Start a new game, having a ton of fun with it

>Start a new game, having a ton of fun with it
>Pause after stomach starts to growl a bunch
>Realize it's night time and just spent the whole day playing it without noticing

What games have managed to suck you in like that Sup Forums?


Jade empire, Oblivion, MGS V. That’s all. Most games I get very very very very very very very very very very very very very bored very very very very very very very quickly.

Hollow Knight

Only time I can recall is like a decade ago when I first discovered RuneScape private servers. I got up, logged on, then before I knew it, it was 10PM.


Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon did that to me. I remember almost fainting when getting up to go to the bathroom late in the evening. Realized I hadn't eaten since school lunch the day before.

Advance Wars Dual Strike. I forgot to show up for my friend's wedding because I was playing it.

Kingdom: Classic actually

civ games
I hate them though and I'm always irritated after the first 8 hours or so due to something going wrong

holy shit
how did your friend react

Mario & Luigi: SuperStar Saga

I bought it in the early morning and didn't have enough money for breakfast as a result. I was sick and hadn't eaten anything the day before either. As soon as I got home I played it for about 9 hours straight then my SP died and the room went dark, because it was late and the lights were off. I went to find the charger but fell out of my chair and couldn't feel my legs. I started screaming and calling for help, but I was home alone and totally forgot. At that moment I felt the delayed signals of 24 hours of hunger, thirst and a painful urge to piss.

I crawled into the kitchen and ate a 2 lb bag of baby Carrots in the bottom of the fridge since I couldn't stand up and passed out. My parents came back sometime later and found me passed out on the kitchen floor covered in Carrot vomit. The first thing I asked them was where they put my SP charger.

Do you have diabetes or something?

Been playing since 4-5 PM and just noticed it was almost midnight

oblivion is too janky to play in 2018 right?

civilization and factorio.


Naw, when I was a kid I used to sit cross legged so I just lost feeling in my legs. Never sat that long without any shifting or pacing around before.

It's as janky as any other Bethesda property, you'd be fine playing it now.

any paradox or total war games.

Knights of the old republic II
I liked this game more than any other one but it was a fast experience. 2 days and it was over but oh god was these days the best. I never played it again, and don't want it, this is not a game that you replay unless you are autist.


This war of mine

what the fuck is that

>ate a 2 lb bag of baby Carrots in the bottom of the fridge since I couldn't stand up and passed out. My parents came back sometime later and found me passed out on the kitchen floor covered in Carrot vomit

i cant stop laughing