First Kingdom Come Deliverance Review

>Performance on PC seems very good - they are surprised (i7, gtx 1070 on ultra = 60fps in rural areas, 35fps in some villages)
>Few bugs and glitches, nothing game/immersion breaking so far
>Good quests and many ways to solve them
>Very authentic and dynamic medieval world reacting to your decisions
>mediocre story (after 30 hours so mid game - that´s why the score could be higher than 70-80)
>starts rather slow and linear, opens up after ~10 hours
stunning world in terms of graphics but animations in dialogues could be better (cut scenes are awesome)
game feels more like a game rather a simulation
score "just" between 70 - 80 because the tester does not know if the rather slow and complex/realistic gameplay is for everyone or just genre fans. Game is really good as for what it is so he is really hesitating with the score.
Could be a pretty good score for the first big game of this company.
>combat is excellent and complex
>each weapon feels differernt
detailed calculation of collisions
>"no game ever has nailed sword fights like KC:D",95568.html

Other urls found in this thread:

>35 fps with an i7 and gtx 1070
>good performance

1 second review
>Open world

It's shit

>Performance on PC seems very good
>35fps in some villages
>i7, gtx 1070
Better be on 1440p or higher.

>Good combat
>Mediocre story
Going to have to be some fucking amazing gameplay because a shitty story can make a game tedious

>i7, gtx 1070 on ultra = 60fps in rural areas, 35fps in some villages

yfw shills are actually trying to save this game on this very board

>Performance on PC seems good
>35fps in some villages
>i7, gtx 1070 on ultra


thats fucking terrible performance though
what a fucking trainwreck, nobody is getting this

>1070 owners on suicide watch


Wait, so the fucking GERMANS gave a medieval autism simulator only a 70? Dead on arrival.

>I have a 970

Oh shit you must be admitted to some ward then

>spend $1000 on 1 gpu not including everything else
>can't even run new games at 60fps without dips

>35fps in some villages
Wonder if this is because Cryengine is shit or because of the modifications they made to the engine

already got my copy early on PS4

what i can tell you
>visually impressive (even at low settings)
>great soundtrack
>great dialogue/writing
>wonky animation/lip syncing
>frustrating combat
>fantastic art direction
>beautiful cutscenes
>mediocre performance
>good story

i've been playing all day and i've only just got to my first side quest (and promptly abandoned the main quest as per every rpg), it's very rough but i expected that and i'm very impressed with it overall

8/10 so far; might go up or down once i've finished it



How exactly, shitposter kun?

>spend over $1000 in a PC
>devs still can't optimize their games properly to run at constant 60 fps
Mate, if you like eating shit go ahead.

guaranteed that this reviewer is a triggered SJW babby, the game is already GOTY, we decided


>autism story
>autism gameplay
>NOT EVEN 60 FPS (framerate police weewoo weewoo)
>muh white peepo
Need I go on?

>Cryengine is shti
If you've ever actually worked with it you would know it isn't
This meme is perpetuated by retards because devs have made terribly optimized games with it in the past and just blame the engine for their failures.

Oh so you're just shitposting. Alright.

tried playing the beta but it ran like shit and crashed after 10 minutes ill just wait for full release with patches but so far if thats the perfomance were getting id rather avoid it

and on ultra

This, holy shit this really doesn't bode well.

Explain why some autistic simulation of the most autistic time period will be fun. Explain how less than 60fps is fun.

More cinematic which in turn makes it more immersive

>Performance on PC seems very good - they are surprised (i7, gtx 1070 on ultra = 60fps in rural areas, 35fps in some villages)
can tell if this is sarcasm

Lmao calm down newfag

hi star citizen dev

Looks ok
shitposters can stick to your by the numbers AAA ubisoft shit

>No forklifts or trucks to be found

Who gives a fuck what the eternal hun thinks

Computing power = ladders
Top of wall = 60fps

This is the state of gaming.


The same website gave ELEX a score of 85.

i'm pretty sure this is the most autistic time period, sped

I wonder if they installed the day one patch and drivers
but considering this is gamestar I highly doubt it, they're too fucking stupid


>i7 + 1070
What resolution? because if thats 1080p its just horrible

Star citizen doesn't use cryengine user

>Explain why some autistic simulation of the most autistic time period will be fun.
hello brainlet

yes it does
looks like i was giving you too much credit by implying you were any kind of developer

Consoles won't be able to run it at all then

Best timeline

What bothers people the most is that devs try to put graphics over performance and gameplay. In my opinion graphics were good enough in Crysis, and that game runs at 60 fps on today's hardware.

They switched from cryengine a long time ago
It uses the modified amazon lumberyard engine

it's because spastics buy games on screenshots
only half of them play them for more than an hour, so performance and gameplay are secondary concerns

>the 21st century isn’t the most autistic
Are you retarded?

>tfw GTX 1060 with an i3-7100 3.90GHz

How fucked am I?

We're past that point already even on Sup Forums. If the graphics were terrible you would have seen a thousand screenshots pointing put every little bad texture with a snarky caption underneath like "THE STATE OF PC GAMES" or "JUST". You can't win with children

not him but agreed. Style and presentation will always win over "TOP OF THE LINE GRAPHICS, LOOK AT THESE FUCKING PORES!"
It's impressive don't get me wrong, and it works great in certain games but so many devs think every game needs that.
But we're also entering a timeline where pic related's nickel and dime bullshit is the norm so what's it even matter.

