Other urls found in this thread:

Lamb of God
white choc chip cookies
Energy drinks
Not till later
Hopeful for next week.

Ultra Moon
Law and Order
B.P.R.D Plague of Frogs
Yuri or Loli
Being a teacher sucks

God I finally have Fridays off and can post on these threads, feels good

Monsta Huntah
Family Guy
Bad Bunny
Nothing today
Feel like getting a pizza
Some nasty shit
Like I actually want to go out and not stay home

Finally a Friday -night- thread with the proper format, thank god.

Grinding in Siege and Monster Hunter. - First time in ages I have some buddies to play vidya with on pc and console!
Might watch Sicaro. - Heard good things about this. I also need a new anime to watch if anyone has recs.
To Pimp a Butterfly. - Perfect cozy winter music.
Chocolate chip cookies and teriyaki chicken.
Flavored water.
A little tired and a whole lot bored, but hopefully I'll be seeing the boys later. My rib got fractured in kickboxing sparring yesterday and it kind of sucks.

First time playing ME1?

What do you teach and why does it suck?

Happy Friday faggot, what's your main in MH and what are you hunting?

Was maining bow then switched to chargeblade. Was trying to hunt Lagianas but that bitch won't stop flying, serves me right for not sticking with bow.

Dragon Ball FighterZ, Yoshi's Island, Demon's Souls
My music playlist on youtube
Sup Forums
Just had a burger
Water and coke
Not tonight

>What do you teach and why does it suck?
I'm the universal history teacher for this high school, I just miss my home and want to be with my family

Maybe some Silent Hill 1 a little bit later before bed.
Not in the mood to watch anything right now, or have time to sit and enjoy it.
Panzer Dragoon Saga Ressurection
Research articles for school
Spicy Chicken and cheesy potatos
Ebony/delicious brown
Bretty good. The cold I that first hit me one week ago is finally on it's way out. A little congested but fine otherwise. If I didn't have like 10 high profile assignments due over the course of the next 3 weeks life would be nice.

About to fire up Hatsune Miku Future Tone
Nothing right now. Going to watch Bladerunner 2049 soon. Bought it on Blu-ray
Tell Me Your World and other Miku songs
The Mobile City series
Got some boneless wings from WingStop. Honey BBQ + Bleu Cheese
Few Pints of Lech Beer
Nothing right now. Mom-dom/face sitting/prostate milking probably though
Not bad. Kind of sleepy from working all day

I still have like 4 games to even start let alone beat, but I've been addicted to Hatsune Miku lately and I don't know why. Managed to perfect 4 songs on Hard though. And get 99% on that Polka song on Extreme. PS4 controller is too small :(. My hands cramp.

Doing my first dragon age origins playthrough enjoying it
Don't really like watching stuff anymore
Been going through some old helloween albums
Nothing at the moment but might reread huck Finn, been feeling real nostalgic
Nothing got to make weight on sunday
Same as above
Nothing yet maybe tomorrow
Tiered, sore, hungry, and thirsty

Alternating between The Expanse and catching up on Franxx
Old krautrock
Consider Phlebas
Rally's burg
Jones Blue Raspberry
I haven't masturbated to completion in weeks
not so good

Tropico 5. Really hoping we get some news on 6 soon.
LOTR extended
Couple audiobooks
The Secret of the Nightingale Woods
Probably gonna have some cola.
Before soon I'm sure.
Quite good actually. I'm in a weird position with employment because of my particulars of my career, but I'm hopeful that I could have a full work week next week.

Also it's snowing outside and that's fun since I dont have to go anywhere

I started with Longsword, but recently switched to Heavy Bowgun which is great for a supporting role on sos hunts. I'm on Rathalos having the same problem with it flying away. Try using flash pods when you feel like it's about leave the area.

I love history, if I had to teach that's what I'd want to teach. I'm sorry you miss your family, I'm sure their proud of you for having such a cool career. It'll be all the sweeter when you see them again.

Kino movie choices. I marathon Lord of the Rings every year and I'm about to start making Blade Runner an annual watch through as well I liked it so much.

Persona 5
Shape of Water
Britney Spears - baby one more time
nothing yet
some beef
Jynx Maze dirty anal
i was a bit sad but i'm okay now.

old wrastling games
joe rogan podcast
i aint no nerd
ice tea

Overwatch or GTA:O
Kanye West
Diet, senpai.
thicc booty latinas
chill af

The Matt Brown and Duncan Trussel ones were incredibly based.

