

Funny name.

I found a ton of yokai merch in a dollar store a few months ago

Pokemon is very stale for me I have bought every Pokemon even the spin offs since diamond and I am very bored with the series I haven't played yokai watch yet but I might soon

Yo-Kai Watch is just "too Japanese" to be succesful in the West, yes, too Japanese even compared to Pokémon.

It actually looked like it could be at the time. It was the first genuine contender.
People have spent tons of time analyzing why it failed in the west and why it's failing now in Japan. The whole thing is very interesting.

It already usurped Pokemon in Japan. It's only a matter of time. Of course, nostalgic Sup Forums-tards will never admit it.

Has anything that's ever been proclaimed as "the next X" actually succeeded at being the next X?

Catching the Yokai in that game was annoying as fuck. There are monsters that you have a ludicrously low chance of running into, and then the only way to actually obtain them is to kill them and hope you pass ANOTHER rng test.

The Yokai Watch anime usurped the Pokemon anime for a short while. Since Sun & Moon started though, it's consistently ranked in the top 10 for animated shows though while YKW is nowhere to be found.

It's time to stop. This thread wasn't even interesting the first time you posted it, much less the next dozen.

They kept saying this every year since Yo-Kai Watch debuted, Pokemon is the "next" Pokemon and always will be, the Yokai are too visually fucked up and eastern for western kids to get attached to them, and more importantly the gameplay pales in comparison to Pokemon

Whoops, wrong thread.

All three regions post Gen 4 have been based on non-Japanese countries though

Unova = New York (USA)
Kalos = France (Europe)
Alola = Hawaii (USA)

Pokemon has moved away from the "Japanese" setting for the past three generations, the past three generations have all been set in regions based on western countries

I want to cum inside that shota


>It already usurped Pokemon in Japan.

It's not 2014/2015 anymore, user. Yo-kai Watch has fallen off so rapidly in Japan it's almost stunning. The anime is not in the top 10 hardly animation ratings hardly ever anymore, Busters 2 hasn't sold 500,000 yet (despite the first Busters having sold like 2.7 million when it was released in 2014), the merchandise sales are way, way down (pic. related) and the latest movie was a box office dud compared to the previous ones.

Face it, the fad is over. It's a has-been in Japan, and a never-was in the West.

I saw tons of this series merchandise at Barne and Noble clearance table, thrift stores and secondhand stores

Seems reasonable. I live in a small country town, and my nieces have Yokai toys.

>Pokemon has moved away from the "Japanese" setting for the past three generations, the past three generations have all been set in regions based on western countries

To be fair there was barely anything Japanese about pokemon save for the setting being ~barely~ geographically similar to some japanese prefectures.

Probably wouldnt realize it was japanese until you see cities like Ecruteak

Just like when everyone said Evolve would be the next big thing!

Path of Exile > D2

Grim Dawn > PoE

I thought Yo-Kai Watch has already peaked, no?

Kids are gonna eat up the Ultra Guardian Pokemon merchandise when it comes out, and you just know waifufags would love to have a figure of Lillie in skin-tight pink spandex.

>Posted Friday, October 30, 2015

Another article that aged poorly.


>People have spent tons of time analyzing why it failed in the west and why it's failing now in Japan.
Links, please?

It was considered really Japanese before it came out, to the point it almost wasn't localized because NoA thought kids wouldn't get it unless they made the Pokémon more badass and scary looking.
The thing is, kids didn't see it as Japanese, only adults did. Look at something like the Chinpokomon episode of South Park. That's basically how adults saw Pokémon and why none of them could understand it and just called it satanic or Japanese propaganda of some kind.

And while, yes, YW is inherently Japanese in ways Pokémon wasn't, being about Japanese folklore, I still don't think that's what turned kids off. A kid wouldn't see it as Japanese, they'd just see cute and cool characters the same way they saw Pokémon. The problem is that 1) cartoons are not as lucrative as they once were in selling products, 2) kids aren't as willing to try out new full priced games they've never heard of as they are free phone games, and 3) American kids already have Pokémon and YW is too derivative of it to catch kids attention.

Only bad games.

Is this fucking real?

