Aside from Persona 5, what are some other games that feature female paedophilia?
Aside from Persona 5, what are some other games that feature female paedophilia?
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A 26 year old fucking a 17 year old is illegal but not pedophilia.
Pedo's are interested in people under 12.
This woman is a criminal and a sexual deviant but not a pedophile.
America is posting again
It's actually legal here in Australia, and a decent chunk of the world - age of consent is 16
nobody gives a fuck about your ugly women
It's still a conflict of interest for a teacher to date her student. I've heard straight from college professors that there are consequences if they go out with students
>people still can't tell pedophilia from interest in both grown-ups and small kids
>people still think being interested in 13-17 yo counts as pedophilia
>A 26 year old fucking a 17 year old is illegal
Age of consent above 15 is some islamic tier retardation
I've been with my gf for four years and now I fell in love with that cute 17yo girl from the neighborhood I'm afraid. Happens to the best I guess but wtf do I do now, if I just ignore it just gets worse
15 isn't an appropriate time to have a child
That's not what biology says
no, it's what society says
you can thank your modern world and capitalism for that, along with women empowerment
Age of consent is 14 in Japan, so this isn't anywhere near pedophilia
It's almost like we can have sex without that nowadays
Muslims are the ones who fuck underage girls, you’ve got it backwards.
Human life isn’t the same as it was tens of thousands of years ago. You can’t expect to be a competent mother in the modern world at age 15. Like come on man, think about it.
THIS game
All these people saying 17 is fine are arguing implicitly that Kamoshida did nothing wrong.
>aussie girls
You're a daft cunt arent you?
>forceful subjugation and abuse
>a few months of friendliness, moral and financial support, two way understanding and acceptance
Totes exactly the same
I think there's some thing where it's only if they're both minors. Like, it's still not okay for a 30 year old to be banging a 16yo without parental consent or something.
Jesus Christ I can’t count how many times I’ve refuted this point. The primary reason what kamoshida did was wrong isn’t because he fucked underage girls, it’s because he took advantage of people when he was in a position of power over them, not even to mention the physical abuse. When it comes to the relationship between the MC and the teacher it’s 100% consensual, so it’s not like kamoshida’s at all. The kids kamoshida assaulted basically had to choice but to grit their teeth and bear it.
>anonymous delivered
my brother
Now all I need to do is find that full Hidori Rose Makoto photoset and I'll be set for life
13 and 17 are pretty different most of the time
Literally on sadpanda right now
She's a far better Makoto, even considering how close her eyes are
Fucking hell no it’s not. Each of the prefectures gets to set their own age of consent like states in the US, and all of them have it set to 18. The absolute lowest the government let’s them go is 14 but none go to it. Jesus so many people regurgitate shit they know nothing about.
Why is she so much hotter with her usual messy hair? Seriously, that maid version can't even compete.
>not a single instance of maid outfit + messy hair
Such a shame
There was an edit of the sprite with messy hair, anyone got it?
Why don't pedos just go to somewhere like Mexico where the age of consent is 12 instead of molesting kids i their own country where it's illegal?
12+ isn't even pedophile material. Why don't you go someplace where being a dumb nigger faggot is legal
>that rapid decline at 20
Fucking shit taste
Go back to raping your child bride Muhammad, 12 is pedo.
Sex hasn't been about children for more than half a century. And it hasn't been solely about children for millennia.
It's already an observed phenomenon within most mammal species to go through puberty and be reproductively ready without being mature enough, not just humans. On top of that, the current state of society makes it extremely difficult to properly raise a child at the age of 15.
>The only good girls in P5 are the older ladies
Really makes you think.
It's like saying 50 y.o. gilf is pedophile, because she's fucking with a 25 y.o. Chad.
worst girl
14 year olds in japan can indeed consent to sex, but not with anyone over 18 you pedophile weeaboo. Go do some research.
Kawakami deserves to be locked up for commiting the crime of stealing my heart
Thread discarded.