What Kanye album? I'm listening to Dark Fantasy trying to get him into it, but I'm not sure it's what I should have started with.

peach pit
some good ass homemade barbecue chicken
awful bc a friend of mine committed suicide on monday and his funeral was today

Do you have a cellulite fetish?

Monster Hunter World and maybe some God of War 2, trying to beat the entire series before that new game.
Sopranos season 2 and Dragon Ball (man son Goku is hilarious)
that Black Panther album and chill lofi
Second book in The Dark Tower kinda not feeling it so far
might have a cheese omelette later, doing keto and getting these GAINS
Japanese Sencha green tea and water
I don't watch porn anymore and haven't fapped in 41 days, I'm really feeling good about it.
I'm feeling good, productive work week and I'm finally gaining momentum into leading a healthy lifestyle where I exercise and take care of myself. Wish I could hang out with my friends but I moved to different town for work. Going to use this year to really improve myself and grow!

Going in order tells a story of hopefulness then falling to a pit of madness.

But if you're starting, Graduation is most accessible to start with.

Personally I love Yeezus and TLOP

Nier automata and The Devil on G-String
Steins;gate with my gf
midwest emo, death grips, folk punk
im a huge faggot I know
Some Aino Isano one shots
not sure
blue moon and sanpellagrino
candid feet
Other than work, pretty good. Assistant manager at mcdonalds and 90% of friday night people called in "sick" last minute so I had to stay about an hour late and I was so stressed out I fainted in front of a bunch of customers
Other than that, have tonight to myself and going on a valentines day date monday with the gf. Still need to get a present.

I might play some Yakuza 0 again after finishing Kawami. I might play some Overwatch. I dunno.
Netflix sub needs renewing. I guess I might renew it and see what Altered Carbon is about I GUESS
Maybe some of that V I D E O G A M E M U S I C
Just had the mixed grill at Whetherspoons. Large! It's a pretty whatever plate of average meat but 'Spoons is cheap so it's fine
Had a few pints then a couple of rum and cokes now a nice cuppa
I've fapped myself silly this week so I'm taking the night off
I should ask this girl out that I like

My buddy doesn't have the attention span for that so I was trying to make a strong first impression with Dark Fantasy. I love Yeezus, but hate Pablo as an album although it does a good job showing how crazy and sporadic Kanye has become lately.

>I don't watch porn anymore and haven't fapped in 41 days, I'm really feeling good about it.
tell me your ways

I just finished Steins Gate recently and love it so fucking much. It left an empty space in my heart. Hope your gf enjoys it.

So far she does.

Its hard to find shows she actually likes. I showed her ping pong and kuuchu buranko and she loved both. Shes in college to become a therapist so kuuchu buranko was perfect for her

WoW and SotC
C++ textbook
Pizza probably
Ginger ale
Jerked to some train groping doujins earlier
Pretty alright - Snowed in and feeling comfy.

Hollow Knight or DBZF
Twin Peaks
Youtube podcasts
Tired and sick

Sorry about your friend, user.

Mega Man 2
My wife play Knack
Dungeon Meshi
Braised steak and baked onions
Old fashioned
Buzzed and comfy

>Live at the very back of apartment complex
>Keep to myself, don't talk to neighbors
>Notice I have some of their mail, >Decide to walk 10 feet from my door to theirs instead of giving it to the desk work at the front of the complex
>Kid answers from behind the door
>Try to tell him that some of their mail got mixed up with mine
>He can't understand
>Put the mail in the door and leave
>Hear worried yelling a couple minutes later
That's what I get for trying to be a good neighbor. Everyone in the complex is probably going to get a notice about a potential abducter in the area.

>Doesn't understand you
Was he English speaking? Or do you mumble? Either way, fuck that little shit. Should have just tossed their mail then. I don't return mail to neighbors because I've had shitbag neighbors in the past accuse me of stealing their mail because of it.

you won't like it, but here's what I did:
>strict schedule of work, exercise, self care, and a solid 8 hour of sleep
>all of a sudden I have no time for it
>realize after two weeks that I havent watched any porn or beat my dick
>realize that these two can honestly be considered some of my most prouctive weeks of all time
>feel the urge to bust a nut but I also want to keep riding that wave of happiness
>resist the urge and play video games or watch anime when I'm free
>after a month I feel I'm finally way more disciplined than before
>wonder if I have discovered something incredible
>quick search I find out about the nofap movement
>wtf are these cringey autists on about
>learn what I can and bounce
everything is hard until its easy

Overwatch, DBFZ, Shadow of the colossus (original)
Great British bake off Season 1
I believe Pearl Jam is on in the other room
Water with lemon
Exhausted, I had to do labor for 10 hours today for the first time in two weeks

Devil May Cry PS3 collection when I get home.
Nothing today.
Got a Girl.
Fast food salads are always fun.
Already did.
Not good at all. I'm sick and need to meet with the school Dean on Monday.
At least I have a backup plan.

