What do you want to see from Nintendo this year?

What do you want to see from Nintendo this year?

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A few games would be nice, maybe osme kind of reason to own a switch

Metroid Prime 4. New IP that has a bit more grit than ARMS or Splatoon.

A lot more stuff that isn't ports.

My switch library is mostly ports and that needs to change.



A reason to live

They could port New Leaf for all I fucking care, but the Switch better get a mainline AC game. The game is, unironically, perfect for the Switch.


Good games

The company liquidated and second-party developers allowed to go back to making decent games.

Games. I want to see games from Nintendo this year.

Better question, what do you don't want to see this year from them?

DLC and Nintendo should never mix unless free


>what do you don't want to see
Fire Emblem, which coincidentally will have $150 worth of DLC.

Animal Crossing for Switch
Sunshine HD or alternatively Gamecube Virtual Console
Mario Party with the shitty new gameplay style instead of classic
Paper Mario, again, with shitty new gameplay instead of classic

>My switch library is mostly ports

That's kinda your fault because you knew what you were getting.

Maybe look through the eshop and take a chance on something new.

I want to see Nintendo develop and release yet another masterpiece

R.I.P. IntSys, not like they were ever good game developers anyway.

Literally anything I haven't already fucking played at this point.

Literally. ANYTHING NEW.


This desu, I want a new IP that isn't just a multiplayer focused game.

>Yoshi game named, summer 2018
>Metroid Prime 4 footage, summer 2019
>Animal Crossing logo, holiday 2019
>Pokemon teaser, no release date
>Super Smash Bros. "now in development"

If your looking for something new in video games you're in the wrong hobby.

There is no feasible reason a billion dollar company shouldn't have the resources to have a large team working round the clock to get their entire history of exclusives onto the Switch eshop. Game preservation is such a shitshow. Path of Radiance, Eternal Darkness, and Mario Sunshine are still on Gamecube and only Gamecube. Is it any wonder Nintendo gets its ass plundered by pirates?

>Square CEO said they want to bring some of their older titles to Switch

Please square it would be a perfect for Switch's joycon sharing.

Info on Pokémon, Virtual Console based on a subscription fee and with a big catalog, more games from old IPs (except Wii series. Fuck 'em.

More Labo. Shits' gonna flop.



Xenoblade Chrnicles 2 does it right. a Season pass that also funds free updates for everyone. We're getting NG+ next week and it's adding a shitload of content and options. They could have put that behind a paywall but didn't.


Switch Pro as a proper console without a screen and better 1080p output for all games.

Switch Lite with a smaller screen and built-in buttons.

Replace the 3DS entirely and stop making silly dual-screen systems.

New Kirby, Kirby's air ride sequel, more weeb shit like Xenoblade2 and Bravely Default (without the censorship).

Definitive version (Fuck the IOS version) of Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI for the switch when? If they wanted to really be awesome, they'd have a pallet swap like Dragon Trap and the new Dragon Warrior where you can play it in the original 16 bit or the updated graphics.

we can all agree that, of last year's first party games, the only one that somewhat dropped the ball was xenoblade 2 right?


you got that wrong, BotW dropped the ball while XB2 was great

my man.

Virtual console on Switch with gamecube games.

Just release the Online info already. I KNOW they're hiding VC behind it, just get it over with.

*dominates your videogame event and look good while doing it*

woops sorry nintenbabs

4 games I played on wii, Kirby and a cardboard box.

We need more games. It's the1 year anniversary of the Switch, and you celebrate it with a mediocre Kirby game?

Total collapse, dragging all consoles into the abyss with them.

gud gaemus

If I had a magic wish I got to spend I'd spend it on MP4 being good

more cardboard and soy-based plastic toys

Ridley on the Smash roster.

Like who?


I'd like them to make some shocking announcements like "Nintendo vs Capcom" or "We're partnering with Bandai Namco to make a Fire Emblem Action RPG spinoff".

Something along the lines of TMS#FE definitely would fit the bill for shocking game announcements.

No, XB2 was good. Now that it's got those QoL issues patched it's great.

ARMS was the one that dropped the ball for me. Or FEW if you count that as first party.

My nigga

Too bad Capcom are too jewish for this


Take that back, user

FFTA3: Rude Awakening

I'd say that was BotW, apart from being on Wii-U as well, felt more like Nintendo trying out a new and popular style of game and not like a really new Zelda.

Animal Crossing.

XB2 was better than odyssey and BoTW you retarded redditor

FEW for me, it was obvious that this was a cashgrab and even though there are improvements to the Musou formula, it was overall fucked up.

