What game do you want to delet from your memory cause of how bad it was?

What game do you want to delet from your memory cause of how bad it was?

the week I tried to play FF XI with my friends

Final Fantasy fans shouldn't even be considered human

if we deleted it, then we wont remember to answer your question.


silent hill homecoming I guess. It's not the worst I played but I'd want to forget a game that tarnishes others in the series

thomas was alone
it permanently lowered my standards for how fucking lazy and shitty a game could be

None. I don't want to repeat that mistake twice.

Mass Effect 3.
Actually made me quite vidya for 2 years.


I'd like to reclaim the miserable one hundred hours botw took from my life because I couldn't think of anything better to do

Skyward Sword. I know it's irrational, but to this day I still get mad thinking about this game. Sometimes it can happen multiple times per week I just think of all the retarded decissions they made that should have been made by even an amateur developer, much less one of the most renowned developers in the industry.

I pretend it doesn't exist

You don't get it sephiroth. There's nothing that isn't precious to me.


rocket: robot on wheels

What? That game is great.

Is Rocket really that much worse than the other mascot platformers at the time like Gex?

fuck off tripfag

I loved that game. Never got far because I was retarded and the controls were a bit janky.

He is a namefag, stupid faggot.


Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

What this guy said

sixth post best post

Absolute shit. It makes sense why it was only on the shittiest console of all time

>Shittest console has the best paper mario, best pikmin and best kirby spin-off

this and FF XIII
They were my lesson, to not buy something day 1 unless there's a demo and solid enough info to know exactly what I'm getting.

Nigga you telling me you don't like expositions dumps so long there's a save point halfway through?
Get out

>best childrens game console

>linear theme park the game

follow this one path that you can't stray from so you can conveniently appear on the other side of a battling station while your opponent patiently waits on the other side.

Nintendo world championships with that little queef huffer mini wheat.

The e3 with fuckin muppets was cringe

federation force made me literally barf when I saw the trailer.

No amount of alcohol can help me forget.

>Still has more current players than lawbreakers
>Almost as many all time players as Marvel Infinite

This fucking bullshit.

Best Zelda and best Smash too.