>stopped enjoying video games
>only 18
What the fuck do I do?
Stopped enjoying video games
Fuck off.
Move out of mom's basement and lose your virginity
You go be a massive faggot somewhere else.
I want to fuck Megumin!
>losing virginity
Shit for horny animals and waste of time in general
kill yourself
>lose your virginity
Not an option
git gud
Start by not browsing Sup Forums and asking it for help.
You could probably start by finding a more appropriate website for your blog posts.
You should IMAGINE
post a craiglist ad
suck your first dick
Literally stop browing Sup Forums for a week or 2. Maybe 3.
It really ruins the mood and makes you hyper cynical
find a job, get said job, realize on of the bro co-workers plays games too
Start playing co-op games
Worked for me
I somehow blew through like 8 hobbies in the space of 5 years. Vidya, Programming, Math, Art, Making music, Reading, Lifting, and hiking.
Jesus christ why is nothing fun? Is this what adulthood is? Kill me oh merciful God
Why is she so perfect bros?
She is my waifu and I love her.
do something useful you fag
Because you are a sick pedophile.
It's called depression, nerd.
Also where's the fucking vidya?
find a real woman to worship
Leave them behind forever and enjoy being successful. Video games give you an unhealthy excess of dopamine which you should be getting from the satisfaction of work, finding a mate, and exercise instead
>being this mad because kids won't fuck him
LMAOing at your life
Learn a language. Russian or Japanese or some shit.
Because she is the perfect size for both hug and fug.
that's a man
Having multiple hobbies is a good thing, it stops you getting burnt out from one of them. Also I really want to fuck Megumin.
I simply stated the fact, how am I mad.
Because everyone who calls others "sick pedophiles" are just jealous pussies who couldn't get any of that sweet young cunt.
I want to cuddle with Megumin!
Jack off
Why do people always forgot the go to answer for any problem?
You can either grow up and move on to more fulfilling hobbies or spend the rest of your life attempting to reproduce the pleasure that vidya brought you as a child, fail, and end up like Sup Forums.
The choice is yours.
Official lewds thread?
>growing up
This is a trick, biggest mistake I ever made DO NOT DO THIS
>What the fuck do I do?
post more lewd witch
I felt like that for a bit once.
you just need to play some really good games, like 8+/10 games.
I'd recommend Shovel Knight, since that was one that made me enjoy games again.
how repressed and angry are you
shes so beautiful dude
literally /ourgirl/ and the savior of gaming
Explore other things. Go get fit, learn to cook, or read more books on topics you think are interesting. There are tons of shit you can do and Megumin is cute.
Slay yourself
She's a disgusting kike
Leave Sup Forums because this place already has too many people who don't play video games. I'm so fucking sick of you jaded faggots leaking out of /r9k/
If you don't like video games, simply FUCK OFF.
Post more Megumin!
fuck off dude you love her
i would do anything for her attention and so would you
we should start a movement of gamers that accept anita as a goddess
Sup Forums is disgusting. it's been like over 8 years, Sup Forums is shit fuck man. there is no hope
trannies are not goddesses
They don't stop coming user. Sup Forums has been like this for years now, sadly. I luckily moved onto other boards (despite posting here right now).
shes a biological women you sexist pig
fuck you
fuck you leatherman
I just want nice discussions about video games. I just wish all the people who don't play games would move to other boards. This place has the potential to be great but it's held back by too many things.
That's how I feel about Sup Forums, honestly. I only come here for the occasional music threads and game dev shit.
And that one time when Neogaf was kicking the bucket.
Unironically Kill yourself before you hit 20.
A lifetime of playing video games has wrecked the reward centers in your brain. Welcome to the rest of your life.
>Move out of mom's basement and lose your virginity
And get an std from the whores we have for women these days? No thank you
Stop playing AAA/indie shit and play games that try to be games.
Be glad you're not 28 and still stuck in the basement. You have time unlike I.
>born after 2000
It's time to become a serial killer, mate.
being arnold in that room
What do you know about women of the past and who did you learn it from?
They were kept under a leash just the way god intended
>Grow up
If you don't enjoy video games anymore sure, but its more likely you're just some depressed retard who needs to figure that out first.
>believing in a sky wizard
fuck off mastema
I'd rather fuck an onahole than put up with a """relationship""" in today's society
The term "cuckold" dates back to the year 1250 at least. Women have never been any less deceptive and disgusting, they've just become more brazen and open about their behavior.
Yeah, laugh while you still can grandpa.
We will fuck android waifus while you will shit your pants in a nursing home.
Design video games. You'll fit right in.
>He doesn't have casual sex with no strings attached
Rough one bud, sorry about that
And I'll finally be enjoying my eternal rest while it's your turn to shit yourself.
>not raising black children
going pussy free and letting your wife sleep with black men in front of you is such a rush
its like heroin dude
all amplified by 1000
its so fucking good theres a reason its popular
People born in 1999 can still be 18
>his life is so shit he would rather die
Absolute state of oldshits
I swear to God I will turn this ship around