Whatcha playing today Sup Forums?

Dungeon Keeper 2 and keep getting my ass kicked by Dancer in DaS 3.

still high off that dick i sucked earlier

doing laundry

maybe porn

Sega's ports are really quite decent. I might pick up Bayonetta soon, but DW9 and Kingdom Come are both out Tuesday.

About to finish the Little Nightmares DLC and then probably going to finally finish Black Flag, pretty much stuck playing games that are great with a controller since I destroyed my mouse in a drunken rage.

Persona 4 undub. Trying to get max social links in one play through. At the strip club right now. Probably underleveled since trying to do the entire thing in one trip is giving me trouble.

Need to beat the final boss of Red Faction 2. He's the kind of high damage output/ small arena/bulletsponge combo that gives you cancer and has a second phase on top of that with a rifle that takes off a life bar with every hit, you've probably got 1 or 2 left by that point and can't dodge forever. Oh, and an unskippable fucking cutscene after the checkpoint leading to the fight

If I finish that I can get back to Sudeki and maybe start having fun again

DOOM and TF2.

there's something wrong with that image. i mean, the cookies, tea, and the snow outside the window are cool, but how am i supposed to see it as cozy with the guy wearing a cap, a scarf, and a blanket. it must be so fucking cold in that room

Shadow of the Colossus on PS4, just beat the 7th colossus. Game is still so god damn amazing.

Overwatch, about to have a session of comp games before I go exercise.

The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival later, gonna grind a bit to start the Bad Ending. Doing so in the tower so it's new story while grinding as well which is neat.

think it's just the hat really, blankets are cosycore

nothing because i am too nervous

Wileout 2048 since they are shutting down online service next month

Did all the extra chapters in Corpse Party. Gonna finish reading Higurashi next with SMT2 sprinkled in when I feel like it.

Playing Witch and the Hundred Knight:Revival right now myself, also working on Bad Ending in the last part of Chapter 11 right now.

I'm staying in a hotel for work, so took my laptop and playing The Count Lucanor. It's sort of a horror puzzle and decision making game with a charming story and great atmosphere.


games arent fun anyways

I have a jail broken ps3. Is this worth a go?

I have to go to work

Playing a match of Hearthstone while this movie loads; 'The Fifth Element'. I have planned to make a tillering stick when it warms up a bit and to chop the rest of this wood up to finish the saya I'm making for a junkyard katana. Might make a rope if I can find some proper plant fiber around here. Will also probably drink a fair deal of vodky and play MHW well into the night.
thx for asking

Depends on what you like.

The games draw is its characters, story and music, it's a real rollercoaster ride in those regards and a lot of fun due to it, but the gameplay is rather simple and repetitive (it's a top down loot-based hack and slash ala Diablo, but not particularly deep).

Very rough around the edges but if you like the characters and story it'll really draw you in. For me it's honestly one of all time favourite games, but also not one I would easily recommend.

Avoid the PS3 version as it has a crashing bug that causes the game to crash seemingly random pretty often, I had it happen 10 times in about 60 hours (though I believe with a jailbroken PS3 there is a way to fix that, no idea how though). PS4 version is better as it streamlines the gameplay slightly, adds a new dungeon and a bit of side story and doesn't have the crashing issues.

I haven't played the PS3 version but I heard the game crashes in some areas and it doesn't include the Tower of Illusion.

Wanted to finish Rabi-Ribi True Boss rush on BEX, but I'm too exhausted now. Each attempt takes over an hour.