Did your school have a gaming club?

Did your school have a gaming club?

Don't know, didn't care to join any.

Yes, sadly.

Yes, I joined it why? because you had to join a club for at least two weeks and the only other Club that still had space was the brony club

>you had to

No, but I started an anime club in high school before I left.
When I last visited there it was still going, 10 years later. The teacher leasing the club is pretty cool. She was able to get club field trips to conventions on school days. So, if you belonged to the club, you could get a school sanctioned trip to a con, miss your classes for the day, and everything would be ok since it was reasoned that if the sports teams and other clubs could go to meets during school time, a special interest club should be able to do the same.

Yes but it was just like me and 3 other dudes playing Tribes/CS in the computer lab during lunch. The web design teacher was chill and let us hang out in there.

Not leasing. The club wasn't mortgaged. That's what I get for being a dirty phone poster.

No, because the vast majority in my high school played video games of some sort whether it was CS or GTA or Starcraft so there was no point in having a club.

No. I'm from the third world.
You get bullied for playing anything other than PES.
I will never understand why Mexico is filled with weebs.

some dumb requirement for extra credits it was either that or service learning
anyway all we did there was play Halo on split screen and drink slushies

Gaming wasn’t popular when I was in school kid

college have a smash group tho. like 40 people playing every fucking day

Middle school and high school no, my uni had tons though which is strange since the school is mostly women.

Isn't "required extra credits" an oxymoron?

>brony club
Wait what?

Even worse, I made the mistake of going into a game development major for college.
I can't fucking wait for my transfer apps to go through.

I wasn't paying attention much but Service learning was pretty much community service and joining a club thing gave you extra credits and took off service learning as a requirement for graduation

No, my school was for the stoners and rejects of the other schools in the district or if you wanted to be in a quiet environment instead of typical highschool shit.

Yeah it was pretty bad, one of them came up to me while I was in the Computer lab and asked me about my favorite pony, I just said the rainbow one and tried to end the conversation there

>tfw a kid at my highschool had thousands of pony porn pics on his school laptop

He more or less got expelled

I technically went to a school for kids with learning disorders, but we would always end up getting "rejects of the other schools in the district".

Fuck do I miss that place.

what school?


Shit taste, lad. Pinky Pie is the best girl. Please, don't ban me to /mlp/.

the brony club thankfully disbanded when I was a junior

>tfw read scott pilgrim for the first time recently and now any cap from this show i think it's from the comic
the art style is so similar jfc

Where's barneyfag when you need him?

My school district, starting with class of 2014 (my class), let's students use laptops for academic purposes.

You're not supposed to download shit and it's keylogged to death, but one dude I knew had a USB with a fuck ton of MLP Porn on it, and during school hours he was looking through it. A teacher saw and she was literally said "what in the fuck am I looking at?" and he got sent to the principals office.

Technically he had his technology privileges revoked, but since the school I went to had to use laptops and shit to teach, they transferred him over to another school.

No, my school was shit and the only games people would care about were CoD, Fifa and GTA.

>telling anons what highschool you went to when the pool would be legit small enoguh that it could come back around to you
yeah no

having said that, the only other guy in my class who I knew was an user was a guy named Bobby, so on the absurdly unlikely chance it's you, Bobby, how've you been man? and if it is you then post proof

Theres a fighting club I think. But I don't really bother with clubs I already have enough crap to deal with.

>tfw my choices were sports, AV, theatre, or some language club
>didn't bother
>apparently was in some writing club I didn't know about, though????????
I think there were some melee events, but I wasn't interested.

>fighting club

My high school didn't have clubs beside a science one. Uh the uni I'm at has a geek society where a bunch of folks play Smash Bros. U. They scream loud enough that I can hear them down from across the hall when I'm tryna play Yugioh

No but there was a /tg/ club, only showed up once due to not having a car/ride but one group was doing DH and the other was a homebrew D&D campaign

No, but I probably should have. Maybe would have kept some friends after college.

What the fuck, are you me? I started my high school's anime club with a friend and it's still going 11 years later. Our sponsor teacher was chill and also helped us have actual field trips to cons. Nice to see a similar story.

Yeah, I nearly got kicked out for tbagging the teacher in halo.

It was full of fat greasy freaks screaming, outcast hot topic trailer trash just being generally disgusting, fat sex freak weeaboo girls drawing fursonas and spouting Sup Forums references, and then there was me and my small clique of dorky girls I grew up with isolated in a corner playing Game Boy and reading comics

We only hung out in there because we were allowed to play games during lunch in there

When I went to college I knew better than to join a gaming club because I knew the type of chucklefucks it would attract

>mfw just joined some career focused club at the last second at my university
I just hate compulsory activities. It's why I never did raids and such for long. Of course, I deeply regret missing out on more network opportunities.

>Go to my colleges gaming society
>Quite a lot of people turned up, including some qts
>End up playing cards against humanity with a group, have fun
>Don't end up going the week after so ask guy in my course who was also there how was it
>Says he looked in and there was only about 5 people, all the ones who were doing the D&D campaign the previous week
>Never went back there


> Joined gaming club in college
> missed every meeting due to class

fucking shit

Man I can feel the disappointment from the teacher

That's not a class, it's clearly an after hours club

Oh is it? I just saw what appears to be lanyard so assumed it'd be a class.

