What does Sup Forums prefer, Dota 2 or League of Legends?

What does Sup Forums prefer, Dota 2 or League of Legends?

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Heroes of Newerth


Heroes of the Storm.

>There was a 39 minute First Blood in LoL pro game yesterday

How can you play OR watch this piece of shitgame? Its literally 40 minutes pve

Adventure Time Battle Party

You realize that means that they are both playing so well the other can't find a breach in their defenses. I love watching matches in fighting games where the footsies go on for 40+ seconds before someone gets a hit.

this is some automated bot shit right?
i keep seeing this message spammed at people who call the game out on its super low risk low skill ceiling.

>N-no our players are just so high skilled you can't understand baka!!!


>literally watches the game himself
>tells others how do they do it

What makes you think I watched that game?

Anyone got that DOTA .gif where theres a gorillion tumbleweeds flying from the side of the map, some shit says WALRUS PUNCH!, theres a dude flying or something then the screen goes dark?


Without getting into an argument on design re: footsies, That's not what is happening in league. Footsies are about faking and control, that 40-min first blood was because of serious balance and design problems. LoL has a long history of artificially inflating tournament times by over-rewarding losing teams and discouraging attacks by preventing players from being able to maintain advantage and you're seeing the results of those design choices yet again.

Thankfully HotS is good now so we got shit to play when we don't have 5 for dota 2

And the best chess matches last hours
That doesn't mean anything

>Implying any MOBA currently on the market has enough interesting mechanics to even compete with DOTA 2 as an esport


>hours before a single pawn is taken

it's about towers not kills so the last one shows a good amount of progress actually

I just get bored when I tried LoL. Laning fucking sucks while Dota's laning is scary as fuck. Dota doesn't seem to matter in laning since the game is decided around the 40 minute mark. It has better and fun teamfights while being a clusterfuck at the same time. Forcestaff and blink dagger just make it so much better and faster for me.


Is that even still up?

i stopped playing regularly in 2014 or so. nowadays the game is stuffed with cosmetics, wagers, emojis, battlepasses and all other sorts of crap that ruins the game's aesthetics for me

attacker is absolute god

Dota 2

This, but unironically. Best mechanics and ballance.

>best balance
yeah no, but I do agree that wacky balance makes for a fun game.

Heroes of the Storm is fun. I feel like your skill matters more because you can't just rely on having higher numbers than your opponents.

I left that game about three years ago. Ballance was great back then. The only thing that could activate one's almonds is that heavy magical damage spike heroes turn useless as the match time goes by. I never thought it was bad.