Who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

I'll pirate it first. If it's good I'll support the developers.

Stop shilling this shit game Jesus H. fucking Christ. We fucking get it.

>No niggers in Bohemia!
>What did the SJW's mean by this?
>Dude based dev!
>Witcher 3
>I can't wait to buy nine copies to piss off the sjws!
>I can't be a girl this game sucks.
>MC looks like a numale soyboy cuck
>What are you, gay?
>MnB but shit

There's your entire thread

Accurate, but you forgot the mohun copy paster.

Sadly every fucking thread about this game devolves into this shit and I have yet to actually talk about the game mechanics or story with anyone.

>Deep Silver
>20GB+ Day One Patch
>Marketing to Sup Forums
This sleeper will be anything but a hit.

I'm ready, really hoping for a good rpg. Haven't played one since 2015. The setting and first person styling already has favor points from me.

Oh shit right I forgot



I just wanted multiplayer user :(


is Sup Forums actually a large enough demographic to make money off?

Add >no multiplayer lol no buy

maybe some autistic rambling about clunky controlls

It's because of all the forced memeing from people like

>Witcher 3
you mean oblivion

they beat all the odds against hillary so what makes you think there aren't a lot more out there in secret

No I meant witcher 3 because it's the best RPG made in the last 12 years since Morrowind and it is the best open-world game and blows BOTW (more like BTFO LOL) out of the water based CDPR god I love Poland
based slavs

We need a comic about like those ones where the dude at the end has his face in tears as shitposting goes to the next millennium

liked oblivion, all the witcher games, and will probably like this too. I wish they all had fishing like in OoT though

>is Sup Forums actually a large enough demographic to make money off?
Nah, most of them have taken a hit with the recent GBP to dollar conversion rates.

>is a vocal minority of children that blindly follow in their wholesome christian white parents hatred of da joos a large demographic

been playing it all day already, it's a flawed masterpiece imo

>who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

you can't spell "sleeper hit" without 'shit'

>who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

It looks like it will be a bretty good immersive sim

what mindset should I have going into this so that I get the most enjoyment out of it?

that it's the first game made by a new studio and a very niche one at that

watched a couple of streams these past few days on twitch, and im worried its gonna be garbage. the AI looks like its down in the shitter.

I bought this game to piss the very same SJWs shitting on this game in this thread