>Explain how less than 60fps is fun.

You're an actual faggot.

Well seeing how 1060 is in their official recommended spec you should be fine on that part. Your i3 should be also more than good enough since new i3 are pretty much on par with old i7 which is recomended.

which is a branded fork of cryengine, which they moved to in order to (and poached crytek employees to work on) in order to circumvent licensing requirements with crytek

No it doesn't, they use lumberyard now which is based on the CryEngine architecture. Not even close to the same thing.

>score "just" between 70 - 80 because the tester does not know if the rather slow and complex/realistic gameplay is for everyone or just genre fans. Game is really good as for what it is so he is really hesitating with the score.
Scoring a game not based on its merits but because what you think the audience wants is retarded,

Based on the same architecture=/=same engine

It's a lot different if you've ever worked with it I would reinstall cryengine to show you side by side but im not in the mood

So is this day one pirate or what?

no one said the graphics are bad, user
the game is quite pretty, and this is also part of why it has high performance requirements
that's where the third world poorfag Sup Forums contingent comes in to complain about how poorly optimized the game is for not targeting their 6-year old computers, or for having graphics options that enable them to take advantage of high-end gpus (which people would complain about if it wasn't possible)

>some no-name german site that expects me to pay to see what they've got

we already know it's kusoge, bring on the 40-50 scores

>is for everyone or just genre fans
Why do people peddle this bullshit? If modern games are garbage it's precisely because they try to make them "for everyone".

>no one said the graphics are bad, user
the game is quite pretty
I never said they were bad

>already got my copy early on PS4
>what i can tell you
>>visually impressive (even at low settings)
wait what
console games have settings? what's the fucking point? don't they all look and play equally well across every unit? the hardware is the same. who would want to play at anything less than optimal

Oh well that's good news, I think I'd better run on medium at first just to make sure. My i3 may be a bit old but then again I have no idea what I'm on about when it comes to processors


>not targeting their 6-year old computers
No one is saying that. Most of the complaints is that the game drops to 35 fps with an i7 paired with a GTX1070. The game is badly optimized.

No you idiot. He's saying the ps4 is running at the lowest pc settings

Amazon Lumberyard is in no way the same as CryEngine, it's only based off the architecture of CryEngine that was licensed back in 2015. Read up on the development cycle and how it came to be.

I feel like unreal 4 might've been a better option for this game for a starting studio

console games don't have settings, i'm referring to the fact that the console version almost definitely runs around low settings and is STILL impressive

GOTY. And no level of shitposting will ever change that fact.


garbage of the year indeed

According to this article, if you install from a disc your day one patch will stack with the install to a total of 46gb. Digitally installed games will be overwritten with the patch.

According to this article, if you install from a disc your day one patch will stack with the install to a total of 46gb. Digitally installed games will be overwritten with the patch.

According to this article, if you install from a disc your day one patch will stack with the install to a total of 46gb. Digitally installed games will be overwritten with the patch.


no, putting the game on max settings and it not running at 60fps with your midrange gpu is not evidence that it is "poorly optimized"
the best part of all of this is the poster discussing how "crysis was good enough," when it was infamous for its demanding hardware requirements, and was still used as a benchmarking tool for years
the "optimization" that took place for the sequels is why those games had inferior graphics and environmental interaction

don't think maths is your strong suit desu

>First person
>combat looks retarded as fuck and slow as shit

What's the issue here?

Nothing? Ok cool.

Good shitpost.

>Leftist this bumblasted about Kingdom Come getting Game of the Year

where are you getting 12? the game is 23GB and the patch is 23.07GB

Leftist? how does that even factor into anything. Am i missing something here?

it's probably a goober that feels the need to boost this game, because the owner of the studio told some woke shithead to fuck off over the lack of africans in his game like 3 years ago

>looks good=harder to run
I don't understand the pure autism in this thread. This is how games have worked for a long time, you ask for optimization and get a downgrade. Prettier games are harder to run, in other news, water is wet we think.

i installed if from a disc today, it's 12gb and a 23gb patch

What the fuck do you want?
>historically accurate combat techniques

not him but "lefties" have been trying to shit on the game for the tiniest things for months because not enough blacks and lesbian archers

Usually that's done when it looks AND runs badly. See idtech 5.

I've avoided almost all coverage of this game but the only thing scaring me is how insistent every piece is on calling it a simulation. It looks like an RPG. I want an RPG. I don't want to have to drink and eat every five minutes, sleep once a day, or worry about the cold. I want to play a game. I guess I'll have to poke around and see if this is going to turn out to be a shitty grab for the survival game genre. Because fuck that.

>why doesn't your game look like baltimore
>because no one bought your relatives from arabs in my country

just put it on easy mode, pussy

>what the fuck I can't do back flips and aerial spin slashes in a medieval combat game?



If you pick up herbs you have to third person watch your character kneel down every single time for every flower. Calling it a simulation is accurate.

Kang and his chompy water dog

It's a RPG (an oldschool RPG) with multiple realistic other shit added. Characters go on and live life and go though the missions without you if you fuck off. You starve to death if you don't eat. You can heal but it takes time you don't drink a potion and instantly heal 1000%.