I'm at the point where I want IS to die.

>a game that's never releasing
Haha ok

XB2 was shit you retarded waifufag.

F-ZERO. I will not buy a Switch with no F ZERO

Mario Party is a good one, almost never seen it suggested and it's such a no-brainer.

Don't do this to me, user.


Based soy-repellent poster

Your welcome friendo


Nintendo will NEVER die.

It's okay bro. We all know who shipped 6 million copies of monster hunter, and who didn't. Fucking pathetic nintendies will never do what we did.

Custom Robo Revival

>Switch Pro as a proper console without a screen and better 1080p output for all games.
>Switch Lite with a smaller screen and built-in buttons.

Isn't the first nigga on the left a scam artist or some shit?

I was hoping MP4 but its being made by a third-party so i'll pass on buying a switch still.

Persona killer V

>ITT Starving bingtendofags

>SMT relevant after the shitshows that were IV/IVA.


What multiplatform games are you looking forward this year?
Dead Cells for me.

Etika/Desmond? Yeah I think he he said he helps sponsor them now.

Hey user can I ask you something? Man to man here, I really want to know.
What's going on in your head when you save that image? Like, I've seen the whole nu-male thing evolve into something unrecognizable. First it was hipster pussy bleeding hearts, sure, that makes sense, then it became something about beards or glasses or something which made no fucking sense but at least there was a clear pattern. So it goes through a few more versions and now it's about men who like nintendo and also smile with their mouths open, and this is somehow related to soy and I think SJWs?
Look, I'm just wondering what possible use you saw when you saved that image. Was it an ironic thing? Like you meant to post it ironically? That makes sense to me. That's all that makes sense. I'm not even a Nintendo fan. Fucking loved the GBA but I'm still pretty pissed I got screwed over with my launch 3DS and haven't bought anything from them since. I'm just so fucking baffled by these images.
Help me out.

I own and enjoy a Switch but I don't get where all this apocalyptic-level hype is coming from.
It's a fine console with some fun games but it's nothing to autistically shriek over.

oh shit, i forgot that game even existed. you can throw that one to the pile too.

No console is enough to autistically shriek over. It's just a manifestation of consumer culture. These people will go nuts over any product that becomes popular.

Sup Forums assumes soyboys are the entirety of nintendo fans as a whole.

I'm hoping Star Allies and Tennis Aces are good. Besides those I'd welcome a new Mario Paint. Wii U was the perfect system for it and they fucking whiffed.

Don't want:
The entirety of their mobile outreach is an embarrassment. Let Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem rot away.

No, it's just retarded console warring as usual. They just found something else to spam into the ground

Reminder that the real direct its in 5 days

It's so fucking weird, though. It's the same shit that happened with the NES Classic. It's a superfluous piece of plastic that these people fawn over just "because." They aren't even excited about the content of a product. They're just excited to have a product at all.
What the hell is the point?

If nintendo announces a new Star fox for the Switch with multiplayer online i would buy five.

I don't want to see anything this year.
No seriously, if more time passes maybe the games will be good.

gib milkes


>look at this stuff
>isn't it neat
>wouldn't you think my collection's complete

To grab attention from their social groups. It makes them feel special and validated. "I have the same cool new thing you all have too, that means we're all bonded at some level!" It's basic group dynamics, if a someone sees his friends doing something all at once, he's likely to emulate them. Marketing groups use this all the time in ads.

My Ex-girlfriend told that she would stay with me forever and 1 year later she breaks up with me. I want an announcement.

Saying things is too easy.

She see you buy a ninty console realize she is stuck with a soy kid and break up with you. Good for her

Well, she buyed a Wii u first and then buyed Splatoon to play with me. She loves soy.

>want not expect

Oh boi

Non-turn based pokemon mainline game
Pokemon refresh for mobile
Nintendo phone
Pokemon animal crossing
Pokemon gen 1 amiibo
Pokemon snap

Smash bros 5 with Ridley
Smash bros 5 amiibo

Rare buyout and Banjo game

Nier Automata port
Persona port

Proper Games made about league of legends champions in their respective universes with unique gameplay and good graphics for each

More indie platformers MORE!

Pikmin at least we know is in development, will probably (I hope) be announced at E3 this year. Star Fox 0 was probably regarded as a fluke there because >Wii U, so they don't want to disregard the franchise because of that. Now if whatever they might potentially make for the Switch also bombs, then they might think twice about making more games after that.
