Should I resub?
Should I resub?
wait till next expac this one is shitty
probably not. I did because I want to level more guys on my main server though
What's changing? I heard they're getting rid of the awful legendary weapon system and readding class raid buffs & utility spells, which got me hyped.
I heard some shit about azerite armor (?), what's that all about?
Just do private server my man.
There is quite literally nothing to fucking do atm the expansion is over.
Come back like 1 month before the news expansion is out and then just start leveling characters and getting gold. That's what I am going to do.
Right now would be the worst time to resub
>I want to level more guys
>During 7.3.5
You may want to invest in Bitcoin with that level of clairvoyance
if you pre-purchase next expansion yes
if not No
Personally, at this point I'd rather fellate the business end of a shotgun to bloody climax than resub, but you do you OP.
wow is fucking gay
No it wouldn't. Think about it, old players can catch up, especially if they buy the pre-order for the level 110 boost. Then they can just run currently active LFR...if they have the patience for wipes on content that has been figured out.
Play a fucking private server.
when Classic comes out
Honestly unless you are into Raiding WoW is dog shit. Classic WoW won't fix this problem.
Of course it will. It means raiding gear actually is useful.
Which one? Elysium is full of gold sellers and shady bullshit.
>What are tier sets.
Some classes are STILL being forced to use t20(looking at frost) to compete. Fuck outta here idiot.
what the nig are you talking about
t20? we playing BfA now or some shit?
this is classic
Someone meet me on MoonGuard
>Gear in classic WoW
I hope you enjoy speccing for fire resistance.
No. There's very little to do right now other than autistically doing rep grinds or mythic raiding if you feel like you have a big penis/are so devoid of fun in your life that normal/heroic wasn't enough for you.
Legendaries are shit.
Most recent patch made leveling take longer for some reason.
The allied races don't come with the expansion if you buy it, you have to do an extremely time gated rep grind instead.
Please find other video games to play. WoW is a massive waste of time currently.