Game has dog companion

>game has dog companion
>dog is killable

Other urls found in this thread:

>keep it alive through sheer force of will and savescumming

fallout was a hell of a game

Is he actually dead or is that a really bloody nose?

me on the right

>game has dog companion
>hes invincible

What happened?

>it canonically dies to a force field during the last level

Yeah, it's a good ending for him, though. It fits.

I want to laugh at but also feel sorry for the boy on the right every time I see that picture. He looks so horrified but is still trying to help.

What is it about this picture that just tells you it's Russian?

babbies first crocodile overdose

Kids are white and dress respectfully

>everyone tells you to put head back
>this is an action to stop blood from coming out
>because people faint at the sight of blood
>but in turn can be more lethal to the person with a nosebleed
As someone who has had nosebleeds his whole life the the proper way is bend over and let the fucker drain and stop it with some pressure (roll some toilet paper up and shove it in there) because adding more risk by tilting your head back is not worth people being mad. let them deal with it like you deal with bleeding


>being this selfish

slav haircut

yo cmon, thats so fucking sad

wtf man


the fuck is this

>be in class
>nose bleed
>"hey can you pass me a tissue"
>they're panicking
>"yeah can i get that tissue now so this doesnt go everywhere"
>theyre still panicking
>"fine ill do it myself"

I don't even like dogs but there's something about dog abuse that makes it more horrible than human torture. I can eat during 3 guys 1 hammer but a dog getting beat to death? Couldn't stand the dog's screaming,

wuts u point. stop being selifsh and git ur own tissue

>le indie game with faux retro pixel graphics

fucking disgusting

basically the less the creature can defend itself the worse it feels
Unless its a completely deshumanized thing like an ant

source on these?

its because a dog trusts you and is not capable to understand that a human would hurt it for no reason
its betrayal on a whole new level, not just "dog beating"

>Kids are white

Nose is bleeding and you'd have to keep it from getting everywhere. Takes quite a bit of effort.

Russia is the whiter country there is

half of russia is full of mongols and chinese you dipshit

Just get tissue and plug it up just like in anime

Ivan, how many times do we have to re-iterate that slavs are not white.

Same reason dogs act like they do today.
If you're not a nigger or a chink, "Mans best friend" is practically encoded into your genes.

Point still stands


Says who
Sup Forums?

>best girl has worst stats

user is bleeding and reacting to the matters calmly and you tell him to stop being selfish when it's his own fucking injury he's trying to deal with. Fuck off, you'd bitch at a guy who fell and broke his hip for being too loud and disturbing the neighbors.

turkish sweaters
big heads
hair cuts

Says the entire western world slavshit

is that wolf okay


That's sad, but kind of cool.

Born in the USSR.
Beware its a "Russia so bad and evul" smearcomentary. Andrei is probably squatting somewhere drinking vodka now.


I didn't savescum and a super mutant got him. That gave me the motivation I needed to nuke them.

HA YOUR POST IS FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S A DOG AND IT'S NOT OKAY. Fuck, you make me want to shoot up a hospital.

probably not

Are you fucking blind
of course it's ok shit head

is your head cool

friday night I didnt need those feels

Y tho


or an american cop

Those walls

hey fuck you man my mom and dad are on a trip together and won't be back until like next friday
i didn't need to feel these feels now, i'm super fucking anxious now

i want to go hug them now

calm down there spergo.

Russia IS bad and evil. If you love their backwards fucking dictatorship so much why don't you move your faggot ass there drumpfkin? Sure poodle would let you suck his cock kys


>not telling your mom and dad you love them every day just in case

He gets adopted by an american family but had to switch to another one. Then he went to college, said something like he has a good business idea or whatever and then he moved back to his foster family or whatever

its nice to see user caring for his parents.

there aren't people in the planet who i love more than my mom, dad and brother
i would gladly sacrifice the entire human race for them without a single thought

Only idiots (mostly other slavs) say that slavs are white.
It's embarrassing really just like neonazis glorifying Russia/Hungary/slavs nowadays or slavs idolizing Hitler.

It's ok to be a slav

>Feeling down because can't see my dad anymore
>See this shit
I'm just glad neither of my parents are dead. Even if they royally fucked up raising me, at least they tried

you are cute, user
but also a selfish fuck

user there's a chance they don't come back at all

>Going to China to visit relatives
>Fed one of the doggos because I didn´t like those fake sausage they handed to me
>Pet him
>Instant best friend since no one else does that and they live on corn powder water normally
>A week later before I would depart
>They slaughtered a dog for me to eat
>Tasted not that good, but free good is free food
>Wanted to pet doggo one last time
>Oh shit
Fucking hell, I know is different culture and all, but come the fuck on.

Lost my alcoholic mother when I was really young, only memory I really have anymore is when she sang this swedish lullaby to me
I still hear it in my dreams and wake up with tears and it takes a minute to realize why am I crying.
Fucked thing, to lose a parent. Even though you don't even know them.

hey fuck you man, you watch out for your own
i don't wish anything bad on anyone, but if it's anyone vs my family, i'm sorry, my family wins every time

shut up, shut the FUCK UP
i'm messaging right fucking now, both of them at the same time

why are you soyboys so easily triggered? Do go back.

the doggo will live deep inside you now

No one is going to stick their neck out for you in this world when shit hits the fan. If it's the world or your family, fuck the world.

>swedish lullaby
how the fuck is that a lullaby sounds like burlesque striptease music. Was your drunken mother a stripper?

My dad committed suicide 2 days after I got married. This was 2 years ago and I had to tell my doctor about this morning when covering mental illness in my family. I’m completely fine 99.9% of the time and broke down sobbing. 5 minutes later he had to check my festivals while I was still teary and sniffing.

Yeah I guess this is more accurate

Shadow Dancer?

>one hand to hold nose closed
>one hand below nose to catch drips if any drop
>hands covered in blood
>touching things with blood covered hands bugs people immensely
>respectfully and calmly ask for assistance to ensure everyone is calm and not annoyed
>they freak out anyway and disrupt the calm tone
>have to be an asshole to get it handled
i see nothing wrong with being polite in an otherwise non emergency issue

Canonically Dogmeat and Ian die to the super mutants in Necropolis. It says so in the Fallout 2 manual which is written like it's the journal of the Vault Dweller.

The only people to care about are those that actually matters to you. Those that goes around parading "don't be selfish" doesn't have anything to actually care for in the first place.

That's sad user, I feel you.

Testicles* fuck, this is what I get for phone posting.