Monster Hunter World + Hearthstone
Sup Forums
chicken fried rice w/ yum yum sauce

We were both speaking English and I wasn't mumbling. Considering there was 2 robberies this month, it makes sense for his parents to tell him to only open the door for kids since any adult that wants to get in would have a key.

I love marathoning LOTR. It just doesnt get old for me

Mega Man Battle Network 1, Payday 2 later on.
Sup Forums
Not sure yet.
Water, maybe a soda in a bit.
Pretty alright, gotta work on a biology lab soon. valentines day is coming up, >tfw no metalhead bf to spend it with

>parents let their kid answer the door after knowledge of previous robberies
Doesn't sound like the parents are much of winners either

Shadow of the Colossus at some point

Some shit on Youtube


Had some shitty tinned curry and oven chips. I couldn't be fucked tonight.

Pepsi Max

If I feel like it later.

Like I'm a negative to literally everyone in my life when all I want to be is at least a mild positive to them. I had family arguments mostly caused by my own anger, and then I vented about them to my online friends which I'm already worried about doing too much because I feel it's all I do to them now and I don't want to be that guy.

Otherwise glad it's the weekend and I have it off. I only get every other weekend off so they mean even more to me than ever.

Nothin yet, just browsing
News, I guess
Heroin - Velvet Underground
Sup Forums
Cherry Garcia
Melon Powerade
Gonna maybe go fuck the woman I fuck for drugs later
Baked, Kinda hungry

Who the fuck is this cute trap

Red Alert 2
Beach Boys
The Colour of Magic
Sour dough bread with butter
Quality 60s and 70s porn

>Jones Soda
My man

Dragon Quest VIII on PS2 emulator, starting it tonight for first time.

Nothing, need a new show

Some Tim Ferris, Jockos newest with Peterson.

4 Hour Chef will be tonight in bed

Pizza tonight

Chocolate milk/Kratom
Not tonight I dont think although it would prob help my mood.

Depressed. I want to be comfy but I quit my DOC, so I have just this Kratom to help me get comfy and I dont really like it.

>and then I vented about them to my online friends which I'm already worried about doing too much because I feel it's all I do to them now and I don't want to be that guy.
vent to me about your online friends, i love witnessing other peoples' interpersonal drama

Mariza Trap faggot

Monster Hunter World. Already 50hrs in, having a ton of fun just doing whatever. I am about to fight Nergigante, and while I know I wasted a ton of time in LR and shit I dont mind. Its the first time in forever I have felt that way about a video game.

Might player Warframe later cause my buddy REALLY wants me to try it
I am in the mood for a shitty movie. Might watch a 50s Creature Feature or Fifty Shades of Grey for the fap factor
Nothing atm. Might finish the last episode of the first Campaign of Critical Role tonight (Its going to be bittersweet as fuck tho, I am attached as fuck to the characters, even Keyleth in a way)

The Vecna fight was more kino than literally any video game boss fight tho, even with the missed Concentration Checks
The Familiar Volume 5: Redwood.
Had some pizza
Comfy as fuck. Got a nice new Ottoman so I have a comfy place to put my feet up

Monster Hunter World. Not sure why, as I don't find it fun at all. Never failed a quest, it's nothing like that, but just every single thing in the game annoys the shit out of me, but I can't make myself stop playing. wtf.
Just finished watching Altered Carbon. Damn good show.
peach tea
loli, always
Bad. My best friend died a week ago, and I still can't get it out of my head.

Monster Hunter
Nothin atm
Perpetually catching up with podcasts
This board
Homemade Salisbury Steak
Gween Tea~

RS2 Vietnam, maybe some Cuphead or Salt & Sanctuary for single player late night comfiness.
Going to see I, Tonya tomorrow.
The War on Drugs
An Odyssey. Great memoir that also covers The Odyssey.
Just made some pancakes and sausage.
Unironically Dew
Not atm
Great, 8/10 tonight. Should be a chill weekend with my bros in Discord as we all watch sports and play vidya. Fuck you, Riley and Bryce.

