Tom Clancy didnt want people to be able to play as terrorists in his games

>Tom Clancy didnt want people to be able to play as terrorists in his games
>The whole R6S is a simulation
Shouldnt Tom Clancy understand the concept of fiction

What's with the fucking rubberbanding in this game's multiplayer?

I always though it was dumb to have operators killing each other. They should have made defenders terrorist always but they still get perks and shit. Helll you should be able to execute the hostage or blow the bomb once time runs out

But then there wouldn't be half of the operators.

rainbow six siege came out on 2015
Tom Clancy died on 2013

i say you are talking bullshit

"How many times will we have to answer this? You're playing a Tom Clancy game and you will never play as a terrorist in a Tom Clancy game. The first Rainbow Six games were made by a Studio Tom Clancy had founded. And he didn't want the player to be a terrorist and so it stayed till today, so the programers just did what Tom Clancy wanted, or maybe they aren't allowed to do that, I don't know."


The creators of games are fucking retarded and should never be allowed to influence their creation after the third game in a series. See: Miyamoto, Kojima, Sakurai, Cliff Bazinga, Edmund Mcmuffin, etc.

At least Tom didn't have to witness the shit game that is Siege.

The bombs do release their like bioweapon if you win on a lockout if I remember correctly.


oh wow , taht is one impressing source man

well go and find the real reason then

The books had the VR shit

Every single Tom Clancy multiplayer before siege was operator vs operator

Tom Clancy literally said himself that you will never play as a terrorist in his brand. If you ever read his books, he was high off jingoism. In the first Rainbow Six novel, the terrorists are fucking environmental hippies.

and then in 3 you fight a former nazi who wants to bring Racism back and raise oil prices all while putting VS and blister gas in the worlds meat supply

What would Tom Clancy think about some of the operators completely disregarding the Geneva convention?

>Tom Clancy literally said himself that you will never play as a terrorist in his brand.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but if he "literally said" so, you could show us the book or interview he stated this in, right?
>he was high off jingoism. In the first Rainbow Six novel, the terrorists are fucking environmental hippies.
Or in a later book, repeatedly having the good guys call the Chinese "barbarians."

Necessary evil.

Why tom clancy though?

His books arent even good.

Geneva Conventions provide protections for non-combatants, namely civilians or surrendering soldiers / POWs. The Geneva Conventions don't address or care what you do to armed terrorists, which are the type of people Rainbow goes against.

Anyone else like Endwar? You pretend to be terrorists in one misson

its one big Tom Clancy reference

I wanna terrorist hunt in a giant high rise floor to floor. PvP can fuck off.

Join the fucking military then fat boy

the AI seems really stupid though from what i've played(mainly the gassed school map), they just rush you