Oh there we fucking go.
Metroid Prime 4 is being developed by Bandai Namco Studios Singapore
No fucking shit. Jesus Christ. I'm not a Sony shitposter, but what the fuck is this fucking garbage? Bamco Singapore? Holy fuck, Nintendo really does hate Metroid now.
Who did you think would be working on it.
Damco Singapore employees. Can you even read?
Is it a bad thing?
No. It's always the 2d fans crying, when those ganes don't sell well in Japan.
Looks like Metroid Prime is going the way of Halo Wars 2, I'm glad 2D Metroid is back and alive I can't wait for Sakamoto and MercurySteam to give us Metroid 5, Prime should have ended at Prime 3 maybe even earlier than that, Prime 1.
Please have a Western writer for the pirate logs.
There was also a Linkdin page that pretty much confirms it.
So then that one rumor about Smash 5 and TWINE 2 is true.
>chink developers
It's going to be shit, isn't it?
I'm just gonna say, Suck my dick Nintendofags
Namco Baraduke
Why would you outsource a game this important?
>houses staff that worked on SW:1313
I don't how how to feel about this
What a pathetic cuck you are
Other M 2.0, who knew the Metroid Prime series would die off like the Halo Wars series. Sakamoto the hero Metroid fans needed but didn't deserve.
Metroid is not important.
>Metroid Prime
Nintendo treats their Metroid fans exactly how Metroid fans treat them back.
Like shit and rightfully so.
It’s neither good or bad until we see footage. This is just the usual autistic hand wringing from metroidfags.
This is Starfox zero all over again.
Aren't some of the fuckers from Armeture from the old Retro?
What a shitty article holy fuck.
>says they have sources
>recap everything we already knew
>bring zero new information to the table
Fuck off, what an obnoxious article
>the team that was developing star wars 1313
How is this anything other than a good thing? By all accounts that game was going to be really cool before it was canned by disney, and they can probably re use a bunch of ideas from it
They treat us 2D fans well but they treat the Prime fanbase like shit and the Prime fanbase deserve all the shit Nintendo gives them.
Yes and they’ve made nothing but mediocre games since they left Retro.
>implying it's not the usual Sup Forums mongoloids shitposting every nintendo game to death
Probably because they didn't have Ninty breathing down their necks. Whatever happened to Free Radical?
I hope they slut her up. Like her Nes days
Nintendo outsources important stuff all the time. Sm4sh was largely developed by by bandai namco, with Sakurai doing oversight. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a very similar situation.
*steals your ex-Retro employees*
What are the Nintendofags doing now that they know their new Metroid will be shit?
daily reminder
>mp4 is released
>it gets high 90s metacritic score and sells millions
>Sup Forums collectively shits the bed and spams i-it's not that good!! topics for an entire year after the fact
screencap this
Who cares where it's developed as long as the game is good? Ya'll were bitching when it was revealed that the Lords of Shadow developers were making Samus Returns.
Metroid fans I swear....
Waiting for Metroid 5, the real savior of Metroid.
>Selling millions
Excellent joke user
Oh my bad it was another 3, not Smash 5. I’m still skeptical but more from this guy keeps getting confirmed. The whole thing is about 70-80% accurate so far.
nice meme
even a super niche series like xenoblade became a million seller on switch, 3d mario and zelda entries broke records for their respective franchises, mp4 is going to sell at least 3 millions, screencap this
>Ya'll were bitching when it was revealed that the Lords of Shadow developers were making Samus Returns.
don't forget Retro when ex-Turok/Half-Life people were doing Metroid Prime
2Dfags are a vocal group of purist retards jumping the gun
Zero was in house, Platinum did some minor assets and had their name slapped on because Nintendo hoped to sell some copies due to the ERMHERGERD PLATINUM STAR FOX.
Nintendo stated themselves that it was a new, inhouse team.
has that studio ever even completed a game?
They didn’t say in-house, they said it was a new team entirely.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
Donkey Konga 3
>"Zelda is delayed to Summer 2017"
>"Mario Odyssey will be a launch game"
>"Pokemon Stars is coming to Switch"
>"Mother 3 will be released March 3rd 2017"
Post your reaction when Metroid Prime 4 is an Open World Bounty Hunter game set in the Metroid Universe.
>Prime shit
>set in the Metroid universe
pick 1
>implying Sakamoto "muh samus is too pure waifu to hunt bounties" would ever allow something that cool to happen
I think it's time for Samus to actually do some bounty hunting in these games. Catching or killing actual human enemies not just blowing up planets.
>muh headcanon
The absolute state of Nintendo
Prime 4 being not just outsourced, but to Bamco Singapore? It's amazing news for Pime 4 fans. At one point it seemed like Prime 4 was going to be a first-party game with a real budget and a real studio behind it! Wow, that was a close one.
Literally who cares about Haloid 4 when Metroid V is in development?
>Xenoblade 2 is probably gonna outsell MP2 and 3 by the end of the Switch's life
Retro said new ip.
Why does Nintendo treat Metroid like a unwanted step-child? Why doesn't it put the same energy into Metroid as it does into Mario and Zelda?
retro or from software were what i was hoping
realistically i assumed it would be a team worse than this one
anyone wanna play "predict the metacritic score" ? i'm thinking a 77.
Something new you fuck.
So. Better or worse than Other M? What do you expect?
Prime was always shit so nothing of value was lost.
>retro or from software were what i was hoping
What the fuck.
>from software
LMAO did you want the game to be 10fps undocked? They can’t code worth shit.
>from software
you complete mongoloid
you mouthbreathing simpleton
No, it's a great thing, just the fucking team we need...
The company has a close relationship with Nintendo, as Bandai Namco studios have previously worked on the Mario Kart arcade game as well as Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS and Wii U and Pokkén Tournament for Wii U and Switch.
sounds like they'll make a great metroid game, considering they've never made anything remotely like metroid EVER.
they're also making ridge racer 8 at the same time apparently. fck my life
Why would fromsoft waste their time on a shit series like metroid
>anyone wanna play "predict the metacritic score" ? i'm thinking a 77.
No, because I'm not a Sup Forumstard.
>mother 3
I can't believe people still hope.
if you guys really don't see the metroid prime influence on dark souls, or how the metroid prime series could benefit from a team that does environments and bosses like from software, you're either underage or inexperienced.
I'm actually really happy about this, this means Retro is working on something else
According to the rumors it's a horror game
If it manages to be worse, that'd be an achievement all on it's own. I can't say what I've heard about the supposed team is promising, but no sense in being upset until they have something upsetting to show. I figure it's likely just going to be mediocre, though.
Welcome to Sup Forums, where all rumours are true as long they create shitposting
I was more going for "this guy is fucking delusional".
Probably a new property or a property not used now. Wario, StarFox, F Zero, Kid Icarus.
I'm not one of them people who think every series needs a sequal.
There's no dkr3.
Do you blame them? Mirror of Fate is the worst metroidvania ever released on a console, Samus Returns is a miracle.
>From Software
yeah l too would like metroid's environments to all look the same with a grey and black color palette and the kind of fantastic interconnected level design exemplified by dark souls 2
kill yourself
if they only did the art assets, why did nintendo go to them for their action game knowledge?
Well shit, horror games always bore me to tears but whatever I guess others will enjoy it
nice source
ask this idiot, not me
We could also get some large forests filled with fucking nothing as well as some swamps.
XC2 already outsold prime 2, maybe even prime 3 at this point