Who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

who here is ready for this sleeper hit?

I'll pirate it first. If it's good I'll support the developers.

Stop shilling this shit game Jesus H. fucking Christ. We fucking get it.

>No niggers in Bohemia!
>What did the SJW's mean by this?
>Dude based dev!
>Witcher 3
>I can't wait to buy nine copies to piss off the sjws!
>I can't be a girl this game sucks.
>MC looks like a numale soyboy cuck
>What are you, gay?
>MnB but shit

There's your entire thread

Accurate, but you forgot the mohun copy paster.

Sadly every fucking thread about this game devolves into this shit and I have yet to actually talk about the game mechanics or story with anyone.

>Deep Silver
>20GB+ Day One Patch
>Marketing to Sup Forums
This sleeper will be anything but a hit.

I'm ready, really hoping for a good rpg. Haven't played one since 2015. The setting and first person styling already has favor points from me.

Oh shit right I forgot



I just wanted multiplayer user :(
