>want to replay a game
>remember THAT part
Want to replay a game
They're not even that hard, they just deal too much damage and have WAY too much HP.
A nightmare to navigate, and its the first real world
These things. That entire portion of the game sucked ass.
You mean literally the best part of the fucking game?
fucking this. Why is their first non-tutorial world so shit and bottlenecks the player?
The mansion was nothing. Only scares you on the first times. Now the fucking sewer is a different matter.
>want to replay Dark Souls 2
>the whole game is THAT part
too easy
It's not a hard game dude it's for preteens
are there people that legit have problems with this part?
If you want to play a kingdom hearts game at all you have much bigger problems
>Now the fucking sewer is a different matter.
Also, this.
It's skippable but I didn't know that when I had no internet at 12 years old and this killed me
>Oracle of Ages
>basically everything after Skull Dungeon to entering Ancient Tomb
Hell, even the leadup to Skull Dungeon is awful, no wonder Seasons is the better game
>the fucking sewer
Actual casual filter. Not even a good one, it was very short and easy.
Nah, the game shift from dialogue based to combat focused at that point.
lemme me one up you
Ocean House is great and you can speed run it very quickly if you get too spooked by it. Also the sewer is short as fuck. God Sup Forums is such babies.
that part as fucking tremere running out of blood and having to deal with those fucked up no leg things god damn
love the game
Am I the only one who didn't have that much trouble with the sewers? People on Sup Forums make it out to be awful, but on the only time I used noclip was when I got stuck once (stuck as in my character was literally stuck on a wall and I couldn't move). They kind of dragged on but still.
San Fierro as a whole.
>dude follow this train to Los Santos
>now drive to the middle of nowhere to get in my car so you can drive to the middle of nowhere again to take pictures
>dude driving school
>dude supply lines
>dude jizzy
>dude woozie just ran into the middle of an alleyway filled with enemies
>dude lose all your weapons getting onto this ship
Jesus fucking christ, talk about an interesting concept completely and utterly ruined by it's execution
> he didn't just map the axis controls to the number pad and cruise around like a pro
There's dialogue here and there throughout, and it's not like dipping into guns is difficult for a toreador.
Overstayed it's welcome for sure jesus christ
>Am I the only one who didn't have that much trouble with the sewers?
It's not that hard. The hardest part of the game is the Quei'jin temple and that asian bitch who turns into a giant slug
>everything after hong kong
>ocarina of time
>everything before the ocarina of time
That was never hard....this was
>Kotor 2
>Telos Surface
>want to play LP2
>remember THIS
I've done this so many times it bores me, and I just no clip to the locket as soon as I get inside.
>that asian bitch who turns into a giant slug
This is why I will never use wesp mods again. Bug fixes and nothing else for me from now on.
what were they thinking
The only part that sucked about this game, was keeping track of what you were doing after coming back to it after not playing for a couple weeks.
I don't get the hate for this area. Played 1 for the first time last year and years of Sup Forums talking with dread about this area had me so hesitant but it's seriously not bad at all.
it drags on way too long compared to other chapters
how many times do you have to fight this guy?? such a boring battle