I want to fuck Star Butterfly

please dont

I want to deepthroat her

>not jackie thicc thomas

We had an anime club, and it turned into a yugioh club pretty much eventually.

You didn't go to a high school in Jersey, did you?

I was in a charity club that threw benefit concerts and raised money for the local homeless.

Why the fuck would I waste my time on a video game "club", I already play games as my hobby

Gamers are retarded and make their entire lives revolve around games and gaming "culture"

I'm treasurer of my community colleges gaming club. Our club met Etika a few days ago so that's cool. Apparently the club last year had drama abd thits, dint know why.

My girlfriend and I are also very involved in the cosplay club

fuck no

yes, it took place in the libary where there are 6 tvs. Only 2 were used for xbox and ps3 while the others everyone used to play smash bros on the wii U or gamecube...

You'd probably know, user, so I'll ask you. Is /cgl/ still the cesspool that I remember the last time I visited it a few years ago?

If you got rid of the PS3 you'd have two TVs for other games instead of just the one.

I think this doubled as the game club.

Yeah, but it was basically a Smash club.

They never interested me. They were always normie shit like League of Legends or Smash Bros.

Not him but yes

on xbox and ps3 they were playing COD


same here

I don't go there much but there was a thread that was literally the female r9k. These ladies were tearing each other apart over boob size >

gonna need the source or an artist name, pal.

fucking hell the top 4 guys look like generic slice of life anime shit. i don't know what in the FUCK is wrong with the rest of the two

Oops here's a better link

Yeah, never did check it out though, which I'm sure was for the best

that's fucking hilarious holy shit

>college has game night
>its only smash bros, league of legends, counter strike, and overwatch

I really don't see a point of meetups like this if the games are online anyway. I always thought a monster hunter lan party would be fun though.


Thank you for making me appreciate the shit hole that is Sup Forums.

no but we used to all get on the computers at the lab during resource period and play LAN games of Soldat.

found it, juicesfm
it's new so it's on the first page of pahael


Yes, but it was split between call of duty normies/stoners and elitis smashfag. Literally two groups split across the tech lab never directly talking to one another.

We also had an anime club which I tried getting into but winded up becoming a drama autism hub and had its own secondary smashfag group. I finally left for good when I walked in and saw them playing MLP. Made sure to stare into the window passing by at my friend who was there and shake my head at him. Apparently I made him realize he was wasting his time and he left after me.

Yes. It was a room with a bunch of old systems/games and 2 tvs, and a group of guys in their mid-30s whining about how shit games today are. I showed up once and they just spent the entire hour I was there bitching and moaning about everything modern games are doing wrong while shoving half a Subway footlong in their mouth.

No one even touched a controller the entire time or even attempted to play anything.

nigga that's not semen thats thousand Island dressing ew

>see gaming club at college
>events were on Friday nights when literally everyone except for NEETs have to work
>one Friday I have off I think about going
>the event that night was an inclusive social for women in gaming aka beta orbiter pussy worship workshop
Gaming clubs are trash and not worth anyone’s time.

Not vidya club but

>School has a Japanese teacher
>Japanese teacher selects kids from his class to attend after-school karate class he calls "Japanese Cultural Society" to get it around the school
>It's really full on, intense training
>Attend for four years
>New juniors that year contain a bunch of weebs
>They start an anime club
>Anime club weebs find out about JCS
>Complain to principle that it's elitist and mean that teacher won't let them join
>He eventually lets them in just to avoid getting fired
>JCS has always been a pretty serious traditional martial arts class, there were very strict rules around behaviour in the dojo and respecting students of higher belts
>Anime club gets in with their naruto headbands and start ninja running around the place, wailing on eachother with kendo swords, screaming at eachother about fucking hentai
>Myself and the other senior students try to smack them into control but they just whine to the principle again about bullying
>JCS only lasts a few months before teacher just moves schools
>Anime club kids continue calling me "senpai" around school and trying to glomp me and all that horrible shit long after its closure
>Decided I hated anime
>Didn't watch it again until my 20's

I realise I said principle instead of principal and I will carry that shame.

wow. In high school you had to do community hours. Course I just forged that shit

still does, melee and league players
I was in the melee part for a while but then I realized that it was super fucking gay so I left. And the only ones that played league were chinese and I don't speak chinese so

sounds like it was amazing before it went to shit, sucks man

Not the other user but West Windsor South represent.

the early 2010's were a dark time

No, I'm Australian

*glomps you*

Fat chick in the Professor X wheelchair (who was in an electric wheelchair herself because she was that fat and lazy) and sexy pedophile were dating. They worked at the university and would get into screaming arguments all the time in the parking lot. She ran him over at least once.

Professor X asked me one time to get something out of a closet for her because she couldn't fit through the door.

top kek, I bet the guy who made the poster is probably the only decent guy in the club

>central Jersey
Well, it could be worse. You could be from Camden.

Yeah, but they demanded to inspect my foreskin before I entered so I didn't join.

have any more stories about the odd couple? sounds like an odd time. Also, who drew that anyway?

I really didn't know them, just took classes in the building they worked in and had to interact with them every once in awhile to get stuff for the chemistry lab.

No idea who drew it, I never joined, just thought the recruitment poster looked hilarious.

Is this her or just a different fat chick?

*nuzzles* :3

*notices your buldge 0w0

It could be her? I'm not sure. It was like 5 years ago that I graduated from there.