Blizzdrones defend this

blizzdrones defend this

>black guy in c tier
thats racist man

How are these tiers determined? Which update and which mode is that? What's the point of a "+| tier? What is the data selection for each game? Is OP a faggot?

Wheres Widowmaker?

I don't even play those trash games, but if there is no c tier, b tier would automatically be the equivalent of c tier you fucking retard.

I hate this game now that Mercy is a must pick if you have any desire to win.

Can't tell if I'm fucking blind or just too tired but where is widow?

D Tier
As in getting dicked

>the only good amazingly designed hero bomb King is S tier

At least they know their priorities. Also this tier list for overwatch is old as shit. Mercy is shit tier.

I can explain easily. In general paladins have a very small player base with limited amount of meta discussion for a meta or a changing meta.

In paladins it is so uncompetitive that more heroes are viable compared to the latter.

There is millions of players playing try to get an advantage over each other where paladins is not as competitive with a smaller user base.

Thus more heroes are viable. Are you a fucking moron?

In the same way heroes of the storm has a much larger meta pick selection than Dota2 or LOL. Simply because the game is less competitive and has a smaller competitive user base.

Did you just start calling names because you angered yourself realizing you had so little to say that you had to say it twice?

ehy did you even post?

>still S+

>literally posting U MAD when you are the showing any anger

Jesus fuck people are stupid

> comparing a meta with millions to a meta barely having a thousand

Me so smart

mostly just noticed a surprisng weak post, with the final thought, repeated in the next sentence.

then the inexplicible calling of the moron, which just felt out of place. like you angered yourself. your best is low quality and would have been mid quality had it not been for the moron comment at the end. really wasnt needed. ruined the legitimacy of your whole post.

Licking up salty Mercy roastie tears is so tasty. Glad shes garbage now.

You are by definition mad.

OP is always a faggot moron

I'm calling bullshit. This clearly isn't post patch because Mercy is S tier and it definitely isn't from the past 5 months because Lucio and Rein are relevant while Orisa and Hog aren't.

Did you just make this up?

You're a few weeks late, friend. Moira is the ace healer now.

She's not garbage but she isn't a must pick anymore, thank god. People will adjust soon enough.

But the other black guy is in A tier

Why are people mad about Mercy always being picked? This game picked up a lot of former TF2 players and functions nearly identically to Medic.
People playing a game wanting to win are going to want a healer every game.

Unlike tf2 there's more than one healer. People would like to be able to play the others.