you just have to learn to let go over the fact that weapons that you worked really hard to get, love the look of, love using and really fit your play style will break within a few hits and you'll get to use a weapon you don't like or go back to get the same weapon again.
once you accept that it's fun.
Jackson Cruz
Interpunction. Learn it.
Ryan Bell
Where'd you get that sword? Is it an amiibo thing?
Liam Murphy
I did, and it's not fun to constantly mid combat change weapons, or use one of the crappy weapons the enemies got.
Luis Robinson
>thats the joke
Michael Johnson
I haven't played this game and I have a question doesn't this make you feel like the "consumables dilemma"? not using them because you'll probably need them later
Luis Campbell
pretty much yeah it's infuriating, you literally have to learn to let go and just use shit. there are plenty of weapons but so many of the cooler ones are rarer.
Landon Walker
>crappy weapon
if you play more than 2 hours the enemies have weapons more powerful than those in the chests.
but yes brittle weapon sucks.
>A CHEST! >plesenotaweaponpleasenotaweapon
Joshua Adams
but a lot of the enemy weapons just look like shit
Nathaniel Allen
>whoops its raining to you can't climb now and there's literally nothing you can do about it
fuck off
Dylan Ortiz
yes that's another problem they are shitty looking.
somethimes you get a goblin with a royal guard sword but that's rare
Blake Phillips
It kinda fixes it except for those weapons that you need to put money and resources on (the ancient ones).
Evan Perez
>there's literally nothing you can do about it
find cover and start a fire. you can make time pass and the rain goes away.
i swear to god 90% of people who complain about this game are brainlets.
Josiah Brooks
People say it doesn't matter because you'll drown in weapons anyway, sure but it doesn't get rid of the sour taste this terrible system leaves.
Sebastian Ross
not really, no.
Angel Edwards
who are you quoting?
Leo Morgan
Imagine if armor had durability limits.
Brody Gomez
From the Ganondorf amiibo, yes.
Isaiah Morales
>not keeping track of where your favorite weapons spawn
You can even place markers on the map.
Zachary Clark
>People bitched about this in Souls 2 until it was fixed.
Brandon Foster
You do realize that weapons found in enemy hands, or lying around, respawn after every Blood Moon right? That's why they gave you that weapon stamp for your map, so you can mark down locations to find the same stuff again later.
Hudson Kelly
>Useless busy work is “fun”
Nolan Richardson
Nobody said it's fun. What it is is "not that big of a deal".
Jackson Morris
Sup Forums is too retarded to know that and if they do know they refuse to acknowledge it as its the only thing they got about this game to hate on.
Game releases Sup Forums - its great game Game gets popular Sup Forums - its shit, i NEVER liked it to begin with
Jacob Baker
You can though, and with food/potions and climbing gear it's pretty fun actually. You just have to look for places where you can stand on cliffsides to rest mid-climb. I climbed up the southern dam wall of Zoras domain in rain.