El Diablos...
El Diablos
Bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
El nergigante
oh what pretty eyes he has in world
>farm B.Diablos alone for horns
>ez shit
>help out some friends getting their shit
>he spazzes out for over half an hour
fuck that guy
La AbominaciĆ³n...
i refuse to acknowledge the matriarchy
This from Monster Hunter Online? Fucking hell it looks horrible.
black diablos are female only user
Party mode is hard mode.
I'll gladly take her off your hands, faggit.
pack sonic bombs
>fight diablo with dual blades
>farm high rank diablo with dual blades
>fight tempered diablo with charge blade
>first fight EASY
>two other fights extremely horrid rng for me
>fail 2 times
made me want to quit for life since i suck
La conejo gay
>plays DB
>thinks his opinion matters
I don't understand what the issue is with DB.
is it because you want to feel like a special snowflake using HH you faggot?
shut up
i plan to play db on pc release, and over the years ive hunted with hammer, lance and swax
its whatever you find fun fag
>they are proud of playing with a braindead weapon
explain why it's braindead, and then tell me what isn't braindead and then MAYBE I won't think you're a retard
yeah except every weapon has a high skill ceiling in fucking monster hunter
just because the floor is low doesn't mean its for peabrains like you
canon. not cannon
I bet you play HBG as well like a true brainlet.
Nope. GS, DB and CB
>tfw hammer main, DB secondary, lance third
this is the good life
are diablos or any dragons physical attacks considered dragon? thats what dragon defense is for right? what about regular defense? how does that play into the equation?
[autistic screeching]
i wanna try playing lbg. which one is good. which mod should i get