I never knew she was a Phantom Thief
yurop age of consent is 13-15 which is completely normal
You's DA man
I believe it's within three years of each other?
damn what a degenerate place, good thing the teachings of allah is taking root there.
So we can fuck 10 y/o and have harems?
Legal in Texas. We're not uppity like the northern folk.
State of society > biology. You can't just raise a child by yourself at age 15 in the age we live in, assuming your partner doesn't dump you and he's of similar age.
>A 26 year old fucking a 17 year old is illegal
Only in the absolutely most retarded places of the world. AoC in Japan is 13.
AoC in America is 12, checkmate
No it's not.
hey, that's what you weebs like right?
>3DPD kiddies
Ewww no
no it's not you fucking moron
My negro.
Nature also doesn't include condoms but I don't recommend forgoing them when you bang that prostitute you will inevitably lose your virginity to.
My cousin (female) started dating her husband when she was 25 and he was 16, same age gap as Persona 5. Before that, she dated another 15yo when she was in her early 20s.
>she's 13, that means I'm not a pedo REEEE
What mental gymnastics
Kiwi girls are better, off yourself you irradiated shitstain.
10/10 Would fap again.
>A 26 year old fucking a 17 year old is illegal
Japan's legal age for sex is actually 17 so no she is not a criminal.
Pedophilia: interest in prepubescent children (Everything below the age of 18 is pedophilia
What mental gymnastics
>I'm NOT A PEDO! I only like childlike girls right before they hit puberty!
That's how it works in Sweden. AoC is 15 but that only counts if both parties are within the same age range.
I want to die
why the fuck would anyone want to date a 15yo? They are all retarded as fuck
Uni prof here. What happens depends on the University but every place I've taught has a morality clause or code of conduct. If you get caught with a student who you currently teach you are turbo fucked. If you get caught dating a student who you've never taught it's typically ignored with the understanding that you cannot have that student in any of your classes going forwards
Most people don't. You fuck their brains out for a few weeks at most then block their number and never see them again.
I seriously don't understand this chart, on what fucking planet are even 50 percent of females of any age sexually attractive
>If you get caught with a student who you currently teach you are turbo fucked
I want to read this hentai
Well, your situation is a bit different since the people you teach are pretty much adults under the law. If they want to fuck your wrinkly 40+ old ass it's their choice now and mommy and daddy can go fuck themselves. All you would have to worry about is the conflict of interest, not the legality of it.
>american education
What are some games that are just about pedophilia?
This is such bullshit. Why can't I, a 27 year old girl fuck a 15 year old boy if he wants it?
>ywn be 15 and sexually used by a older woman who just ups and dumps you as soon as you start to get too dependant of her
>implying they're not more degenerate than boys
While you fap to casual virgin rape gangbangs, they fap to hardcore loli bestial anal vore like a chad.
Because young people are stupid and easily manipulated. Teenagers sit somewhere between "Candy from a minivan" retarded and "Take out a 5 digit loan for women studies" retarded.
In other words, they want retarded people to stick to people of their same intelligence so they can't be taken advantage of or manipulated by someone wiser.
>your wrinkly 40+ old ass
user I'm only 29. I still look like I'm in highschool as well. The cheekier fuckers call me out on it and they get points deducted on their papers for that shit.
Your supposed to dominate her with the cock and turn her into your hot older wife user
>people are pedos for liking Futaba
>but Tae and Kawakami aren't pedos
something isn't adding up here
>ywn be girl chad
Suddenly I feel so inadequate
And where's the fun in that?
It's almost as if there's different people with different tastes and values and moral compasses and all that other shit posting in 4chins and you're so stupid you fall for the whole "Annonymouse thinks it's this so they all think it's this!" routine.
>loli bestial anal vore
I wouldn't be suprised if such thing existed.
Persona 3 Portable
It depends on what prefecture but it's mostly 18