30 without drops is the bare minimum of acceptable.
But if it's actually stable at 30 and the game isn't as intense as a platinum or fightan game (for example, fucking 3D platformers), turning your nose at the game over it just makes you look like a retard
Funnily enough all three are also shit.
There will be posts below bringing up other consoles
Yeah, Kamiya's insistence that his games all be 60 frames stems from the fact that he makes fast paced brawlers, not lesiurly, pastel, collectathon platformers.
P-PS4 i-is the next g-gen you guys!!!
Current gen.
>console gayming
soo what about pic related?
Ratchet and Clank Going Commando remake never.
>th-thirty FPS is okay i-if th-the game i-is
My black African friend. That's my favorite.
>Playing A Hat in Time on console
Mario 64 is also 30 FPS.
Go home, cancer biscut.
Why would anyone want that after how bad they fucked up the first game?
>Managed 60 on 3DS to 30 and not even full resolution on Switch
Downgrading from one game to the next, especially when Kirby Star Allies doesn't push the game graphically in a way that warrants 30, especially when it's going from 40 to 60 dollars as the pricetag, is a pretty big insult.
If it was all in that god tier claymated artstyle from Rainbow Curse and at least full resolution 30 would be fine. Point to a reason Kirby Star Allies actually runs at 30 fps.
And before you accuse me of just hating Nintendo, BOTW running at 30 was more than acceptable because what the game accomplished on the hardware was damn impressive. Kirby is not damn impressive thus far.
A Hat In Time is 60fps you fucking brainlet
PS3 has like 5 Ratchet & Clank games. PS4 only has one, and it's a remake.
New Ratchet & Clank when?
>30 fps
On PC, sure.
They absolutely ruined the characterization, music , story, and probably other shit I'm forgetting, but I feel like a lot of that had to do with working around the movie tie-in. I feel like insomnia could make a much better remake otherwise.
Wait, the console versions of hat in time, a mediocre indieshit platformer with fuckall for content and has shit graphics, runs at only 30fps? Ya'll niggas should've pirated it on PC because even at 60fps the game pretty much sucks
I don't see OP mention any platform
Explain a disadvantage of running at 60fps over 30fps.
>And before you accuse me of just hating Nintendo
dude i aint no drone
though you can't deny that the game looks fucking gorgeous, especially when compared to previous iterations
left, october direct 2017, right, last month's direct
not sure how much of that factors into the FPS deal tho
>playing a platformer on PC like a crippled autist
Hardware is fundamentally limited.
They make gamepads for PC, you know.
Lighting and post process take a lot of power. The 3DS games ran at 60fps because they were 240p and everything looked like plastic.
No one needs to explain shit to you. Simply try 60 fps and you will curse 30 fps every time you boot up your kiddiestation
You can use PS4 controller on PC.
That's a disadvantage of consoles, not the use of 60 frames.
>People are STILL arguing about 30/60 FPS
>game looks fucking gorgeous
It looks like a Gamecube game. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, other than the fact that Gamecube is 15 years old yet has over 90% of its library in glorious 60 fps, so having it run at 30 at something 10x more powerful is ridiculous.
And half of them suck
Is there really any reason to defend 30 fps outside of console wars?
Everybody knows the PS4/Xbone versions of the game run like shit despite being set on the PC equivalent of medium graphics settings. Not only that, but for the first couple days the PS4 version had a save-breakinjg glitch in it where if you fight the final boss using one of the alternate ice hats and use the ability it fucking crashes the game and breaks your save, like the game couldn't handle all the shit going on.
I thought I played a hat in time in 120 fps
Buy one that doesn't.
How would you know when you've never used them?
No,but peasants gotta defend their youtube players somehow
compared to how gcn looked, KSA looks a million times better
The only controller not compatible with PC in at least some way is WiiU's Gamepad, solely because it uses a proprietary radio band and nobody bothered to make an adapter for that yet.
what a dingus
Well it is possible to make 30fps work and feel natural. Wind Waker was 30fps but I never hear anybody complain about it running at that framerate, probably because it's rock solid and the game itself was made in a way that it completely expects 30fps. Nowadays games that run at 30 or below were either designed to be running at 60 or have such a shitty framerate fluctuation that it's impossible to ignore the dip.
Proof that "120 frames/s" isn't needed for a good game
How is ratchet and clank? I liked the ps2 games but never played the PS3 ones. Don't really care how it compares to the rest of the series just wanna know if it's a good game on it's own
It is good, but Sup Forums will tell you it's not.
You can just use a normal console controller on PC, are you retarded?
Doesn't really matter as long as the game is fun. why does everything have to be about resolutions and fps? I enjoy MHW despite all of the framerate issues on the PS4.
I genuinely feel sorry for these miserable people.
I couldnt imagine being this sensitive, that must be a really tough life.
>It looks like a Gamecube game
t. Someone who never saw a GC game outside of an emulator with better resolution and AA than the console had.
In a vaccum the game is good, but it's a tie in for a movie and it shows.
The first game is probably better if only because it's self contained.