I don't have anything to vent about them. I like them all a lot. I just don't want to be the depressing sadsack but I feel like that's all I am. I certainly don't feel like I contribute much to them positively.


any recommendations? it sounds interesting and i've been looking for something to start with

Gonna try to finally beat Persona 5 this weekend. Really excited. Maybe some Yakuza 0 and DBZF afterwards.
Probably some ecchi. Might try out Keio.
Phil Collins/Genesis
Probably nothing, might finally start reading Monster if I'm feeling awake enough though.
Probably some Wendy's
Gonna drink some red wine tonight, pretty excited about it since I haven't had any in a while and it's my favorite drink.
Probably the same as watchman.
Good as hell. Three day weekend and nothing I'm putting off. Nothing like staying up on a Friday.

Crysis Trilogy
Brother play Destiny 2
Asian Creepshots
Comfy since its snowing out

DBFZ, running 18, krillin and 21 but thinking about switching 21 out I just can't get into her, also maybe some minecraft later
>tfw overexcited for cold steel 2 on pc wednesday and don't really want to play anything else
seasonal stuff, touken ranbu is still comfy
jlpt study books
had some pizza
a dr. pepper that came with my pizza
pretty comfy it's finally quiet around here and I'm enjoying the time to relax

Overwatch and Xenoblade 3DS

Olympics probably


nothing at the moment, maybe start rereading the dark tower at some point soon

pepperoni and cheese pizza my man

a couple beers now and of course water

milfs probably

not too bad, got a little work to finish up tomorrow morning but then just gonna drive home and hang with my family for the weekend. have a good night my dudes

Probably gonna pop FighterZ on - need to git gud with gohan
was watchan fresh prince on netflix but just youtube shit now
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
shitty carling

Casiopea is fuckin' awesome dude. I just bought their first album, cost me about 40 bucks though to import it.

Devilmancrybaby. Digimon Tri, Gundam,
Monk, Futurama
dunno, EDM, reggae, punk
Michelob ultra if anything, resisted the urge to buy a bottle, because its all downhill from there.
Anime tiddies, and traps, and bimbos. oh my
after posting, a little bit better from a not so great week

Yeah importing japanese music usually sucks I've been wanting to get casiopea and tatsuro yamashita vinyls forever but it's always so expensive that I don't go through with it

Kirby Mass Attack, Skyrim
Twitch streamers
Marilyn Manson
Pizza for pizza day
Mt Dew
maybe lolis
fucking cold! Its 10F. Have the space heater on me for hours.

Yakuza 4
Sakomoto desu ga?
D&D 5th edition
Chicken sandwich
Already done
Moderately good, weekend ahead, but my father is in the hospital hope he gets better soon.

It was probably the first import from Japan I had (music wise), but at least it was an unopened CD. Only other imports I've had were two Budgie albums for like 20 bucks a piece, and iirc, the local record store might of imported a Bolt Thrower album for me but it was cheap. I was looking into importing a Fastkill album but found it domestically for cheap.
forgot to comment, good taste. You like bears at all too? I like both.

my local record store is pretty meh I've gotten some decent punk and jazz albums from there (most notably I managed to get a count basie one o'clock jump vinyl there) but it's mostly just overly expensive reprints of classics and metal that I'm not interested in
>You like bears at all too?
not really I'm pretty much only into small cuteboys I could imagine cuddling

Played PUBG and CSGO for most of the day. Not sure what to play next. It's late night and I should go to bed but I'm not sleepy at all. Probably fighting games.
Nothan, some Youtube videos
Listened to Portishead earlier but just switched to Electric Wizard.
This thread
Got some pork and veggies in the fridge that I need to cook. Maybe some noodles with them.
Probably nothan, no plans.
I've been feeling pretty fucking zen for the whole winter. I'm so close to having my shit together and my sociability is at an all time high.

What happened to your dad? All the best for him anyway.

Severe anemia, they don't know the cause, thanks user

My summer car, at 95hours now

Muh dick
My midsummer playlist on youtube
Beyond good and evil, couldn't get past page 2, I'm too stupid
vodka & pepsi
not yet

MHW. Not very far but it's pretty fun.
Youtube I guess.
Sup Forums
Had jerk chicken and rice about an hour ago.
I'll think of something later.
Okay I guess.