Lillie is such a good character she made everyone switch back from YW to Pokémon

>A soulless franchise to drain japanese kids with random merch
They were right
They aren't nintendo though so they couldn't get billions with it.

Pokemon drains kids worldwide though, not just Japanese ones

not sure if the others are similar, but I played YW2, the target audience seemed younger than pokemon, but the combat system is pretty good. I'd like to see it succeed. That being said, its been around for years and hasn't managed to penetrate the west like pokemon did even slightly until recently.

Probably the reason I specified japanese kids in the other post.

It goes to back how they recently said that they design every Pokemon to have a "friendly" aspect to it; and it shows in how they managed to make a mosquito of all creatures charming.

>satanic Japanese propaganda
That didn't do too well in the West at the time.

What's with that soft-ass mustache?

Pokemon is now a toku?

This is some G-Gundam thing

it won't be. viz are delusional if the actually believe that

Sounds like MMO's proclaiming themselves to be the next "WoW Killer"
As in, never gonna happen.

Here's a better question: since it's obvious that nothing can beat Pokemon, what could Pokemon possibly do to defeat itself? What horrible mistake could Gamefreak/Nintendo make that forever destroys people's interest in Pokemon and causes the entire franchise to implode?

Make it dark and edgy, remove all genwun pandering and all previous Pokémon

Change the base game formula

Seriously - if they deviate from the norm in the slightest, it would kill the game, even if it was as far as "gameplay" goes a better game, because people wouldn't say it was a Pokemon game anymore.

Change the battle system

I don't know about that. I think a big change would get people talking and lead to huge sales, as long as it kept the core appeal.

>since diamond

>"Pokebank isn't compatible with [new gen] because reasons."

I think you underestimate the autism of the Pokemon fanbase. Sure the normal crowd would like it for doing something different, but the people who've played the games for years would cry that ITS NOT THE SAME!!!

For example, BOTW.

Those people didn't stop BOTW from being a success
The thing with autists is they'll buy it either way just so they can complain about it

I know at least one kid who really likes Yo-kai.

I went to see the Yo-Kai Watch movie with a friend and while the theater was far emptier than Pokemon: I Choose You was, there were still lots of kids loaded with merchandise excited to watch it. It's not Pokemon, but I'm glad YW's influence on Pokemon through the fucking Z-Ring toys makes it clear that competition is good for the industry

wow I totally forgot this fucking franchise even existed

I know at least one kid who really likes Beyblade

You, dear user, are absolutely right. I'm still pretty annoyed at Gen 5

I watched some Yo-kai episodes and there is literally no fights. They just make some pranks to random people and then dance together, there are even some episodes with literally no ending the story just abruptly stops.

Coromon > Yokai Watch.

Complete with their own personal flying Ride Pokemon.

It's the same fucking cat-design, every time.
Design something else, even touhou have more youkais than this.

Don't they all? At least the boys.

dollars stores around me always have the yokai shit that walmart couldn't sell

There's literally no quality control for pokemon anymore is there?

Funny, because I always thought that would reignite interest like nothing else. My two major changes would be allowing pokemon to learn more than four moves, but you can only use four of them in battle (pick and swap your four combat moves from an out-of-combat menu). The second would be having a text log so you can read the details while the animations play out at the same time. Seriously, every single round, it's:

>"Pokemon A used move B."
>animation for move B
>slowly watch the health tick down
>"It's super effective!"
>"Opponent C used move D"
>it's a multi-hit move, so the animation plays out 2 to 5 times, with an awkward pause between each one
>watch the health tick down again, once for each hit
>"It's a critical hit!"
>"It's not very effective"
>weather animation plays
>watch the health tick down again
>"A was buffeted by the sandstorm!"
>now I have to watch the enemy's health tick down
>"C was buffeted by the sandstorm!"
...and that's not accounting for any item effects, abilities, or some other such nonsense. In my new system, it would be

>Pokemon A uses move B while text scrolls, animation plays, and health ticks down all at once
>then the same happens for opponent C

What are you talking about? This is better animation Quality than Pokemon has had in years.

The anime is a kids' gag comedy focused around the Yokai of the Week. It and the game are pretty separated sans having the same characters. Also the English version is of course censored.

Buzzwole is the best thing to come out of Gen 7.

Since when can fucking Gabite fly?

