of both games are more side content and are irrelevent to the main story - play them if you want to
Carter Rodriguez
>help me tile my roof, guv
Aiden Gonzalez
You dont need to kill every enemy you see. In fact avoid killing as much as you can or else you'll overlevel. Same advice goes for Automata
Jason Young
Play like you want, do sidequests, but maybe skip some of the more grindy ones. Remeber to fish in the right spot. Else just play normally, like you would an action RPG
Gavin Walker
>Yonah's cooking >Boars >Derelict kids >Free Eagle Egg >Duet >Stone Circle >Not worth it
Fuck you.
Christopher Murphy
Hey I did them once but for every good quest there's another three quests that are: >find me these three items >you're done, great now fuck off
Hunter Gray
You'll spoil yourself because it's much better than Automata
Wyatt Sanchez
Look up a guide on how to get every weapon, some sidequests in the original game are a son of a bitch to complete and not all give a weapon as a reward. You need all the weapons to get the true ending. Some quests are worth doing, if only for the story/character interactions alone. Other than that play the game the way you like..
Sebastian Turner
>tfw never completed Stone Circle >look it up >feel like shit for not doing it Man
Colton Phillips
There's maybe six "FUCK YOU" quests in the whole game. Every other quest is good or incidental.
Luke Bailey
>There are people in this world who have played Nier but not finished the Lighthouse quest. >Or the dog quest >Or the child of Facade non-quest.
Feels bad.
Isaiah Baker
Look fishing is cool and all but I don't want to spend three hours doing it - and gardening is even more silly due to growing in real time
Nathan Bennett
First NieR is absolutely worth playing, DLC is not mandatory at all Be sure to play the sidequest with the old lady in the lighthouse Reminder that you aren't done with the game until you see Ending D
Isaiah Parker
>He doesn't like fishing >Implying the single gardening quest isn't one of those six "fuck you" quests.
Ian Flores
>I'm the kind of person who has to start from the beginning with any game
Gotta play the first Drakengard. Ending E ties directly into Nier.
Landon Lopez
I did like the fishing minigame but the quest line is nine fucking parts long. They should have made you find one fish per part of the quest rather than 'catch the same fish 5 times'
Zachary Price
It doesn't even register in my mind after the dozens of hours in junkheap.