They fucked up how the wrench works and how you do the Clank jumping
of course 60 fps is always better, nobody genuinely believes otherwise. But to claim that a game is literally unplayable or some shit at 30 is genuine autism.
I love that 30 fps is OK only became popular after companies actively started to shill for it.
I remember when Nintendo was still saying that games should be 60 fps as did many devs from every platform.
But it's cheaper to shill for 30 fps than properly code and provide hardware.
The point of this thread is that a Hat in Time looks like utter shit compared to the others and doesn't even run smoother
>shittacular reboot, in a big part due to 30 fps gameplay
>remaster of a game that aged like cheap wine, disgusting but people will tell you it's meant to be like that
>60 on the only platform that matters
>W-why does everything h-have to be about resolution and-f-f-frame rate guys...I love my 15fps PS4 game...
OP here. You are the only one who got it.
>muh graphics
Slightly OT.
How did Cuphead manage to run at 60fps while still perfectly resembling the animation of old cartoons that ran at 24fps?
>He thinks indieshit faggots can actually optimize their garbage
I've seen full 2D pixel indie games that have higher computer requirements than WoW did back in 2005. It makes no sense and it's fucking retarded that these people don't know how to make their games run better.
They can't market their movie-substitutes with 60fps and slightly lower-quality Visuals. Visuals are what sell the games.
100% of Game Boy titles are in 60 FPS. You can't say it's graphics.
30 is unplayable garbage for any game where you actually control your character in combat. 30fps is barely ok for a telltale game. the only ones who defend 30fps are console fanboys. and even if you somehow manage to get a game on your console that runs at 30FPS any slowdown at all puts you into actual unplayable frame rates.
Welcome to Sup Forums
>it's wrong to criticize Xenoblade and Zelda for being 30 FPS
>but it's perfectly okay to attack sony and indie games over it
>the common argument is "the games are so casual that you don't need precise inputs" while implying that sony games being casual is bad
Console arguments are always funny to me.
Framerate is preformance not graphics.
Complaining about the textures being shit is complaining about graphics, but framerate is how well a game can run.
An actual game at 30fps is still an actual game. A movie at 30fps is still a movie.
>An actual game
>at 30fps
Might it be that some games have been optimized for certain framerates? I mean I've only heard rumours about it.. but could it be true? Or is it all just a fiction?
For decades people have been fighting about it. Could PAL game actually run better than it's counterpart NTSC version with lower framerate? Could this PC game actually be better with certain fps lock and resolution. Even.... if higher ones are available?
That and much more on tonight's fuck you play games or don't play who cares.
Super Mario 64 runs at 30fps
A movie at 12 fps is not a movie anymore
It's a slideshow.
A game at 30 fps_______
A Hat in Time isn't even that good of a game. I don't know how people were calling it the "Yooka-Laylee" killer when it's just as bad if not worse.
>Floaty easy to abuse movement physics
>Tacked-on mechanics you either don't really need or are completely useless
>Levels start from being open and sandbox in design but later ones are completely restrictive and linear
>Level designs are confusing for the open ones, and improperly spaced out for the linear ones
>"combat" is garbage and you'll end up just using the homing attack that's hard to get working most of the time
The only thing I really liked about it was the music, the Grant Kirkhope deal fell through so they got a different guy but he did good on that shit. Everything else is just middling at best, I'd compare this shit to the likes of other forgotten garbage platformers like Bubsy or Ace the Acrobat
What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. A deal’s a deal, user! What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Bing bing wahoo! Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros
>A Hat in Time isn't even that good of a game
I agree.
>"Yooka-Laylee" killer when it's just as bad if not worse.
Lmao no way. Yooka Laylee is way worse.
And Super Mario 64 has aged like milk in the back of a fridge that lost power half a decade ago. Your point?
You heard that from Sup Forums too?
Zelda is a slow game focused on exploration and puzzles. Even the combat in it feels like an afterthought. If we regress it way back to 70s, it'd be a text adventure game and not Pong, nobody complains that former runs at maybe 5 frames per minute.
Crash, RnC and HiT are the Pong. Their entire point is immediate action so framerate is important.
>as intense as a platinum or fightan game
>platinum game
Casual shit for babies is now intense?
I wonder what it's like to be the one guy on Sup Forums to vehemently hates platinum?
>the "greatest game of all time" features combat so terrible that it's an afterthought
What did he mean by this?
more than you probably think
I'm thankful that I've seen some anons without shit taste who also don't like games from PG
That's fucking sad
Is Nintendo the only company that has it's final product look better than the earlier promotional trailers? Same shit with Odyssey
It's definitely not the greatest. It is very obviously undercooked, the only reason they stopped delaying it to polish further is because Switch needed a halo game on launch and Mario team was behind schedule. But even then, combat wouldn't be a big focus, they'd probably add more monsters and call it a day.
I like the left one more desu
What? Isn't hatgirl 60fps? Ooooh you mean on consoles. Kek.
have other game companies made their games look worse on release? or just unimproved?
i can see that
less contrast, softer palette, overall comfier look, tho ymmv
>over 4 years since release
Of course it isn't next-gen. We're closer to PS5's release date than PS4's.