>go-like features in every game
>new western devs
>new autistic fanboy devs
>sjw pandering
>all monsters are now the same except for what you equip on them
>build-your-own-pokemon a prominent feature
>no levels


>the exact same bullshit in the cartoons and the exact same game for ~20 years
>ripped off a much more successful mobile game for its silly bs
How the fuck is Pokemon still even a thing


Make the next a belated Minecraft rip-off.

obviously not

Beyblade has been worthless in America for years
But some years ago I went to Italy and there was Beyblade shit EVERYWHERE, those fucks can't get enough of that shit

New gen where none of the old pokemon exist, and cannot be imported.

Is there a 2hu "Pokemon killer" game? I mean, the material is there.

Hasbro bought the international rights to Beyblade.

>Not even remotely popular in the west after the first game
>Pokemon is still popular worldwide
Don't get me wrong, pokemon is tired and nearly identical every new game in terms of what it is.
But Yokai Watch will never beat it outside Japan, not by a long shot. When an average parent knows what the fucking Red-Orange cat's name roughly is, then I may reconsider my stance.

No levels wouldn't even be that bad. It seems like it's literally everything else that makes or breaks a pokemon match, because any dumbass kid can grind levels, but not everyone knows the best moves/items/ev/mood/et cetera for the pokemon they're using. Also, no levels would free up the order in which you explore towns and battle gyms.

It practically replaced pokemon among elementary schoolers a couple years ago, then it bombed and proved to be just another fad. I think popular culture is too throwaway these days, even compared to the levels of the 80s and 90s, for a fad to root itself down and survive across multiple generations like pokemon managed to.

Are their clothes made of Ditto cells?

>Pokemon anime is now worse then when I was a kid
It wasn't good in the first place but holy shit. I didn't think it was possible to make it worse honestly.

Beyblade used to be THE SHIT back in early 2000s

Jesus, please take me back to those days

Bringing back HMs and falling for the "open world every regions at once real time combat MMO with only gen 1 and 2 pokémon" meme """"fans"""" of the series keep trying to push

Blatantly samefagging here, but I just thought of how they could ruin Pokemon: just ruin it the way they ruined Metroid. Let the franchise go quiet for a few years, release a prequel that radically changes the main character (in Pokemon's case, the main character would rather do something lame like be a breeder or a gym leader instead of a champion), then take down a popular fan game and try to replace it with a shitty remake of an older game. They already have the "shitty reamke" part nailed down.

Why are Metroidfags such insufferable babies

>For example, BOTW.
You mean one of the best rated and fastest selling game in the entire franchise that won dozens of GOTY awards? You're not really selling your argument that a different take on Pokémon would flop and kill the franchise if that is what you're comparing it to

I still think Ash's new design looks fucking retarded. I get changing things up after 20 years, but he looks like a potato.

>I think popular culture is too throwaway these days, even compared to the levels of the 80s and 90s, for a fad to root itself down and survive across multiple generations like pokemon managed to.
Good point. Fads come and go faster than ever with social media. Every meme now dies young.

Give into the trend of Western political pandering and create a Ghostbusters/The Last Jedi style shitstorm around one of the games.

Samus Returns was great and Other M came out 8 years ago and everyone at Nintendo got the message that no one wanted that, it's time to move on, autist

they've been saying that for literal years. I don't think its catching on, at least not in the west.

Honestly, I think Fate/'ll take that spot if anything does.

They can't.
Pokemon GO was basically every single bad idea they could possibly pull all rolled up into one ball of shit and it was still the highest grossing mobile game of all time.

They've been letting you play as a girl since Crystal and as various skin colorations since gen 6, no one threw a shitfest like retarded Sup Forumsfags, and neither should they.


>they've been saying that for literal years
More like "OP's been reposting the same fucking article for three fucking years". No one has actually said it's gonna be the new Pokémon since YW1 actually came out in the West

>Pokemon - superior waifus
>Yo-Kai Watch - superior shota

This is fact

>Nintendo got the message
Yeah, clearly the people were asking for Federation Force. That's what people wanted, right? I guess it's time to move on because one unwanted spinoff and one butt-ugly remake saved the franchise forever and everything's fucking shiny and wonderful again.