Name a better platformer

Name a better platformer

hint: You can't

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Rayman Legends

I've played the demo, it sucks.

2d indie SHOVELware knight
anyone can shit out a super mario world romhack and this one is just that. a rom hack.

Super Mario World sucks though, every 2d mario is bad.

when is that last dlc coming out?

Should be this year

I'm totally sure you've actually played the game and aren't just flinging buzzwords around at random.

I want to play it but I didn't really enjoy specter of torment

Objectively false.
I'm honestly still convinced people like the game solely because the MC is a cute little girl. I've yet to see anyone give any compliment more specific than "it's fun".

Same, but I feel like that just stems from them not having much in mind for Spectre Knight. He's just kinda a slower Shovel Knight who can climb up walls.
That being said, I have absolutely no idea how they can make King Knight interesting. They really should've saved Plague Knight for last, he set the bar way too high.

I think you mean plague knight. Spectre was just as good as shovel

Plague of Shadows is the best campaign

I honestly don't know how you can say Spectre was any good, let alone better than Plague Knight.
The whole thing felt piss-easy in comparison to Shovel/Plague Knight, and that's even considering Plague Knight's ability to fly around everywhere. The final boss way way easier than Plague/Shovel Knight's as well to a massive degree. Aside from the rails in the castle and I think one part in Polar Knight's place, I don't remember anywhere that actually utilized the grinding ability, and the wall climbing goes pretty underutilized as well.


2D Mario is so boring

>Aside from the rails in the castle and I think one part in Polar Knight's place, I don't remember anywhere that actually utilized the grinding ability
The final boss? Did you play the game?

Explain how (non-"New") 2D Mario games are any more boring than any other 2D platformer.

I beat the boss on my first try, I honestly barely remembered that the whole thing was on rails because of how brainlessly easy it is.

Whoever voted for King Knight over Treasure Knight should be shot


It was up to a vote?
Why the hell would anyone pick out King Knight over literally any of the other knights?

shovel knight more like shovelware

All you do is go foward and jump over stuff

How is that unique to 2D Mario games and not something in every single 2D platformer ever?

Yeah it was voted on during the kickstarter iirc. As for who wanted King Knight, I couldn't tell you.

Those games suck too

Mega Man 9

>Plague Knight's ability to fly around everywhere.
and randomly fall into every songle bottomless hole. Like 70% of these deaths are from random falls after double jump.

That's why you use the vat and float casing

You played through the whole campaign and never figured out how to control your momentum or save yourself from pits? How?

The vote was held before the release, so people could based their solely on character design.

Plague of Shadows is better

*people could base their vote
I'm drunk

You're right

I don't know, maybe I just suck at video games.

Why are you in this thread if you hate every 2D platformer?

Predict King Knight's gimmick, Sup Forums.

SK is good too tho.

I have literally no idea what it could be.

Any mario game

Cuphead is a little more understandable, I think I died somewhere between 120 and 150 times and 90% of those were the fucking robot


So he has Mario's spin jump and Wario's shoulder bash plus being able to use it in the air and to wall jump with?

No it's king knights jump and shoulder bash

Even trash like Bubsy II is better than Shovel Knight.

We're all very proud of how much of a hipster you are, user.

Hollow Knight.

Seems like it'd get old pretty fucking quickly. Shovel Knight already has a bounce attack, the only difference here is a wall-jump, which Spectre Knight already had to an extent.
Again, it really comes nowhere close to Plague Knight in terms of mechanics.

That's one hell if a game. I wouldn't say it's the best but it sure felt like it

I don't hate Shovel Knight because it's popular, I hate it because it's a shitty game. The music and pixel art are fine, but the level design and game mechanics are absolute trash.

Also the fact that Shovel Knight gets shoved into every indie game Kickstarter as a guest character only serves to further water-down the IP.


Spectre was easy, but fun. Plague Knight has a super awkward moveset and way of attacking, I know that this is on purpose and I enjoyed it for the novelty, but I didnt like it as much as playing as Shovel/Spectre.

Plague Knight has a super nice flow to his playstyle. The level design was really good for him. It felt like playing some Ninja Gaiden Black shit in 2D.

Shovelknight most legit though.

>Level design
I can't really agree, outside of Spectre Knight, which was overall a downgrade from Shovel/Plague Knight with levels that seem to drag on far too long.
Generally mechanics don't get stale, each level introduces a steady flow of new enemies/mechanics, they rarely re-use mechanics on recurring levels, etc.
Hardly. Shovel Knight has a pretty good balance of movement, attack, and utility items that you can use to get past shit in unique ways, and it goes without saying that Plague Knight has a massive library of bombs that let you come up with the perfect bomb to combat every enemy, it's fun to mix and match and see what you can get. Plus, the jump ability lets you soar through levels once you get good at it.
>The fact that Shovel Knight gets shoved into every indie game
That doesn't really bother me, but that's mostly because I don't tend to play the types of shitty indie games he gets shoved into. I agree that it's pretty forced, but I can't blame Yacht Club for taking an easy paycheck.
Also, it hardly effects the game, let alone what I think of Shovel Knight as a character.

I wouldn't go so far as to say Shovel Knight is the best platformer ever, but it's certainly far above average.

Plague Knight is OP as fuck

I hardly think Plague Knight's moveset is awkward; honestly, I found it way more slick than Spectre Knight's. You rarely get a chance to use the grind ability, and the air slash attack just makes every single solitary enemy encounter as easy as jumping and pressing attack over and over. Meanwhile with Plague Knight, you can blast-jump through everything, chuck bombs to extend your jump, and double-jump to extend it even further, all the while keeping your air speed, which lets you fly through levels.

You mean Ugly, Boring, Slow Shovel Knight?

yes, he bypasses platforming sections and shits on bosses mega hard, but I still didnt enjoy playing with him that much.

I convinced that at least 80% of players who praises Plague Knight played it before charge-jump nerf.

I played it 2 weeks ago

Make way for best Matroidvania ever made.

Never heard of it