Game lets you be an archer

>game lets you be an archer
>aiming at the head or extremities don't do anything different

>Sup Forums lets OP be a fag

>weapon clearly connecting with enemy

>Headshots matter in the more kid-friendly Breath of the Wild but don't make a difference in Skyrim.

>posting reddit memes on Sup Forums

Yes, and?

fuck you

Woah now take that shit to Sup Forums

Thats what makes skyrim rpg, you roleplay headshots actually matter

>cheese pizza
>Sup Forums

But really? Did he have to do that to that Jewish guy?! Disgusting!

i would if you post cute snake or animal stuff


U are like little baby
Watch this


Thanks for ruining a perfectly good thread faggots.

Sauce plz


Xcum 2

Do they really fucking not make a difference? I got good at hitting fuckers in the head at long ranges for no damn reason? Fuck me, I must be the blindest fool ever to not realize they didn't do extra damage.

go on

If you really want me to


> You are poisoned!
> you suffer 250 damage (poison)

I'm 99% sure they do more damage against you but not NPCs

Half life 3 when?

>game has a crossbow
>it does more damage than a .50 cal sniper

to be fair that crossbow bolt in HL2 is some super material like depleted uranium that glows orange so it does make sense it does more than standard .50 cal

when does she swallow you?