Lost Sphear, Doom 3 BFG, and Ghost Sweeper Mikami
Chamber of Secrets
This thread
Cheeseburger pizza
Root Beer
Probably some incest stuff later
Not bad

Dark Souls and Monster Hunter World
Nergigante can suck several spike-shaped dicks
I don't know. Recommend me an animeme.
Sup Forums and Discord
Might order something
Something that will dishonour my ancestors.

>Red Alert 2
My nigga. Campaign? What side/mission are you on?

You can cuddle short bears in almost the same way. I've had cuteboy bf's but always wanted to snuggle a bear

Just not my thing at all, my sexuality is pretty meme

Ah, understandable. That's why the whole world isn't just gay or straight, everyone likes something different.

I recommend Graduation for beginners. It's the most accessible.

Winter Olympics opening ceremony
Sup Forums threads
Made personal pizza's with my girlfriend.
Pinot Noir.
No fap, just shower sex
Rough week, but I'm looking forward to my rainy weekend and excited about my video edit next week.

Dark Souls III with my shitty glass cannon battlemage
Altered Carbon, shit's pretty good. Gonna watch Chef's Table later
whatever the Altered Carbon soundtrack is
threads on Sup Forums and /tg/
Had some garlic crusted cod with sauteed spinach and risotto
Water. Beer is tomorrow
Big ladies
Antsy. Job hunting sucks, I hate not hearing back from places.

who dat

>That's why the whole world isn't just gay or straight
I'm pretty much stuck in meme sexuality territory though, when it comes to 2d I like both regular guys and cute girls, when it comes to 3d though I pretty much exclusively like cuteboys/femboys/traps/etc which I'll almost assuredly never be able to find and have a normal relationship with and I can't really see myself with a girl or regular guy at all in 3d

some Holdfast, maybe some War of Rights if more people get on
dat Charls Carrol Stream my lads
nothing in particular at the moment
The Moon is a Cruel mistress
Boneles rib tips booooi
nah bro, no thanks
alright, my mans came over and we where supposed to go out but he hit the pregame way to hard and is drooling on himself passed out on my living room floor.

Idling on FFXIV, waiting to see if anyone needs some help with anything
Nothing at the moment, feeling like watching something lighthearted
Sup Forums
Homemade cookies
Pretty chill, a bit bored since I can't find what to play or someone to play with but other than that I am alright.

That sounds like a pretty damn nice weekend, but how are you finding GTA 3? I thought it was way worse than I remembered when tried to get back to it.

Battlefield Bad Company 2
Tucker Carlson
Turnpike Troubadours
Creepy /k/ green texts
Garlic Parmesan wings
Cap' Morgan and Arnold Palmer
Naomi Woods or Riley Reid
Mango pods
Comfy. Gotta wake up early, but rest of the day after 1 PM is mine


what server?

dota 2, botw, not sure what else yet
titus andronicus
malazan book 8
buckler, monster, coffee
not today
10/10 weekend

xenoblade chronicles
just got the monado
dbz kai
bladerunner ost
ms marvel
made bbq pork tenderloin
redbull desu
don't know yet. need more hypno feet recommendations

>that first sip

Finishing Corpse Party, then probably SMT2.
Had Pizza earlier, not sure if I'm eating again today.
Some /hgg2d/ stuff.
Alright. Trying to fix my sleep schedule so I've been sleeping at really strange times to eventually get it back to normal.

could it be that it was always so simple?

It's pretty bland these days. The missions are more nuisance than anything else. I find I'm only rushing through them to get to Shoreside. I do like the city still though and find the overall layout better than Vice City (which falls apart after the initial island). I do hate how ever fucking gang has it out for you, and I found that the phone missions (like El Burro and King Courtney) which I dreaded back when I actually enjoy more in my older age. Guess it's because their mostly races.

I'm playing X-Com: Enemy Unknown. Outside of Pikmin it's my first strategy game.

I was doing great until everybody died. That's the last time I try to help Australia

Woah. Actually got a reply about BC2. Usually AWOL Gamers. What about you?

>ever helping ausfailia

Ys: Oath in FElghana
No Game No Life
Biggest Problem in the Universe
Atlas Shrugged
Johnny Walker
Pretty comfy

AWOL aswell or can RAS rush